
时间:2024-07-03 16:46:27 英语作文 我要投稿


  Basketball is the shooting, Basket and dunk against sexual sports, one of the two teams to participate in, each team played five players, the purpose is to put the ball into the other side More pictures (70) The ball in the basket score, and prevent the other party for the ball and score. A basketball game in a variety of forms, including the most popular street basketball game three. In today's world the highest level of basketball league is the American basketball league (NBA) game. Basketball, create time for January 1892 (another theory is that in December 1891). Created for the American Massachusetts state field, the ymca training school teacher zhan mu, Dr Naismith. Men's basketball was included in the Olympic Games in 1904, the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games will be a formal project. While women's basketball became a full to the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. Basketball points for the forward, center and defender. Free throw shooting score a point in the game. Basketball match is in the 28 meters long and 15 meters wide to field.


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