小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman

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小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman(通用20篇)

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编为大家整理的小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman,欢迎阅读与收藏。

小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman(通用20篇)

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇1

  The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her sons dreams to come true. She took her sons hand and asked, "Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?""Mommy, I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up."Mom smiled back and said, "Lets see if we can make your wish come true,"

  Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix. She explained her sons final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her six-year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine. Fireman Bob said, "Look, we can do better than that. If youll have your son ready at seven oclock Wednesday morning, well make him an honorary fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards! "And if youll give us his sizes, well get a real fire uniform for him, with a real fire hat - not a toy one - with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear and rubber boots. Theyre all manufactured right here in Phoenix, so we can get them fast."

  Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy, dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck.Billy got to sit on the back of the truck and help steer it back to the fire station. He was in heaven. There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy got to go out on all three calls. He rode in the different fire engines, the paramedics van and even the fire chiefs car. He was also video taped for the local news program.

  Having his dream come true, with all the love and attention that was lavished upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived three months longer than any doctor thought possible.One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and the head nurse, who believed in the hospice concept that no one should die alone, began to call the family members to the hospital. Then she remembered the day Billy had spent as a fireman, so she called the fire chief and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Billy as he made his transition. The chief replied, " We can do better than that. Well be there in five minutes. Will you please do me a favor?

  When you hear the sirens screaming and see the lights flashing, will you announce over the PA system that there is not a fire? Its just the fire department coming to see one of its finest members one more time. And will you open the window to his room? Thanks."About five minutes later a hook and ladder truck arrived at the hospital, extended its ladder up to Billys third floor open window and 16 firefighters climbed up the ladder into Billys room. With his mothers permission, they hugged him and held him and told him how much they loved him. With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and said, "Chief, am I really a fireman now?"

  "Billy, you are," the chief said.

  With those words, Billy smiled and closed his eyes one last time.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇2

  All the firefighters had breakfast at eight o'clock and cleaned the room and the outside after breakfast. The captain whistled, and the day's training began. The training ground was set up in the warehouse of the mechanical and electrical company.

  The firefighters in the training ground wore clothes and water hose. They practiced again and again. The heat will continue to practice, and their combat equipment will take off bandages and watch these lovely disappearances Defense officers, we can say that this is their day of work, three old people, family happiness, how many such a day they have.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇3

  At about 9:4 last night, a fire broke out in an office building in our community. Many firefighters and fire engines came at the beginning. We saw the flames with thick black smoke on the sixth floor, heard the explosion of gas tanks and the noise of broken windows.

  Soon the fire spread from the first floor to the upstairs and finally to the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and brick walls were high Many people like me stood on the street outside, watching the fire in horror because we heard sirens and gas explosions. When the fire broke out, there was no one in the office building, and firefighters couldn't control the fire until it reached the top floor.

  It took firefighters about an hour and a half to put out the fire. The next morning the newspaper published reports and pictures of the fire.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇4

  At about nine o'clock last night, a fire broke out in an office building in our community. Many firefighters and fire engines came at the beginning. We saw a thick black smoke coming out of the sixth floor.

  We also heard the explosion of gas tanks and the noise of broken windows. One by one, we went to the upper floors one by one, and finally reached the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and brick walls were high Many people like me stood on the street outside, watching the fire in horror because we heard sirens and gas explosions.

  When the fire broke out, there was no one in the office building and firefighters were unable to control the fire until the top floor was destroyed. It took firefighters about an hour and a half to put out the fire. The next morning the newspaper published reports and pictures of the fire.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇5

  The intense study is finally over and we have a hot and happy summer vacation. We waited and waited for the day to visit the fire brigade. I got up early, put on a handsome camouflage uniform, ate breakfast and immediately ran to school.

  After a while the bus arrived at the school, the teacher asked us to line up on the bus, in the bus our laughter like a sea of joy. I didn't know that the driver had sent us to the Bengbu Fire Brigade.

  The firefighters have been standing in line for a long time waiting for our arrival. Into the fire brigade, the fireman uncle introduced us to many fire equipment such as: toothless saw, oil saw, dry powder type fire extinguisher, 1211 fire extinguisher and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and so on. Uncle fireman told us: "toothless saw in the use of the front is not to stand people, and demonstrated the correct use of fire equipment, so I was surprised.

  At this time I saw a very large fire truck, the fire truck stomach of a variety of things, there are hoses, protective clothing, water guns ...... This time the fireman uncle let me experience the water gun, I was very happy! The water gun can be really heavy ah! When I opened the valve water pressure was so big that it scared me, and all of a sudden sprayed to the tree so high, the students cheered and applauded next to me, as if I felt like a real fireman.

  In a flash the day in the fire brigade is coming to an end, this day although very tired but let me learn a lot of fire safety knowledge, but also see the greatness and selfless dedication of firefighters, here I want to say to the firefighters: you have worked hard.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇6

  "There's a fire!" We were moving around the promenade during the big class. Suddenly, a call came from next to the trash can. When the random alarm sounded, a few "firemen" and I immediately put on our helmets and fire suits, grabbed our fire extinguishers and rushed downstairs with the speed of lightning.

  What happened? Don't worry, this is not a real fire, but a school "fire drill", so that we "little firefighters" familiar with the use of fire extinguishers. Running down the stairs, we went straight to the fire. The fire was very strong by the garbage pile. When the wind blew, the fire took advantage of the wind and burned even more, making the people around panic.

  We accelerated our pace and ran to the fire site at the speed of a hundred meters sprint. My buddies were busy evacuating the surrounding crowd. We worked in pairs, one of our buddies held the fire extinguisher with his arm, and I immediately used one hand to pull the top safety pin. We stood upwind, I grabbed the fire extinguisher's jet pipe with my left hand, held the fire extinguisher's switch with my right hand, and aimed the fire extinguisher's jet pipe at the root of the fire. At once, the fire extinguishing foam was like several long white dragons, spraying to the root of the fire. The fire immediately lost its power, and the fire was gradually reduced and finally extinguished slowly.

  Yeah, our fire drill was a success, my little friend and I were jumping for joy!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇7

  One afternoon, the Littlest Fireman was patrolling the forest when he suddenly heard the sound of chirping birds. He looked up and saw thick black smoke coming from deep in the forest: "Oh no, something must have happened there!"

  The puppy took the fire extinguisher in his hand and rushed like the wind to the place where the smoke was coming from.

  It turned out that the little fox and the big wolf were having a picnic and the fire was so big that the sparks set the little fox's big furry tail on fire. The little fox was terrified, and while slapping his tail, he cried out loudly, "Help! Help!"

  The more it jumped, the bigger the fire became, and the dry grass next to it was also set on fire. The big wolf wanted to put out the fire, but the fire was too big, so it could not do anything, and it was so anxious that it was sweating and stamping its feet.

  At this time, the puppy came, holding a fire extinguisher in one hand and a nozzle in the other, and sprayed at the tail of the little fox. The white foam soon surrounded them, choking the little fox and the big wolf to sneeze.

  When the fire finally went out, the puppy fireman pointed at them seriously and said, "Don't you see the sign 'No fire here'?"

  The little fox touched his bare tail and said sadly, "I'm sorry, we will never light a fire in the forest again."

  The puppy said, "To punish you, you must plant ten trees!"

  They had to nod their heads and agree.

  From then on, the little fox and the big wolf took it upon themselves to become fire prevention propagandists, and whenever they saw small animals playing with fire in the forest, they immediately went up to stop them and told them the danger of playing with fire in the forest.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇8

  Today, my friends and I were carrying water guns and having a water fight. We were having a good time when suddenly a voice came: "Look! What a big smoke!" We looked and saw smoke coming out of the hallway of a building, and something shiny inside.

  A friend bravely went inside. Not long after, there was a scream! He ran out fast, panting, "There's a ghost inside!" We fixed our eyes and saw that there was really a figure inside. I laughed out loud, "That's a man playing with his phone!" He scratched his head with his hand, then asked, "Where did the smoke come from?" "Maybe it's a fire somewhere!" "On fire?" We looked at each other for a few seconds, then hurriedly grabbed a water gun and sprayed water into it, spraying tube after tube, our foreheads were beaded with sweat, and finally the "fire" was extinguished. We were all so happy that we finally became a fireman!

  Later, we realized that the smoke came from the vacuum cleaner used by the cleaners to clean the elevator, and when the cleaning was done, the smoke dispersed as a matter of course.

  Although we were not real firefighters, the sense of accomplishment we got from putting out the fire made us all very happy!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇9

  There are many roles to play in the big world of Oriental Dolls Animation, and the first role I played was a fireman.

  I went to the fire station, handed in my passport, and got the qualification to play the role of a fireman. Once inside, the teacher told us to line up and learn to stand at attention and rest first. Then some knowledge about firefighting, like how to put out fires, how to use fire extinguishers, etc.. Each of us tried to weigh the fire extinguisher. I think the big fire extinguisher is very heavy, but the small one is quite suitable for me.

  After learning about firefighting, the teacher asked us to put on our own firefighting suits and helmets. I heard the teacher say that the real firefighting suit is fireproof. Wearing the fire suit and helmet, I feel that I am almost the same as a real fireman. Under the leadership of the teacher, we got on the red electric fire truck to go to the fake fire scene to put out the fire. On the way, the teacher also turned on the lights and sirens, can be very impressive! When we arrived at the fire scene, we were each given a water hose and sprayed water on the fire for a while until all the fires were extinguished, and then we took the fire truck back to the fire station.

  I've always wanted to be a fireman and ride on a fire truck to put out fires.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇10

  Today our class organized a career experience to learn about firefighting and the work of firefighters!

  Fireman uncle we spoke a lot of firefighting knowledge, such as.

  1. Do not play with fire.

  2, the New Year, do not light firecrackers privately ......

  Let's start with electricity! If you find a fire at home, do not take the elevator, because the elevator is dependent on the rope to move, if the rope is burned off, you may be trapped, and if the circuit is burned, you may be in danger of life. The correct way to escape is "cover yourself with a wet blanket, cover your nose with a towel, follow the safety signs, and you can escape.

  I went home to check myself and found that the gas stove was not tightened, so I tightened it. When I saw my grandfather throwing cigarettes that still had sparks anywhere, I told him to put them out before throwing them in the trash, and my mom and dad heard me and said I was a child who knew how to behave.

  Let's start from the small things, from the big things, together with learning firefighting knowledge, stepping on the foot to the sun of tomorrow.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇11

  It's been a long time since this happened, but I haven't forgotten those things. Yes, who can forget those things, forget those brave heroes.

  The fire in Liangshan, firefighters braved the fire to put out the fire, but 30 died, who can accept the pain? Who can not be sad? The youngest was only 18 years old! One of the firefighters in the fire first chat with his own father, his last words were: "I want to vocational line of duty." I did not expect that this go has become an eternal goodbye ......

  They are also people, not gods, but also have their own families, have their own wives, have their own children ah! The news of their death may become the tears of their families ......

  Some people ask: "Why is 'military first'?" Let me tell you: because soldiers teach fire priority and fight priority, so the military priority.

  Perhaps, firefighters risk their lives to put out fires, and some people still laugh at them for being self-conscious, but I want to say: "What about you? It's hard not to encounter fire? Which time is not firefighters to put out fires?"

  To the firefighters, I hope you have a better life in heaven and don't be a hero in your next life! Don't make your family sad! May you have a safe life!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇12

  On September 13, 20xx, I went to the North Central Century City Jinshi Cat Children's Career Experience City with Xing Weekly's young reporters, where I played the role of a brave fireman.

  The teacher told us to change into fireman's costume and have a fire drill first! We entered the escape route one by one and came out smoothly, but the teacher said we moved too slowly. Then the teacher told us what to describe when calling the 119 fire alarm, such as: Where is the address of the fire? What caused the fire? The fire is currently big or not, and so on.

  We were listening intently to the lecture when suddenly, an emergency fire siren came, which scared me. There's a fire! It was time for our little firefighters to put out the fire!

  A total of 10 of us, divided into 2 groups, one group to evacuate the crowd, the other group is responsible for the fire. Evacuate the crowd of members of the group to say to passers-by: "official business, please do not approach!" The group in charge of firefighting picked up the water gun and rushed to the fire, and we finally put out the "fire".

  I also felt the hard work of a real fireman when I was a little fireman.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇13

  "The Littlest Fireman" was the nickname given to me and my cousin Arden by our dance classmates.

  It was one day during the winter holidays when I went to dance practice with my cousin Adan, and the teacher had not yet arrived when we arrived at school. Suddenly someone upstairs ran down in a hurry and shouted at us, "Run! There's a fire up there." At this point everyone panicked and pushed towards the door in a flurry. Cousin said, "Yu Xuan we together to stop everyone, so chaotic will be accident." I said, "Yes, stop everyone, let everyone evacuate as the school rehearsed." Saying that we organized everyone to evacuate in an orderly manner, we also reminded everyone to prepare paper and towels.

  After a while, everyone arrived safely in the square. It was so scary to look up and see smoke rolling out of the windows upstairs! At this time, the teacher also arrived, and seeing that we had all safely evacuated down, asked, "Who was it that brought everyone down." "It's Dan and Yuxuan," the students answered in unison. The teacher touched my cousin's and my head and said, "Thank you both! You two are so brave, you really look like firefighters, you are little firefighters."

  "Little fireman, little fireman," everyone calls me that every time I go to the dance studio... I'm so proud!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇14

  Today our class organized a career experience to learn about firefighting and the work of firefighters!

  Fireman uncle we spoke a lot of fire knowledge, such as: 1, can not just play with fire, 2, the New Year, do not light firecrackers in private ......

  Let's start with electricity! If you find a fire at home, do not take the elevator, because the elevator is dependent on the rope to move, if the rope is burned off, you may be trapped, and if the circuit is burned, you may be life-threatening. The correct way to escape is "cover yourself with a wet blanket, cover your nose with a towel, follow the safety signs, and you can escape.

  I went home to check myself and found that the gas stove was not tightened, so I tightened it. When I saw my grandfather throwing cigarettes that still had sparks anywhere, I told him to put them out before throwing them in the trash, and my mom and dad heard me and said I was a child who knew how to behave.

  Let's start from the small things, from the big things, together with learning firefighting knowledge, stepping on the foot to the sun of tomorrow.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇15

  On Monday, our class organized a visit to the fire brigade and we were very excited. When we entered the gate, we saw five tall and powerful fire engines parked in the compound. We invited a few firemen uncles to take a photo with us. Then the fireman uncles took us to the fire truck and explained about firefighting.

  We saw the fireman uncle bring a set of clothes like plastic bags, which is the firefighting uniform. More amazed me is that it also has a feature, pants and shoes are set together in order to save time, just one action, with a hand mention, they are put on, and then look at the shoes, the shoes are made of rubber, is a pair of large boots, running is quite hard, perhaps for fire prevention. Overall this is an extremely heavy, extremely difficult set of clothes, it is difficult to imagine how to put out fires in this set of clothes, perhaps this is for safety.

  Where there is a fire, where will appear his figure. No matter how big the fire is, no matter how dangerous the road is. The fireman uncle always stays on the job and fights with the fire.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇16

  Today our students from the Wave Squadron, led by their teachers and parents, went to the Lucheng Fire and Rescue Brigade to visit and experience the "Little Fireman" activity.

  At 2:30 p.m., we set off from school to gather at the entrance of the fire rescue brigade, and then the firemen led us into the fire department for a tour. First, the fireman explained to us the names, performance and uses of various firefighting vehicles and equipment in lively language, and various tools were neatly placed. Next, we were also introduced to the use of protective clothing worn by firefighters. It turns out that firefighters wear very heavy and bulky clothes, and heavy shoes and other protective equipment, so firefighters are very hard to put out fires. Hats off to them!

  The firefighters also explained the knowledge of firefighting and rescue in a visual way, for example, if you are accidentally locked in a car, you can use a safety hammer to escape. Everyone listened very carefully. Finally the firemen uncles also showed us their daily training and taught us how to use fire extinguishers and so on.

  Through this activity, I learned a lot of knowledge that is not in the textbook. Firemen are brave and fearless heroes, they are the most handsome "backwalkers" in the world, they are brave to fight fires!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇17

  It's New Year's Eve, and my uncle bought us all kinds of firecrackers, including more than fifty fireworks, six boxes of drop cannons, eight skyrockets, a box of wolf dogs, a box of scratch cannons, and a box of hand grenades.

  Today, my cousin Shuaihua and I set off firecrackers downstairs again, and now there are only twenty fireworks and half a box of drop cannons left. But we had the most fun today! Shuaihua used fireworks to burn the cannon, and I used fireworks to burn toilet paper and paper boxes. After playing for a while, Shuaihua came up with a brilliant idea. He put the fireworks in the trash, I lit the toilet paper and put it in the trash too. Later, handsome lit a long string of paper, less than half a minute, the lit paper like a fire dragon all burned. When the fire was out, we went upstairs.

  Sitting on the second floor windowsill, I suddenly found that the fire downstairs was not completely extinguished, but touched the garbage bag and quickly caught fire.

  I had to put it out right away! I immediately used a small peng full of water to go downstairs to put out the fire. A total of five small peng water, the fire was finally extinguished.

  I was a great fireman today!

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇18

  On the morning of August 7, I was honored to participate in the "Little Fireman" experience as a Yangzi reporter. Although the weather was very hot, it did not affect my mood to participate in the activity at all.

  My father sent me to the fire department ten minutes in advance. Among the children who participated in the activity together, there were two of my classmates. After arriving at the fire department, listening to the teacher told us to go to the room and so on, my heart got excited, I came together in this room, I found a seat and sat down, we waited for the late arrival of students to come. After a while, the students all arrived, the instructor began to explain the fire knowledge. After listening, the instructor uncle showed us how to fold the quilt, and the quilt they folded was so neat, just like a tofu block. Later, the fireman uncle also showed us the fire truck, did a fire drill, and showed how the firefighting clothes were changed. Finally, we were allowed to try them on too.

  Through this "Little Fireman" experience, I not only saw the beloved fireman and firefighting equipment, but also learned a lot of firefighting knowledge. I hope I can become a fireman when I grow up, spread firefighting knowledge and help people stay away from the danger of fire.

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇19

  I see a lot of fires in the news, and I want to become a super fireman to wipe them out.

  I super fireman have a special pair of glasses, can find the place where there is a fire, and then immediately go to that place.

  I also have a universal clothes, clothes in the middle of a hole, which contains a very short hose, spray out who can immediately put out the fire.

  The second function of the universal clothes when it is like a shield is not afraid of fire, but this set of clothes has a regular charge, otherwise these functions will not have. So I installed a special battery on it, which can be used for a long time.

  The third function is a pair of special gloves, it is not afraid of fire, gloves also have a hole in the middle, which can also spray water, when the fire is too fierce, the light universal clothes who is not enough, gloves can help.

  The last weapon is a pair of shoes that can run very fast and also very strong, when there is a room tube is very tight, and the people inside can not get out, I kick, the door will open, I can put the people inside on out.

  How about it, I am a super fireman, right?

  小消防员英语作文 The Littlest Fireman 篇20

  I see a lot of fires in the news. I want to become a super fireman and wipe out the fires.

  The Littlest Fireman has a special pair of glasses that can find the place where there is a fire and then go to that place right away.

  I also have a universal clothes, clothes in the middle of a hole, which contains a very short hose, the water sprayed out can immediately put out the fire.

  The second function of the universal clothes is that it is like a shield is not afraid of fire, but this set of clothes to be charged regularly, otherwise these functions will not be. So I installed a special battery on it, which can be used for a long time.

  The third function is a pair of special gloves, it is not afraid of fire, gloves also have a hole in the middle, which can also spray water, when the fire is too fierce, the light universal clothes who is not enough, gloves can help.

  The last weapon is a pair of shoes that can run very fast and also very strong, when there is a room tube is very tight, and the people inside can not get out, I kick, the door will open, I can put the people inside on out.

  How about it, I'm a super fireman awesome.

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