Joan of Arc圣女贞德英语观后感

时间:2021-08-25 15:00:43 观后感 我要投稿

Joan of Arc圣女贞德英语观后感

  品味完一部作品后,这次观看让你有什么体会呢?此时需要认真地做好记录,写写观后感了。那要怎么写好观后感呢?下面是小编为大家收集的Joan of Arc圣女贞德英语观后感,希望对大家有所帮助。

Joan of Arc圣女贞德英语观后感

  It is an epic that deconstructs human nature. The war is ugly, because of the ugliness of human nature, and the idealistic little girl witnessed the ugly scene of human nature at a young age, so she planted the hatred in the eyes of the imaginative little girl, relied on spirit and luck. Orlean, but the smooth voyage was finally short, and the girl was killed at last, and the people who used to use her thought she had no value. They would not be able to pay any more. They took advantage of what they wanted, and what they wanted.

  The content of the film picked up a sword in the field from the time of Jane's childhood in the field. The process of the middle was not too much to describe. The nuns killed Joan of the first question: where is God? Where is God when his children need him? It is this kind of inquiry that can not find an outlet. In the end, Joan of arc chooses the inner self talk, that is, to be his own God. But the belief that has been lingering from small to large has been lingering. You can not be your own God. You are a God's people. So the fierce battle of heart has been torturing Joan of virtue from the day of the war, and has been torturing me for a long time that believes that faith or belief has long been missing.

  Say Mira's virtue. When he was a child, he loved to run a church and confess. At the end of a confession, he went home and met with miracles. Then he accidentally encountered the British soldiers invading his own eyes and watched his elder sister die in front of himself. After that, he was sent to someone's house to live in. Since then, Joan's heart has already had a strong vengeance seed. She later went to see the prince of France and told him that he was the real emperor, and then asked for war and won. Everything was claimed to be from God's instructions. Now, in fact, Joan has personality split and self deception. It was like she was captured at last and then in the cell with the so-called Satan. Even Joan of arc did not know whether he was an angel or a devil himself. In her heart, she had a deep resentment of seeds, which led her to be afraid of death on the battlefield to kill the British army. But after the war, she tried to prevent officers from killing prisoners of war. Her confession may, in a certain sense, know that he is a Satan, so he wants to get the redemption of the soul through confession, like at the end of her own request for fire. But to save her own soul.

  Before JAD saw the prince of France, the film showed the original side of Joan of Joan, but she also joined her gradually paranoid and self suppressing factors; this part of the film became so much larger in the later period of the film that many dialogues were carried out in her brain. Seeing here, I think of a word - schizophrenia; perhaps this is a bit heavy, but Joan does not balance the two self - the balance of the heart loses its balance. Directing Luke Besson to "sanctify" the Saint Joan of Joan of Joan, and to try to find out what is the reason for such an illiterate, strategic peasant woman to lead the French army to victory in the war.

  I don't know. I still can't get any conclusion when I see the ending. Or from the beginning the conclusion has already been given. Between reality and illusion, we lose ourselves. On the one hand, it affirms it. On the one hand, it negates it. We always live in this paradoxical way. And the virtue of Joan of arc lies in the extremity of her direction, which is terrible. It's extremely frightening. This kind of power has also been biting the Joan of madness for a long time. In the end, let Joan return to our original heart. Can we do this in the face of the world? Can you lose yourself? Can you find yourself in the world of illusions? What is the self?

  This is the image of a heroine. She never went to school, but she was worried about the country and the people. She wanted to drive out the British invaders out of France and save the suffering French people. She was not afraid of the power, she was not afraid of the church, and said the church and the noblemen ignored the sufferings of the people. She fought bravely, even when the French king gave up Paris reinvaders. She still believed that Paris would return to the French layout with the army. She was indomitable and never compromised. Even in prison, her eyes were still unyielding.

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