
时间:2021-06-12 19:18:51 英语作文 我要投稿




旅游英语作文 篇1

  Go Outing

  Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic。 We bought some cakes with us for lunch。 We left quite early before there was too much traffic。 After aborn two bours we came to a nice place。 It was near a river, with some large trees beside it。 So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim。 It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing。 After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees。 Then we went for a walk。

  We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies。 After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home。

  We got home very late and terribly exhausted。 But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend's outings。





旅游英语作文 篇2

  As for this essay, I want the person who likes travel to read. And, I also want the person who yearns to the solitary journey to read.

  I like travel very much. I often go to travel. It meets a lot of people when traveling. It can touch not only the person but also the region. Therefore, it comes to want to go even times how many.

  I was traveling and all the people met had a very warm mind. It was very kind. There is a person who taught variety of land, too. I do not think meeting with two another degrees in the person. However, I do not think that I forget. Because, The reason is that there are a lot of very good memories.

  Therefore, travel is not stopped. It went to not only the country but also foreign countries. The communication of the intention can have been done with the person in the country though the word did not run well. However, I thought that the handicap of the word was large. I thought it was good if the word could be understood more many times. Therefore, I think that I should study the language study more. It can meet the one different according to the land when traveling. The tourist spot is, and there is a lot of one not so either. There are a lot of very good points of the place taught to the person in local. Therefore, it is always made to speak. I have not traveled still alone. I want to go out to travel alone sometimes. How about you? Traveling with someone is also good. However, I yearn to the solitary journey very much. It is not, and yearns for the destination to free travel. I want to go out to unrestrained travel some time.

  Finally, I yearn to the solitary journey. However, I do not hate tour travel. I think that there is a merit also in the tour. I think that traveling with the person who does not know also has the enjoyment. However, I like independent tour more. Which do you like?

旅游英语作文 篇3

  Summer vacation one day early in the morning, dad and his friends decided to take their children to ecological agriculture, forestry and strawberry park to play, we set out early, and other children together, the adults directly drive to strawberry fields. On the way, we see is blocked by the fog of citic bridge, since the show a little only receive a little unclear of the straight line.

  We reached our destination, straight to the strawberry garden, can't wait to pick strawberries. The strawberry to pick a big and bright red is about to drip, a little Bai Dou feel not very good.

  I picked a lot of to han provided, because he is very small, about three years old, and my basket is not all is my pick, some are a wears glasses and beautiful and young sister pick.

  Finally, I gave the basket of strawberries points a little sister, who is my.

  After, I have washed my hands, han provided you give me a big and strange strawberries, seems to be two strawberries grow together, I wash to eat, wow, so sweet, I have never eaten such a sweet strawberries, looks like han provided it was a good heart!

  Pick the strawberries, I went to the farm to eat. Before dinner, we went to the farm equipment to play some of the activities, such as: swing and seesaw, swing the most fun, her good high, around the playground pirate ship is so high.

  Eat rice, I came to a mini fish ponds, set up a mini Bridges. There are some old fishing tools, they the farm become more old. Today, I had a good time in the north, next time, I also want to play.









旅游英语作文 篇4

  College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travelling—traveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.

  Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.

  My solution to these two imperfect modes of traveling is to travel with friends or classmates. This pattern incorporates most of their advantages while avoiding all their disadvantages. I am convinced this is the best and most sensible form of traveling which everybody should adopt.


  此两种模式会带来不尽相同的旅行体验,不乏各自的优缺点。对于孤身一人的旅行者来说,最大的优点是自由。他完全可以随心所欲地选择旅行线路,规划行程安排;这样,其兴致所至,必心满意足;面对一处处历史古迹或文物,尽可发思古之幽, 而全无时间之羁绊。问题在于,其感受与兴奋之情,无可与人分享。此外,购买火车票和夜间投宿,既耗时亦费神。一旦突发意外,单枪匹马的旅行者很大程度上孤立无助。所有这些问题对于随团出游者来说均不存在,因为旅行社会安排好一切。在旅行团内部,原来的陌生人旋即就可成为朋友。然则,固定的旅游线路以及仓促的行程,往往会使旅行者无法满足每个人独特的好奇心。此外,旅客也常常被导游逼迫着去作强制性购物,这些导游花在赚取佣金上的心思,远超过如何来为游客提供服务。


旅游英语作文 篇5

  Lijiang city is among rivers and mountains. northeast are Mt Elephant,Mt Golden Rainbow,and in the northwest is Mt Lion,and the city links them up .The mountains enclose the Lijiang valley in which stands the Lijiang city. The city was named Dayan,because it shapes like an ink stone,and“yan" has the same pronunciation of and can mean“ink stone”in Chinese. The valley surrounds the ancient city with the verdure of crops and vegetation in solemn silence;its villages scattered all about are ;its lakes are clear and deep peaceful,quiet,and at ease.Near around the city are over a dozen tourist resorts of the region,the province,or the state,among which Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Jinsha River are the most glorious.










