
时间:2023-04-25 16:26:42 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年3月30日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 我还没看过电影。 我打算把这套书都读完。《雅吾的预言家》我已经读到一半了。 我认为杜和丽娜将成为非常要好的朋友。 他们都喜欢历险,有同样的兴趣爱好。 我现在在读珍妮-杜普洛的《黑城钻石》。这是《微光城市》的续集的续集。 我现在在读《河狸的信号》,作者是伊丽莎白-乔治-斯皮尔。 这本书讲述一个叫马特的男孩,被父亲一个人留下来后,遇到了两个印第安人的故事。 在《鲁滨逊漂流记》这本书里,鲁滨逊能找到所有那些工具,完全是运气好。我认为,如果没有那些工具,作者自己都不知道如何造个遮风挡雨的棚屋,以及做其他那些事情,所以他让鲁滨逊找到了那些工具。 埃廷不喜欢上课。 如果我是他的话,我也不会喜欢。 真诚的, 冰 *** 2010年4月6日 亲爱的冰, 丹尼尔·笛福写的《鲁滨逊漂流记》被认为是第一本用英文写的书! 它发表于1719年! 这本书以来自苏格兰的水手亚历山大·赛尔科克的真实的遭难经历为蓝本。赛尔科克在智利海岸边的一个小岛上生存了四年。这是个无人居住的荒岛。赛尔科克认为他的船不安全,要求被留在小岛上。 但船刚离开,他马上后悔自己所做的决定!!! 他当时有一支步枪,火药,一把刀,一本《圣经》和一些木工用具。  埃廷不喜欢上课, 我一点都不怪他。马特学到了什么?   真诚的,   爱玛老师 ***   3/30/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, I haven’t seen  the movie.  I am going to read all the books.  I’m already half way through The Prophet of Yonwood. I think Doon and Lina will be really good friends.  They both like adventure and are interested in the same things. I am reading The Diamond of Darkhold, by Jeanne DuPrau.  It is the sequel to the sequel of The City of Ember. I am reading The Sign of The Beaver, by Elizabeth George Speare.  It is about a boy named Matt left alone by his father and he meets two Indians. I think Robinson Crusoe really was just lucky that he found all those tools.  I think the author of Robinson Crusoe made Robinson find all these tools because he didn’t know how to make shelter or anything without those tools himself. Attean doesn’t like to have the lessons.  I think I wouldn’t, either, if I were him.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 4/6/2010 Dear Ben, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is considered to be the first book written in English.  It was published in 1719! The book was based loosely on the life of a real castaway, Alexander Selkirk, from Scotland.  Selkirk lived for 4 years on an island off the coast of Chile.  The island was deserted or uninhabited.  Selkirk didn’t think his ship was seaworthy, so he demanded that he be left at the island.  As soon as the boat left, he regretted his decision!!! He had a musket, gunpowder, a knife, a Bible, and carpenter’s tools. I don’t blame Attean for hating the lessons!  What does Matt get out of all this? Sincerely, Ms. Emma


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