
时间:2023-04-25 16:25:06 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年3月2日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 在这个系列的第一本书里,马克西姆从一群持枪歹徒手里救了一个叫艾拉的女孩。马克西姆受了很重的伤,艾拉把她带回家, 在那里马克西姆遇到了艾拉的母亲,后来发现艾拉的母亲也是她自己的生母。 我不知道到底为什么马克西姆必须拯救世界,不过她好像命中注定是要拯救世界的。她要把世界从污染,全球变暖等灾害中挽救出来。 我不知道他们是怎么被追踪的。 你理解得不错,但她还需要拯救世界。 我刚读完《丹尼尔危险的日子》,作者是詹姆斯-帕特森和迈克尔-莱德维奇。 这本书讲述一个叫丹尼尔的男孩,他的父母被外星人谋杀了,他一心想要消灭所有坏的外星人。 丹尼尔力量只有三级水平,而他追杀的坏外星人之一赛斯具有七级的速度和七级的力量。但丹尼尔极其聪明。在书的结尾, 他引赛斯上钩,变成虱子,爬进赛斯的头里,然后变为大象,杀死了赛斯。 我刚读完凯特-迪卡米罗的著作《因为温迪》。 这本书讲述一只叫温迪的狗如何改变了奥普尔的人生。 我认为凯特-迪卡米罗经历过一些悲惨的事,所以她的书里有那么多伤悲。我觉得她想如果温迪永远走失了的话,这个故事太悲哀了,所以她让奥普尔和牧师找回了温迪。   真诚的,   冰 *** 2010年3月8日 亲爱的冰, 所有伟大的作家都从他们的经历里吸取灵感。我肯定她认识像奥普尔那样的孩子,也认识像格洛丽亚,牧师那样的人。 这本书被拍成电影了。 你看过那个电影吗? 请对书的主题之一进行评论:友谊,希望,新的开始,相依相伴。 你读过凯特-迪卡米罗写的其他书吗? 你想读的话我这里有。 真诚的, 爱玛老师 *** 3/2/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, In the first book in the series, Max rescued a girl named Ella from a bunch of big mean bullies with guns.  But she was hurt bad so Ella took Max into her house where Max met Ella’s mom, which she later found out was her own mom too. I don’t know exactly why Max has to save the world, only that she was somehow destined to save the world.  She needs to try to save it from pollution and global warming and stuff like that. I don’t know how they are tracked.  Close enough, but she also needs to save the world. I just finished The Dangerous Days of Daniel X, by James Petterson & Michael Ledwidge.  It is about a boy named Daniel whose parents were murdered by aliens and so he tries to destroy all of the bad aliens. Daniel only has Level 3 strength, but he is smart.  In the end when he killed Ergent Seth, who had Level 7 speed and Level 7 strength, he baited Seth, then turned into a tick, crawled inside Seth’s head, then turned into an elephant. I just finished Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo.  It is about how a dog named Winn-Dixie changes Opal’s life. I think Kate DeCamillo has a fair share of sadness, maybe that’s why she made so much sad stuff in the story  I think she thought the story would be too sad if Winn-Dixie was lost forever so she made Opal and the Preacher find Winn-Dixie.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 3/8/2010 Dear Ben, All great authors draw on the past for inspiration.  I’m sure she knew a kid or two like Opal, as well as a Gloria Dump and someone like the Preacher.  The book was made into a movie.  Have you seen it? Please comment on one of the themes of the book: friendship, hope, new beginnings, companionship. Have you read other books by Kate Dicamillo?  I have others you can read. Sincerely, Ms. Emma




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