
时间:2023-04-25 16:26:28 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年4月6日 亲爱的爱玛老师,  马特懂得了土著人永远都不会做鲁滨逊做过的一些事。马特给埃廷上课后,埃廷教他怎么设陷阱,怎么钓鱼,以及其他许多本领。 我刚读完克雷西达-考威尔所著的《怎样成为海盗》。赫卡普想要寻找宝藏。最后他确实找到了他的曾曾祖父的宝藏。但他把所有宝藏原封不动留在了原来的山洞里,并把它作为一个秘密。我认为他做得非常正确。 我现在在读克里斯-德兰西的《冰火》, 里边有一个伯格斯医生非常神秘。我认为他也知道龙的事。 我还在读《河狸的信号》。我认为马特将永远感谢埃廷, 因为埃廷把所有的本事都教给了他,比如:怎样做鱼钩,怎样做弓箭,怎样在森林里做记号以防迷路。 马特决定留下来过冬,等待他的父亲。 我认为他做得很对。如果我是他,我也会这样做。   真诚的,   冰 *** 2010年4月20日 亲爱的冰, 我总是质疑马特留下来的决定。我知道他非常爱他的家人,对家人很忠心。 我觉得他应该跟埃廷走。他可以在小木屋里给家人留一张纸条,解释他去哪里了,为什么离开。这样,如果他的父亲真的赶回来了,可以去找他。 我认为马特表现得更像是印第安男孩,而不像白人男孩。 你看过《驯龙记》这部电影吗? 我刚订购了克雷西达-考威尔的又一本书,但我忘记是哪本了! 给我多讲讲《冰火》这本书。   真诚的,   爱玛老师 *** 4/6/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, Matt learns that a native would probably never do some of the things that Robinson Crusoe said he did.  Attean also shows him how to make snares and fish and other things after his lessons. I just finished How to be a Pirate, by Cressida Cowell.  It is about Hiccup trying to find treasure. In the end Hiccup did find the treasure of his great-great-grandfather, Grimbeard the Ghastly. I think Hiccup made a good choice.  He left all the treasure inside the cave where he found it, and kept the treasure a secret. I am reading Icefire, by Chris d’Lacey.  There is a guy named Dr. Bergstrom that is really mysterious.  I think he also knows about the dragons. I am reading The Sign of The Beaver. I think Matt will be grateful to Attean for showing him all those tricks, like how to make a fishing hook, how to make bows and arrows, and how to mark his way in the forest so he doesn’t get lost. I think Matt made the right decision to stay and wait for his father.  If I were him, I would too.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 4/20/2010 Dear Ben, I always questioned Matt’s decision to stay.  He was committed to his family and loved them very much. I felt Matt should have gone with Attean.  He could have left a note for his family in his cabin explaining where he is and why he left.  That way if his dad did make it back, he could search for Matt.  I think Matt was behaving more like an Indian than a colonial boy. Did you see the movie, How to Train a Dragon?  I just ordered one more Cressida Cowell book, but I can’t remember which one! Tell me more about IceFire.   Sincerely,   Ms. Emma





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