作文 Pelican Was Hungry饥饿的鹈鹕

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作文 Pelican Was Hungry饥饿的鹈鹕

  Pelican was hungry. He opened his bill wide and then closed it fast. That is how a pelican says, “I am hungry.”     一只鹈鹕饿了,它把嘴张得很大,然后又快速合上,像是在说:“我饿了。”     Pelican looked down at the water. He saw something shaped like a fin in the water. Quick! He dove down fast to eat it up.     鹈鹕低头朝水面上看,发现水里有个东西像鱼翅。快!它猛一下把脖子潜入水中,准备吞掉它。     It was a dolphin’s fin. A dolphin is much too big for a pelican to eat. So Pelican flew back to his branch.     那是只海豚的鳍。海豚对鹈鹕来说,想吞掉它那是太大了,于是鹈鹕飞回树枝。     Pelican sat on his branch. He opened his bill wide. Then he closed it fast. He was still hungry.     鹈鹕落在树枝上,张开嘴巴然后快速合上,它仍然饿。     Suddenly, he saw a little head pop out of the waves. Quick! Pelican dove down fast to eat it up.     忽然,它看见了一个小脑袋从波浪里弹出。快!鹈鹕猛一下把脖子潜入水中,准备吞掉它。     It was a turtle. The turtle was much too big for a pelican to eat. The turtle dove in the water and swam away. Pelican still did not have any food.     那是只海龟。海龟对鹈鹕来说仍然太大了。海龟潜到水里游走了,鹈鹕仍然一无所获。     He flew up and away on the wind. He looked down. Every little wave sparkled. Soon he saw something floating on top of a wave. Quick! Pelican dove down fast to eat it up.     它飞了起来,迎风翱翔。朝下看,每朵浪花都在闪耀。很快,它发现有个东西在浪尖上漂着。快!鹈鹕猛一下把脖子潜入水中,准备吞掉它。     It was a coconut. A coconut is much too big for a pelican to eat. Pelican poked it away with his bill. He still did not have any food.     那是一个椰子。椰子对鹈鹕来说仍然太大了。鹈鹕戳了一下便打消了念头,它仍然一无所获。     Pelican swam and rode on top of the waves. He opened his bill and closed it fast. He opened it and closed it again. He was very hungry.     鹈鹕乘着海浪在游。它张开嘴,快速合上,又张开嘴,又快速合上。它非常饿。     He flew up on the wind and over the waves. He flew all the way back home to his branch.     它几乎是顶风破浪飞行,径直返回它那树枝上的巢。     Pelican looked down at the water. He opened his bill wide and closed it fast. He was very, very, hungry. He saw something shine and flash under the water. He dove down fast.     鹈鹕朝水面上看。它把嘴张得很大,又快速合上,它非常非常饿。它发现似乎有光泽和闪光在水面底下,便猛一下把脖子伸进水中。     It was a fish, and it was a good one. It was not too big. It had no big bones and fins that he can choke on. Pelican flew back up to his branch with the fish in his bill.     是一条鱼,简直不敢相信。它不太大,没有能噎住自己的`大骨头和鳍。鹈鹕叼着鱼飞上树枝。     He let the fish slide down his neck.     它让鱼溜进了自己的脖子。     Then Pelican closed his bill and put it on his chest. That is how a pelican says, “I am not hungry anymore.”     这时,鹈鹕闭上了嘴巴,把嘴放在胸前,似乎在说:“我一点也不饿了。

作文 Pelican Was Hungry饥饿的鹈鹕

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