
时间:2023-04-25 16:26:44 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年4月27日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 他应该使故事情节不要那么混乱。应该有人(比如在书的最后)告诉大卫龙的真假, 而不是让他最初认为龙是假的,然后是真的,然后又是假的。 我现在在读卡什-阿帕特的《在下边》。这本书讲述一个叫伽菲斯的坏人, 与他的狗,和几只猫(狗的朋友们)的故事。 我无法理解伽菲斯怎么能这么坏。 他一生从来没有感到过懊悔和抱歉。 即使真正的恶人有时也会有那种感情的。 我现在正在读《规则》,由辛西娅-罗德所写。OT做些什么事?我认为OT没怎么帮到大卫。大卫做了很多让凯瑟琳尴尬, 失面子的事, 我替她难过。   真诚的,   冰 *** 2010年5月10日 亲爱的冰, OT是“职业治疗师”的简称。职业治疗师帮助身体有局限的人。他们教病人日常生活技能,以使他们能独立生活。杰森的OT教他怎样跟别人交流,怎么操作轮椅。她可能还教他吃饭,刷牙等。她希望他越独立越好。大卫的OT可能教他跟别人讲话时要看着人家,控制住身体,适应响声,少发脾气等。 大卫真的无法控制他的脑子。 我认为凯瑟琳不应该觉得尴尬。  他就是那样的人。 我能理解她的感觉,但我更同情大卫。 你认为克里斯汀称得上是凯瑟琳的好朋友吗?   真诚的,   爱玛老师 *** 4/27/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, I think he should have made the book less confusing.  It would have been better if someone, maybe at the end, just told him if the dragons were real or not, instead of first feeling that the dragons were fake, then real, then fake again. I am reading The Underneath, by Kathi Appett.  It is about an evil man named Gar Face and his dog, Ranger, and some cats who befriend Ranger. I don’t get how Gar Face could be so mean.  He never felt any sorrow or regret in his life.  Even rally evil people have those feelings sometimes. I am reading Rules, by Cynthia Lord. What does the OT do?  I don’t’ think it really helps David much.  I feel sorry for Catherine, David embarrasses her a lot.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 5/10/2010 Dear Ben, OT stands for “Occupational Therapist”.  An occupational therapist works with people who have limitations.  Their role is to help others lead a full life by teaching them how to do day-to-day tasks.  Jason’s OT teaches how to communicate and maneuver his wheelchair. She probably also teaches him how to eat, brush his teeth, etc.  She wants him to be as independent as possible.  David’s OT probably teaches him how to look at others when he speaks to them, control his body, deal with loud sounds, have fewer tantrums, etc. David really can’t help the way his brain thinks.  I don’t think Catherine should be embarrassed.  That’s just who he is.  I understand why she is, but I feel for David. Do you think Kristi is a good friend to Catherine? Sincerely, Ms. Emma


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