长城的英语作文The Great Wall

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关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall

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关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall

关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall1

  The Great Wall is a spectacular, is the pride of the Chinese children! Far see the Great Wall, it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. The sides of the Great Wall, surrounded by green trees, very beautiful.

  Down the long lane, we climbed the Great Wall. At this time, we will find one every two or three meters ChengTai, this is the bulwark of station troops and war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

  Look at the countless stone again, a two or three one thousand jins weight, there was no train. Auto crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders carried on the steep mountains, step by step.

  Standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, naturally associated with the working people of ancient building of the Great Wall. Working people shoulder carrying stone, from time to time wipe the sweat, their clothes with rotten, bleeding, but still insist on. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the front head. After the end of the Great Wall!

  In my eyes, the Great Wall is a beautiful forever!






关于长城的.英语作文The Great Wall2

  The Great Wall, is the symbol of the Chinese nation, its magnificence, is the place we look forward to the people of the world.

  The Great Wall is like a huge dragon winding is located in the badaling, ups and downs in the mountains, ancient and solemn.

  Look forward to the Great Wall, the Great Wall no head, looked back, the Great Wall is not the tail. Ah! Really not the kui is called the "Great Wall". So how long wall built in? You might ask, how much manpower has been spent on the Great Wall? Chinese ancient working people with intelligence, just built the world famous Great Wall, thus, we the Chinese people are great!

  Grass at the foot of the Great Wall, slightly nod, the flowers waved. The wings of the butterfly flapping shine. Valley cloud, like a white gauze covered in the whole valley. Swallows dancing lightly over the valley, scissors tail like flash. What a beautiful view!

  Point of view, the Great Wall not only attracts people with its majestic, but also attracts people with beautiful scenery.

  I love my country's long history, splendid culture, the more love it was splendid.







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