
时间:2023-09-12 13:34:33 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1


  There is a good news, my mother gave birth to a baby, I am very happy, but also feel very troublesome, the baby in addition to sleeping is eating, and then is crying. His face is fat, red, mouth and eyes are small, legs and arms are fleshy, always curved, but still pretty cute.


  Today, I was playing with him in bed. When I moved him, he hugged his face. I accidentally put the quilt on his face and then took it away. He thought I was playing hide and seek with him. He grinned. It was lovely!


  Wish the baby grow up quickly and play with me

学英语作文 篇2

  a long time ago, and has a small drop of water in the east china sea listening to the story of the east china sea grandpa stresses.

  it is aware of the east china sea using miles apart, can not be described in a vast sea, with 1000 960 high enough to describe the depth of the sea. it is very envious of the east china sea. therefore, it asked the east china sea grandfather : "grandpa east. why then has the vast east china sea so deep? "east grandfather told it :" i also another little drop of water, i and many partners around the clock to muddy pool together a small partnership, it becomes a small stream. but we do not stop pace, the united states is continuing to pour forward, and then became rivers.

  finally many rivers come together, it becomes a sea, the formation of the east china sea. "small drop asked : "we really have so much power? can be turned into a stream, into a river into the sea? "east grandpa replied : "of course not! can not become small rivers flow, so you can become the sea.

  also, into the sea, do not forget the eistence of small water droplets, not to overlook the power of small water droplets, but it is the source of our life! without it, we would not. "small drop in the east china sea remember his grandfather, finally became the famous south china sea.

学英语作文 篇3

  School, more than a month of holidays, the dream of the past. Early in the morning, is sleeping in me, was the mother that familiar voice wake up, more than a few months did not wake up, I really could not bear my winter vacation life.

  We have ushered in the new semester, in every new starting point, each of us will have a hope: tomorrow I will be more exciting. Therefore, I must be in the vision of a better future, showing their new semester to meet the new atmosphere. Today 's teachers and classmates are dressed up in their own, the office, the classroom are clean and clean, so to create a vibrant, peaceful and new weather. I believe that in this new meteorological infection and encouragement, I must make new progress in the new semester.

  In the new semester, I have a new goal - do not do the language of the giant, go abroad to become the owner of the network! I know that success is not by dream to achieve, but by their own actions. Of course, in the new semester, in the study to have new achievements, which will make unremitting efforts! Pay an effort in exchange for a harvest. Learning is not an interest, but a responsibility, I should do and must do a good job, while learning will be a burden. There is no tired of the process, there will be no progress and promotion, whether it is the past, or the future is not the same reason? I put my joy, sadness are turned forward to the power and power, it will continue to overcome difficulties to achieve new progress. Success is our joy, success is our hard sweat, there is no hard work on how to harvest, there is no pay where the income.

  Book Hill has a road for the trail, learn the sea without boundaries bitter boat. Toward their own goals, struggling to move forward! The new semester begins again, starts a new journey, raises new sails! I want to refuel, in the colorful primary school life, good learning, this is the sprint, for the new journey, there may be ups and downs, dangerous, I will overcome all difficulties to avoid all the shoals to reach the other side of success!

  The first day of school, a new day; the first day of school, a meaningful day; the first day of school, a surprise and happy day; the first day of school, the perfect end, the new start!

学英语作文 篇4

  Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has two long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail,which makes rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes eating carrots.If you feel lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your good friend.

学英语作文 篇5

  Grandpa has a small garden behind his house. The garden is so lively all the year round.

  In spring, the flowers begin to come out, trees begin to turn green. In the garden, you can hear the bees singing in the flowers and butterflies flying here and there.

  Summer is coming, the weather is very hot, but the garden is even greener, you can find different kinds of vegetables, they are so fresh.

  In fall, chrysanthemums open, they look so nice. The orange oranges are hanging in the trees, they are so sweet.

  In cold winter, when it snows, my cousins and I often make snowmen and play in the snow in the garden.

  I like my grandpa’s garden very much. Do you like it?

学英语作文 篇6



  一. 单词积累。一篇作文,脱不了是由单词---句子----段落等要素所组成的,单词是一篇作文最基础的部分,过分强调它是不妥,但却也不能忽略。强大的单词积累是写好一篇作文的后盾。所以,不管在课堂上,还是在课后,都要强调学生掌握好单词的拼写和单词的运用。

  二. 抓好课本教学,夯实英语基础在小学,学生的主要学习时间是课堂学习时间。学生的主要知识来源于课本,课本是学生学习的根本。课本给学生提供基本的句型,语法知识,词汇等。所以,对于课本中的内容,可适当要求学生背诵,小学生善于模仿,通过背诵课文,一些句子就会在学生心中生根发芽,学生就会有意无意地模仿这样的句子进行写作。课文中的句子一般来说是很规范的,学生的写作也会较规范。记忆中的课文也是学生写作时句子处理的依据。凭语感和课文结构,利用个人的智慧和对作文题目及要求的理解,学生会写出语法正确,句意通顺,结构严谨规范的作文

  三. 引导学生广泛阅读,积累、丰富写作素材,拓展学生的知识面。古人云“读书破万卷,下笔如有神” , 阅读是写作的基础,大量的、广泛的阅读,才能加强学生理解和吸收书面信息的能力,有助于巩固和扩大学生词汇量,增强语感,丰富学生的语言知识,了解英语国家的文化背景。实践证明,学生平时课外阅读面越宽,语言实践量越大,运用英语表达自己的能力就越强。通过日积月累的积累,学生在自然的习得中学得大量了的.英语单词、句子,形成较好的语感。为学生更好地写作打下了坚实的基础但在选择课外阅读材料时,还要注意:文章太易,不利于知识的提高,文章太难会挫伤学生阅读英语的积极性,作文指导《小学英语作文教学》。难易适中的文章指生词率不超过10%的文章。

  四. 开展扎实的写作训练。


  很多小学生都喜欢写日记,用日记来记录他们成长的足迹。如果学生能用英语来写日记,更能提高他们学习的主动性。所以,从写一句话日记开始训练学生的写作是一个不错的方法。那么如何写好一句话日记呢?可以从以下两点告诉学生:第一、写什么。(写一写你看到或听到的人、事、景。) 二、怎么写。(写出人物在做什么或景物是怎么样的。) 告诉学生只要能把这两点写出来,也就可以写好一句话日记拉。以下是两篇学生所写的一句话日子。虽然简单,但对于刚开始学习写作的学生来说,是一个很好的开头。

  May 3 rd Tuesday Cloudy

  MiZhang is ill today, We miher very much.

  October 22 th Sunday Sunny

  Today is Sunday, I can help my mother do housework.

  2. 一段话日记。

  经过一段时间的一句话日记训练,学生在英语表达上有了很大的进步。写英语作文的信心也建立起来啦,这时,可把一句话日记加强为一段话日记。在写一段话日记前,可从以下三点教学生如何完成一段话日记。第一、些什么。(写你身边熟悉的人或事) 第二、在哪里?(写出事情发生在什么地方) 第三、做什么。(写出人物在做什么事情)。

  例 March 12th Saturday Cloudy

  My parents and I went to the park to fly a kite today! It was cloudy. Many people were in the park. There were children、women and man. I was happy.

  3、看图写作 。


  4. 命题作文。

  经过日记,看图写作的训练,学生在写作能力上有了一定的提高,英语表达能力也有很大的进步。这时,可根据学生的教材,就每个单元不同的学习内容提供一个命题作文给学生练笔。如:My _____Teacher, My School Days, I am Helpful等等题目。这些题目紧扣他们学习的内容,书本上的内容给他们写作提供了模仿的对象,而且跟他们的生活也息息相关。


  如果学生知道自己所写的作文能以个人名义发表时,他们所表现出来的态度就认真积极很多。因此在鼓励学生认真写作的同时,也应为学生提供一个发表的舞台,为他们的写作提供动力。例如:1 .每天用课前十分钟为优秀作品发布会,教师表扬优秀作业名单,并让小作者到讲台前发表演说,教师夸张地大力表扬。2 .把学生的英语习作张贴在教室的公布栏,共同学习,一起进步。3 .编制优秀作品集,让学生体会到英语写作的成功感。4 .此外,学校的红领巾广播、学校的网站也是发表学生作品的好平台。


学英语作文 篇7

  Every child has a room of his own, and I am no exception. Today I'll tell you about my room.

  As soon as you enter the door, the handmade products of the bookshelf will attract your eyeballs. I like to sit in bed reading, every time I read the book I always throw in hand, second days to fill the world to find books.

  This is my room, warm and full.










