
时间:2023-06-06 08:07:00 作文网 我要投稿




快乐的英语作文 篇1

  Sunday, my father drove my mother and I went to the eastern outskirts of Zhoukou new botanical gardens play.Go a long way, finally saw the door to the botanical garden, which is composed of eight milky white stone, inlaid with fine shape and tread pattern. Into the door, on both sides of a road through the depths of the Botanical Garden, the road full of flowers and trees, exudes a fresh and fragrant. As if lined up to welcome us. End of the road, there is a garden big turntable, along the path to go inside the garden side, eyes suddenly light up, a beautiful artificial lake in front of us, the water is clear and transparent, gentle breeze rippled the slightest ripple. A group of white waterfowl, flying up and down in the lake. A tree-covered hills of the artificial lake surrounded together to form a beautiful picture.We walked along the road near Lake, there has been a blue stone arch bridge, on the bridge when the mother riding a bike a little difficult, downhill may cool, "call" a falling too far away, there is a real sprint a feeling of. We came to the lake island, the island is covered with soft sand, very comfortable riding on top. I immediately put shoes off, put his feet in the sand. Then sand carved houses, trains, ships and other models. I was so happy to see my mother, gave me photographed leaving a beautiful moment. Then my mother and I went to a small mound in the jungle, these different varieties of trees, the various departments and units of the aunts and uncles who planted voluntary labor. Although small trees, but after a few years, will become a towering trees, really predecessors trees, descendants cool ah!The botanical gardens, bustling city like Xanadu next, and I hope that it build a more beautiful and attract more people to play and leisure.

  星期天,爸爸开车带着我和妈妈一起到周口东郊新建的植物园游玩。走了好长一段路,终于看到植物园大门了,它是由八根乳白色石柱组成,镶嵌着造型精美图案和花纹。走进大门,一条公路直通植物园的深处,路的两旁种满了绿树花草,散发着清新和芬芳。好像列队欢迎我们。公路的尽头,有一个花园大转盘,顺着花园一侧的小路往里走,眼前突然一亮,一个美丽的'人工湖呈现在我们面前,湖水清澈透明,微风吹过,漾起丝丝波纹。一群群白色水鸟,在湖面上下翻飞。一座长满绿树的小山把人工湖环绕起来,构成一幅美丽图画。我们沿着湖旁的小路,出现了一座青色的石拱桥,上桥时,妈妈骑着电动自行车都有点吃力,下坡可就爽了,“呼”的一下滑得老远,真有一种冲刺的感觉。我们来到湖边的小岛,岛上铺着软软的沙子,踏在上面很是舒服。我立刻把鞋子脱下来,把自己的双脚埋在沙子里。然后用沙子雕成房子、火车、轮船等模型。妈妈看见我如此高兴,便给我拍了照片,留下了美好的瞬间。 随后我和妈妈来到小土山上的丛林中,这些品种不一的小树,是各机关单位的叔叔阿姨们义务劳动栽种的。小树虽然现在很小,但若干年后,就会变成参天大树,真是前人栽树,后人乘凉啊!这座植物园,就像繁闹城市旁的世外桃源,我希望它建设得更加美丽,吸引更多的人游玩、休闲。

快乐的英语作文 篇2







快乐的英语作文 篇3



  刚才,我又把这节课从头到尾在脑海里回顾了一遍,最让我满意的是:课堂上,孩子们那一张张洋溢着幸福的笑脸。他们自信地站起来朗读故事,他们勇敢地走上讲台做超级PK,宣传自己做的创意party的海报,还有他们无拘无束的表达,他们发自心底的笑声,他们偶尔幽默的调侃,他们高高举起的`小手……看着看着,我不由自主地被他们的童真感染,一次次忍俊不禁。有一组镜头特别可爱:当小Tom站起来告诉大家他最喜欢的礼物是一件连衣裙的时候,全班同学大笑起来,小男孩竟然会喜欢连衣裙!我不失时机的唱了一句同学们刚刚学会的Declan的歌曲Tell me why…调皮又聪明的Eric竟然大声唱起来:Tell mewhy .Why does Tom like a dress?全班同学一起附和。这时Tom从容地站起来回答说:I want thedress because I want to give it to my mother as apresent. My mother likesdresses.多有爱心的孩子啊!同学们把热烈的掌声送给了小Tom.







快乐的英语作文 篇4

  Little happiness

  Why am I so unlucky? Why things are always getting worse? Why God never favor me? Every time when I hear things like these, I just keep silent, for we couldn t get anything in complain, and then I learn to be appreciated.

  One day I stayed in a condition where I just felt nervous or worse, be mad. I only looked forward to finding a hole and hided myself. Maybe I am too fragile ,easy to be hurt .When I stayed in a corner and was so scared, a friend of mine came to me ,and said : In this world, nothing can daunt us, in addition to our own. Anyway, I will stand by you. I just cried but didn t realize how it would influence me in the future.

  We always complain blindly, not knowing much happiness flows. There are many things we couldn t predict, and we don t know how tomorrow will be. However, cherish what you have now and things would be better.




快乐的英语作文 篇5

  Happy new year is coming. Everywhere is full of festive atmosphere, people cheerful, laughter, to meet the annual event.

  Thirty nights of the year, mother made a lot of food, fish, shrimp, meat, and rice cakes and dumplings. Mother said: eat dumplings is reunion, eat rice cake is the meaning of high year by year. I ate both rice cakes and dumplings. On this new year 's eve, I eat more incense than usual.

  After dinner, my father took me to put a few firecrackers, one of the firecrackers rang a total of 10 times, really enjoyable. At eight o' clock, I sat in front of the TV and watched the 20xx spring festival gala. There are funny crosstalk, breathtaking acrobatics, nice songs, beautiful dance, is really multifarious, everything. In this happy moment, firecrackers kept ringing, kept on. When the clock struck at 12 o 'clock, a beautiful picture appeared in the sky. At this time, I was one year older ...

快乐的英语作文 篇6

  The Happiness of Growing Up

  Since I go to middle school, I start to become independent. I am not a little girl anymore, and I can make my own decision. My parents always get used to do everything for me, but I tell them that I can do it myself. Then my parents are very happy. They no longer make every decision for me and they will ask my opinion. I feel being respected and it is so good for me. Growing up means taking the responsibility and being considerate of others. I try not be childish and think in a mature way. Now everybody respects me and they are willing to listen to my idea. This is the happiness of growing up.


快乐的英语作文 篇7

  everyone has a family。 i have a family, too。 i name it “happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.

  come and meet my family, please! my mother is kind。 i love her, and she loves me, too。 my mother is pretty。 she likes beautiful clothes。 i call her“dressy mum”。

  my father is a boss。 he is tall and thin。 he has a small head。 i give him a nickname“small head father”。 i am fat and lovely。 i have a big head。 i give myself a nickname“big head girl”。 i study hard。 i am a good student。

  we are happy every day!

快乐的英语作文 篇8

  Today is as normal as usual, but I am very happy today. I help an old granny. When I took bus to school this morning, an old granny sat next to me. She was so gracious that looked like my own grandmother. She talked to me. Suddenly, she had a cough and then she seemed can’t breathe. I told the driver stop the bus immediately and then dialed 120 to call an ambulance. The ambulance arrived quickly.I went to the hospital with her. I help her called her son. After checking, the old granny relapsed but not very serious. When her son came, he thanked for me to call the ambulance. Seeing the old granny is fine, I leave and go to school.I was late for school, but I explained everything to my school. My teacher praised me. I am happy I could help others.


快乐的英语作文 篇9

  I am a middle school student。 I come from England。 Now I’m studying in No。8 Middle school of Beijing。 Today is Sunday。 My Chinese friend, Li Hong, invited me to her house。 In the morning we did our homework, then we played computer games and watched TV。 At moon, I had lunch with the family。 Li Hong’s mother made a lot of delicious Chinese food, such as beef, pork, chicken, bean curd(豆腐), cabbage,and dumplings。 I enjoyed them very much。 I had a very happy Sunday in Li Hong’s home。










