
时间:2023-04-26 22:50:18 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dreamEvery one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.

  My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly ill. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. I was saved.

  A good doctor can save people's lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I make a decision to study hard from now on. I am sure my dream will come true.

中国英语作文 篇2

  Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in his practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English.


  In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English.


  As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a note book and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.

  对我而言, 我的建议是,我们应该随时准备好一个笔记本和一本汉英词典,每当有困难的东西难住我们时,我们可以先在笔记本记下来,然后查词典。如有必要,我们也可以向英语老师请教。总而言之,用英语记日记对提高写作能力是十分有用的。

中国英语作文 篇3

  Every time I go to Beijing, I spend a whole day at the Beijing Museum of science and technology.

  Science and Technology Museum and the magnificent bird's nest echo from afar, it is like a silver ball, like a mysterious ufo. The Museum of science and Technology Museum is about forty thousand square meters, with five floors, namely, "Science Park", "China Light", "exploration and discovery", "science and technology and life", "challenge and future" five themes exhibition hall.

  Into the lobby of the first floor, the ceiling, covered with white ball, under the control of computer, small ball variety, a while like Pyramid, a string of genetic chains as soon as possible...... In the northwest corner of the first floor, one of my most interesting exhibitions is "Science Park", which is specially designed for children aged 3 to 10 years. Walking into the exhibition hall is like coming to a fairy tale world. "Happy farm", a car is a small tractor ploughing, little friends can try sitting on a tractor ploughing, work process simulation of tractor front on the big screen, very interesting. In the "space station", children drive the spaceship to see the earth, and also travel through the space-time tunnel to simulate space exploration activities. In the swimming Bay, the exhibition design some games, such as pipe games, children manipulate the valve to let the water flow to different destinations, through transparent glass to see if the control of water flow in the pipeline, understand the principle of tap water. We know a lot of Science in the game of happiness.

  Beijing science and Technology Museum is the largest, the most abundant exhibits, the most advanced facilities of professional science and technology. We also know a lot of profound knowledge in happy and relaxed games.

中国英语作文 篇4

  The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today . Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population is increasing faster and faster resources is getting less and less…etc. We should n’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things .Don’t waste things This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags . We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful .

中国英语作文 篇5

  Chongqing: La zi ji (chili-fried chicken cubes, 辣子鸡)


  The cuisine: Even compared with food from Sichuan, China’s mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqing cuisine scores high in spiciness and numb-inducing ingredients. 烹饪风格:即使常常拿来和川菜作对比,重庆仍旧是当之无愧的.中国辣菜圣城,在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。

  The dish: La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of

  peppercorn, toasted and dried bird’s-eye chilis to create a plate of hot, red deliciousness.


中国英语作文 篇6

  Chinese are very generous while educating children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to study because they believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy a computer for their children.

  However, the best early education is usually very cheap.

  Children’s skills vary. Most parents fail to realize though,what children lack today is self-respect and self-confidence.

  The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and study well instead of the most important skills of being confident, happy and clever. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and other housework.

  Cooking will improve many skills children need later in life. Though demanding patience and time, it is an enjoyable experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he works hard and gradually finishes his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.

  Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set your child plays with will make him curious and arouse his interest. He may spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them. These activities are not merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.

















