Comforting a heartbroken Friend作文200

时间:2023-04-30 09:58:48 200字作文 我要投稿
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Comforting a heartbroken Friend作文200字

Dear David,

Comforting a heartbroken Friend作文200字

  First of all, I am so sorry to hear that you broke up your girlfriend. I know you must so sad now because you have know her a long time.

  All sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. We always cause many difficulties in our lives but we have to hold it on and continue to go ahead. In the future, we will experience more gloomy days like this. These things will bother us but they can't beat us. When you confront those things which you feel painful, you will become stronger and stronger. All of these are just infinite steps in the trip of growing. After many years, you will find these things are as small as sand.

  Let it go, my brother! We always need to think about our tomorrow. However you miss her, you have to live alone now. Cheer you up as fast as possible. Maybe you will cause your true love in next moment.

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