
时间:2023-08-31 07:53:59 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1










英语作文 篇2

  中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。

  His ideasYour ideas

  1. Watching TV1. …

  2. Playing computer games2. …

  3. Hanging out with friends3. …

  注意:1. 开头和结尾已经写好;2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯

  3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点 4. 词数:70字左右。

  Mr. Griffin,

  Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two. __________________________________________________________



  Mr. Griffin,

  Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two . (As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax.) In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn't a bad way.

  However, I'm not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn't a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.






英语作文 篇3

  Population to Be Curbed

  Nothing in today’s world is as big a problem as that of population. People begin to worry about the support capacity of the earth. And there might be only standing room for each person in the future.

  Lima’s population was 5. 7 million in 1985 but it grew to 9. 1 million in 20xx. Tianjin’s was 7.9 million in 1985. In 20xx, it boosted to 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo see a faster population explosion. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. In 20xx it turned into 20.2 million. Mexic city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but in 20xx, its population reached 25.8 million!

  What does the population growth mean? It means greater and greater consumption and greater pressure for the earth. If more people are added to the world population without our being alert or taking any action, we would have only standing room by the end of the 21st century.

  Each government and the UN should see that population of each country and each city stops growing for the next fifty years.

英语作文 篇4

  Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lived near a pack of wolves. The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living. (The wolves were crazy about the way they themselves were living, because it was the only way to live.) One night several wolves were killed in an earthquake and this was blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that rabbits pound on the ground with their hind legs and cause earthquakes. On another night one of the wolves was killed by a bolt of lightning and this was also blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that lettuce-eaters cause lightning. The wolves threatened to civilize the rabbits if they didn't behave, and the rabbits decided to run away to a desert island. But the other animals, who lived at a great distance, shamed them, saying, "You must stay where you are and be brave. This is no world for escapists. If the wolves attack you, we will come to your aid, in all probability." So the rabbits continued to live near the wolves and one day there was a terrible flood which drowned a great many wolves. This was blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that carrot-nibblers with long ears cause floods. The wolves descended on the rabbits, for their own good, and imprisoned them in a dark cave, for their own protection.


  When nothing was heard about the rabbits for some weeks, the other animals demanded to know what had happened to them. The wolves replied that the rabbits had been eaten and since they had been eaten the affair was a purely internal matter. But the other animals warned that they might possibly unite against the wolves unless some reason was given for the destruction of rabbits. So the wolves gave them one. "They were trying to escape," said the wolves, "and, as you know, this is no world for escapists."


英语作文 篇5

  The population problem may be the greatest challenge of the present time. In other words, People are being born faster than they are dying, or they are dying at a slower rate than they are being born. The average life span has doubled in the last 50 years. That people live much longer results in the serious population problem.

  People around the world are becoming more concerned about the population explosion. It is hoped that there can be some control over the number of people that are born, but population control is a subject which touches the moral & religious beliefs of many people.

  Even if many families have fewer children, there will still be problems of food, water & power supply.










