
时间:2024-04-29 17:07:55 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  showing ones best is essentially different from showing off. it is a quality not everybody can be good at. in order to do so you are advised to do three things. first, you should equip yourself with the best knowledge you can acquire. only thus can you be confident of yourself. second in importance is a good command of verbal skills. this is how effectively you will be able to make yourself convincing. my last advice is modesty. dont let others suspect you are being arrogant and showing off.

英语作文300字 篇2

  Dear ,

  ① I am very ______ to know that . ① 写信的原因 ② I'm looking forward to . ② 表示欢迎

  ③ I'm afraid that ③ 表述建议理由 ④ I'd like to suggest that first……then _ . ④ 提出建议

  ⑤ I believe this kind of arrangement will________________ ⑤ 有说服力

  ⑥ Moreover,if _____________ , ⑥ 补充建议

  ⑦ It is necessary for you to . ⑦ 提出建议 ⑧ With_______________you will . ⑧ 建议理由

  ⑨ Wish_____________________________ ⑨祝愿

英语作文300字 篇3

  “叮咚,叮咚”门铃响了,我去开门,只见是爷爷。他满头大汗,手里捧着一本英语书,奶奶见了,嫌弃的说: “你这老头,说要出去买东西,没想到买来一本英语书……”还好有妈妈来解围。要不然,一场口水大战就要开始了。

  爷爷走到我面前,用请求的语气对我说:“孙女,你能不能教教我英语?”看着爷爷那忠诚的眼神,我无可奈何地对爷爷说:“好吧 !让我先考一考您的基本功吧!”我拿出一张英语四线纸,写出前几个英语字母,后面的请爷爷写。爷爷看了看,胸有成竹的对我说:“孙女,你是不是小看我了?虽然我已经87岁了,但A B C D这些我都记得一清二楚,看我的'吧!”果然,不到一会儿,爷爷就写完了,他把那张纸交给我,我打眼一看,全错!我失落地对爷爷说:“爷爷,看来你必须从基础开始了!”我从仓库里拿出一个白板和一支记号笔。开始从“零”开始。

  经过365天的努力,终于学成了。当我问起爷爷为什么要学英语时,爷爷一五一十地告诉了我 。原来,那天爷爷去买中午饭,一位老外问他银行在哪儿,由于听不懂英语,伤害了爷爷的自尊心。


英语作文300字 篇4

  It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen! Oops! What an unlucky day!


英语作文300字 篇5

  The successful person in my mind is Lang Lang.

  He is one of the youngest and most famous pianists of our time. However, his success came at a price. He spent most of his time practicing playing the piano when he was a little boy.

  At the age of 17, he became famous after he was chosen to play at a musical event in the U.S A.Lang Lang’s experiences tell me that hard work leads to success and chances belong to those who have made good preparations.

英语作文300字 篇6

  I’m a primary school student in Taiyuan. My name is Wang Fei. I’m twelve years old.

  All my teachers are very friendly to me and I like them all.

  I’m a tall girl. I have long black hair and big bright eyes. All my classmates say I’m pretty.

  My favorite sport is ping-pong. I often watch ping-pong games on TV.

  I like listening to music. I’m good at playing the piano. I want to be a pianlist when I grow up.

  I also like reading all kinds of books. I can learn a lot from books.

  Reading helps to open my eyes. Books are really my best friends.

  They will lead me to a bright future.

英语作文300字 篇7

  Things Happened in Spring Festival Today, I went shopping with my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a rare occasion because we hardly only get together few times in a year as a big family. On the way to the shopping mall, we watched the lion dance. Overall, we had an unforgettable day.











