Gold from sand作文|Gold from sand 英语作文

时间:2021-09-28 12:16:27 英语作文 我要投稿

Gold from sand作文|Gold from sand 英语作文

  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的`不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编整理的Gold from sand作文|Gold from sand 英语作文,欢迎大家分享。

Gold from sand作文|Gold from sand 英语作文

  Sand is mediocre and cheap, but the most precious gold comes from sand. So the light of the gold was shining, and the sand was stained with light.

  Similarly, with the rapid progress of science and technology, we have entered a new era. However, our ideas have been left far behind. While people become open, they also become unscrupulous, and interests blind people‘s eyes. Because gold, food safety occurs frequently, clenbuterol, poisonous rice, a variety of food hazards in our vision. Because of the gold, the buildings outside the gold and jade collapsed one after another, and the “bean curd dregs” project surged forward. Because of gold, the tragedies of adultery and plunder continue. Looking at the grieving families on TV, are our dusty hearts not hurt? People pursue the furnishings in their mouths, and all kinds of hidden dangers are like time bombs, lurking around and nervous in their hearts. Just because gold is precious, can we purify and reprocess it only by using ourselves in the sand? It should be noted that what is refined from the sand is not only the hard-earned money of the common people, but also the lost conscience! Is such “gold” precious?

  In recent years, watching TV, we often encounter frequent events and small things in the turbulent society. Although there are countless things that have been revealed that gold is obtained by squeezing, there are also some refined “gold”, which not only impacts people’s hearts, but also warms our hearts. “Pan‘s three sisters” are known as “praise neighbors”. They help the old people in the neighborhood without asking for return, and they are praised by everyone. The most beautiful filial young people in China still stick to their filial piety in difficult times. Zhang Lili, the most beautiful teacher, lost her own legs to save the students. The Paralympic athletes are physically disabled and have made their own contributions to the glory of the country They are all ordinary or even tiny sand in the world, but they can shine from the sand, emit dazzling light, and become the gold sought after and praised by the public. Isn’t such “gold” precious?

  Think of the recent frequent car crashes, the perpetrators either escape or use money for private. Some people say that the world seems - only sand is not valuable, however, the most precious thing - gold is in it. People are like the most worthless sand, life is really valuable, falling on this matter, it seems to become a deal, killed people, lose money can be done. What about the people who were hit? Is the family affection, career and all the precious things he has that can be exchanged for?

  Therefore, because it is also because we are as ordinary as sand, only by polishing our dusty hearts can we turn into gold. The benefits obtained by shortcut can not stand the baptism of years. It also comes from sand, whether it is gold or “gold”. I think everyone has his own choice.

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