小不点大眼睛 《城南旧事》读后感

时间:2023-04-24 22:34:51 读后感 我要投稿
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小不点大眼睛 《城南旧事》读后感

《城南旧事》读后感 Impressions?after?Reading?My?Memories?of?Old?   《城南旧事》的作者是林海音,讲的是她在北京城南的童年往事。  我很喜欢这本书,因为它的内容很新奇,话语也很随意,让人读起来有种轻松快乐的感觉,仿佛我就是当年那个天真可爱的小英子。书中多次运用语言描写,人物对话风趣幽默,这令我更深地体会到了英子与朋友妞儿、秀贞相处时的快乐,与父母之间相互关爱的情感。唯一遗憾的就是书中讲的是“旧事”,因此提到的家乡话我没能看懂。  读着读着,我不禁想:如果我有这么一个轻松、快乐、充满欢声笑语的童年就好了,可惜我的童年被作业与特长班给填满了!不过比起妞儿,我的童年还算不错:她的父母不是亲生的,经常打她还逼迫她唱戏挣钱。让我欣慰的是最后她还是找到了亲生父母。  一个欢乐的童年和一些细腻的描写,构成了林海音的《城南旧事》。 The author of the book is Lin Haiyin. She described her childhood when she was living in the southern Beijing. I like the book very much since the story is quite new for me and the language is casual which gives me a carefree and relieving feeling. While reading the book, I could personally experience the life the lovely girl Yingzi had led before. The book is full of dialogues which are interesting and humorous, enabling me to realize the happiness when Yingzi and her friends Niuer and Xiuzhen were hanging out as well as the love in her family. The only regret is that the book is all about the "old Beijing", so some colloquial expressions in the story are beyond my apprehension. When I was reading the book, I could not help thinking how lucky I would be if I was the little girl who had such a happy, relieving and unforgettable childhood rather than the one filled up with endless homework and interest classes. However, compared with Niuer, my life was pretty good, for at least, my mom and dad are really my parents and I dont need to earn money by being forced to sing opera. To my satisfaction, at last she found her own parents. A happy childhood and some detailed descriptions constitute the book of My Memories of Old Beijing.   更多请点击http://i.myechinese.com/apps/lib/index.php?s=/Topic/topic/gid/24/tid/325 。  

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