
时间:2023-01-06 21:19:53 英语作文 我要投稿
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春天的英语作文600字 篇1

  春天到了,小草变绿了,花儿开放了,蝴蝶和小蜜蜂匆匆忙碌着;小河的水变清了,鱼儿在快活地游来游去;东风吹来,风筝飞满了天;阳光里,不知名的小飞虫在跳跃着;小蚂蚁也钻出洞 穴,忙着找食物;大树脱下厚厚的冬衣,发出嫩芽;小朋友们也脱下那厚厚的棉衣,换上春装,手拉手在暖暖的'阳光下蹦呀。跳呀······春天真美!

  When spring comes, the grass turns green, the flowers open, the butterflies and the bees are busy in a hurry; the water in the river becomes clear, the fish are swimming around happily; the east wind blows, the kites fly all over the sky; in the sun, the unknown flying insects are jumping; the ants are also drilling holes Hole, busy looking for food; tree take off the thick winter clothes, send out buds; children also take off the thick cotton clothes, put on the spring clothes, hand in hand in the warm sun jump ah. Jump... Spring is beautiful!

春天的英语作文600字 篇2

  There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life.

  The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.

  Spring is warm so that it's a good time to go hiking outdoors.

  After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quiteoften. The third one is autumn.

  In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.

  Winter is the last season of the year.

  In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow.

  It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I don't like winter very much.

  What's your favorite season?

春天的英语作文600字 篇3

  Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with lace.Now, I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.











