
时间:2023-04-25 07:36:14 寒假作文 我要投稿
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A:Everybady wants to be successful,I do too.But to be asuccessful man is not easy.I have to work harder and harder.Now iwant to be asuccessful man in my middle school final exam.I think ican make it!Good luck to myself!B:H1N1 is akind of bad virus.It will make you vomitor diarrhea.I have some advice for you to keep healthy.First you need to do outdoor exercise everyday,it's very good for your health.second you have to eat fresh meat and vegetable every day,it will keep your body well.Third wash your hand time after time.It will keep the virus away from you.This is all my advice.C:Today is the international smiling day.I want everyone to have smileson their faces.It's going to be the earthquake day soon.But Chinese people are not sad.I think we have abright future.China!GO GO GO!D:Dear Tom:I am terribly sorry to hear that there is ahorrible disease in your country!The most important thing is you have to learn how to protect yourself.First no school,don't go to the place with lots ofpeople.Second do some exercise every day.Third have agood rest,and check your tempreature some time.I hope you will be good!Best wishes Alexander Xiang 2/22/2010向隽宇初三六附图:







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