
时间:2021-03-24 10:52:04 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  The students of Class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood .

  Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood .

  As little boys and girls have a very good memory ,they can learn a lot of English words by heart .

  This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning .

  But others do not agree .

  Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school .

  If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time , it will be very easy for them to mix them up .

  This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning .

  In short , the students have not arrived at any agreement, yet .

学英语作文 篇2

  This is my Lu Gu Foreign Language Primary School. I’m a girl. I’m from china. I’m 10 years old. I’m beautiful.

  It’s 6:30. It’s time to get up. Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock. It’s 8:00. Oh, It’s time to go to school. On my way to school, I can see many children playing football on the playground. It’s 8:30. It’s time for P.E. class.

  Oh! This is my day. It’s very wonderful!

学英语作文 篇3

  Self-discipline is absolutely important in today’s society, especially for college students. Compared with high school students, college students are comparative free to choose what to do and how to do. However, it is such a change that requires our college students to be more self-disciplined.


  Self-discipline is a key to improving ourselves. For one thing, without self-discipline, some college students would be distracted by other temptations, like playing games. To the contrary, college students will motivate themselves and learn something useful to improve their ability under self-discipline. For another, as college students are in an important period of forming characters and quality, self-discipline is indispensable for shaping them to be better. A college student who is self-disciplined will take his responsibility and try to be a better man. He will overcome laziness, greed and other temptations and focus on his way to be better. In addition, self-discipline will help him to be an estimable man in that a self-disciplined man will control himself to follow general rules or morals and avoid doing something harmful to the society and the public.


  In a word, self-discipline is very important and necessary, especially for college students since they are in a crucial period that determines their worldview and sense of value.


学英语作文 篇4

  Visiting a Museum

  Key Words: General History, decorate, charts, ancient, exhibit, dynasty, present, narrator, development, Chinese history, divide, vivid lesson, review, diversified

  On a Saturday afternoon the lecturer who taught us General History took us to visit a museum.

  The exhibition hall was decorated in an antique mode. Charts and pictures were hung on the walls. Many ancient utensils, curious weapons and arms, robes, coins, ornaments, books and farm tools as well as recently unearthed relics were exhibited. Exhibits of different dynasties were presented in separate rooms, along with written and pictorial descriptions. Our teacher served as the narrator, giving us a detailed lecture on the development of Chinese history, and explained his new viewpoint on how to divide Chinese history into different stages.

  We were happy to have such a vivid lesson, one that made us not only review what we had learned in class but also feel proud of our country’s diversified traditional culture.

学英语作文 篇5

  Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel!白山宾馆


  一家宾馆新开业,为吸引外国宾客,希望在互联网上进行宣传。请你用英语为其 写一篇文字介绍。主要内容包括:


  2.房间及价格:单人间(共20间),100元/天;双人间(共15间),150元/天;热水淋浴;3.餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡);4.游泳池:全天免费开放; 5.欢迎预定。


  Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel!

  Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business.

  500 meters far from the entrance of Baishan Mountain, it provides single person room, of which the price is RMB100 yuan per day and the number is 20, and 15 double person rooms, with a price of RMB 150 yuan per day. It also provides hot water bath service. You can enjoy both Chinese and western food in the restaurant and drink coffee and tea in the cafe. The swimming pool is open for free the whole day. All these services can bring great convenience to you and are very enjoyable. So come to enjoy yourself!

  Welcome to book rooms in Baishan Mountain.








  好词1. provide v.提供2. convenience n.便利

  好句All these services can bring great convenience to you and are

  very enjoyable.所有这些服务都会给你带来便利,并且非常的愉快。

  评析:bring great convenience,带来便利。

学英语作文 篇6

  I had a long holiday for May Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.我度过了一个很长的五一假期。我非常开心,因为我可以做任何我想做的事情。

  During those days, I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then, I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.那些天里,我玩的很开心。首先,我去动物园看可爱的动物。之后我去了海洋世界看了美丽的鱼。非常有趣。

  Morever, I went for a trip with my parents. We went to visit my grandparents. We rode horses on the grassland. It was very exciting.另外,我跟爸爸妈妈去旅行了。我们去了爷爷奶奶家。我们在草地上骑马。非常刺激。

  Besides, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us. We also took many photos on the party. We played very happily.还有哦,我办了一个小聚会,邀请了我的许多好朋友到我家来。我妈妈为我们买了好多可口的食物。我们在聚会上照了好多照片。我们玩的很开心。

  I also watched lots of carton films at home. They were wonderful.我还看了许多动画电影。可精彩了。

  I like the holiday. I like my May Day.我喜欢假期。我喜欢过五一。


学英语作文 篇7

  i have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. one is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. he likes to play with people. he often runs here and there.

  his favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. but the white cat is very gentle. she likes to wash her face. and she doesn′t like to play with people. she often jumps onto my knees. i like to give her a bath.

  oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. we are very good friends. i love them.

学英语作文 篇8


  There is a good news, my mother gave birth to a baby, I am very happy, but also feel very troublesome, the baby in addition to sleeping is eating, and then is crying. His face is fat, red, mouth and eyes are small, legs and arms are fleshy, always curved, but still pretty cute.


  Today, I was playing with him in bed. When I moved him, he hugged his face. I accidentally put the quilt on his face and then took it away. He thought I was playing hide and seek with him. He grinned. It was lovely!


  Wish the baby grow up quickly and play with me

学英语作文 篇9


  When you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hands,

  I can see your face,

  And know you as bliss.

  The first time when I heard these verses, I was 17 years old, in full blossom as everyone assumed. Not knowing much about love, I instinctively regarded love as something seemingly beautiful but hard to chew in essence.

  I'm correct, to some extent. All the years I spent alone prove both disheartening and fruitless, disheartening because the ideal one never came down to the earth to cease my endless waiting; fruitless because I ended up in dating with a wrong person,leaving all the verses nonsense. To make matters worse, as they criticized me, I broke up with the guy in only 15 days, which conversely seemed to me a nice thing. Thank God I am free again.

  I wrote poems myself as a way to approach love and the unknown world. No tiny little dust in the air will escape my eyes,no voice of the blooming will slip away from my ears, and love is all pervading, all pervading except in my world.

  I can't resist the temptations of enjoy my life alone in reading, mind wandering, walking on the fallen leaves deep in thought, listening to music by some unknown artists, and of course, writing. I can't help trembling at the thought of being deprived of the freedom by someone outside my world. I hate to find myself wearing the coat from some strange guys with the angel wings still in the gesture to fly. I want to fly, not with the borrowed wings, but mine.

  He will arrive at last, with his wings above my sky.

  In 8 days I will have my 20th birthday, smiling shiningly in my autumn, murmuring the verses I changed myself,


  When you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hands,

  I can see your face

学英语作文 篇10

  My father is a teacher in a school. He teaches maths well. He is very busy.

  Every day he has to get up very early. And he goes to work by subway. He has classes in the morning. In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he checks students’ homeworks. If he finishes his work, he will read newspapers.Usually he comes back home at 5:30. We have dinner together. Then he watches TV in the living room. Before he goes to bed, he likes to take a shower.

  My father works very hard. I like my father very much!













