
时间:2023-04-25 16:25:06 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年3月9日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 没有,我还没有看过电影。但我已经很多次听人家提到这个电影了。 我认为美好的友谊比大把的钱要有价值得多。当然如果可能的话,我两样都要。 我没有读过凯特-迪卡米罗的其他书。 我现在在读詹姆斯-帕特森的《马克西姆》。托托(鸟孩们的会说话的狗)对人们现在这样对待狗很恼怒。但它喜欢法国人--- 至少大多数法国餐馆允许狗狗进去用餐。我认为我们应该善待动物。 我现在在读“三脚人”系列之第一部:《白山》, 作者为约翰-克利斯朵夫。这是一本科幻小说,讲述一个叫威尔的男孩为躲避三脚人向白山里逃去。 三脚人是庞大的,三只脚的机器。有些人认为他们来自外星球,奴役地球人;有些人认为他们是古代人(机器人控制地球之前的人类)造出来的机器,能思维,后来反叛了。 它使我想到电影《终结者》, 那也是关于人造机器造反的故事。 我现在在读里克-杨斯所写的《所罗门的封印》。 它讲述艾尔弗雷德试图用所罗门的封印拯救世界。 真诚的, 冰 *** 2010年3月15日 亲爱的冰, 你的信显示你有很强的洞察力和思考能力。 你很有想法,表达能力也强 --- 高于五年级的程度。 我完全赞同你的观点 ---美好的友谊比大把的钱要有价值得多。钱真的不能使你快乐,但是友谊可以。你只需要足够的钱支付日常开销就可以了。 一旦基本生活条件能满足,更多的钱并不能使你快乐。去上大学 --- 上克莱姆森大学 --- 你以后挣的钱就够生活了。 我是上了高中才读的《白山》, 因为那时年轻人能读到的科幻小说太少了。我读五年级时,老师没有叫我读科幻小说。我太喜欢这本书了! 威尔对人生有了怎样的理解和感悟? 真诚的, 爱玛老师 *** 3/9/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, No, I haven’t seen the movie, but I’ve heard people talk about it lots of times. I think a good friendship is better than having a lot of money, but I would have both if I could. No, I don’t think I’ve read any other book by Kate DiCamillo. I’m reading Max, by James Patterson.  Total, the Flock’s talking dog, is very irritated at humans for treating dogs like they do.  But he likes the French – at least most of the restaurants in France allow dogs to eat inside.  I think we should treat animals better. I am reading The Tripods 1: The White Mountains. It is a Science Fiction book about a boy named Will traveling to the White Mountains to hide from the Tripods (Author: John Christopher). The Tripods are big, three legged machines.  Some people think they, came from outer space and enslaved human kind, and some people think they were just thinking machines that the Ancients (People before the Tripods took over) built that rebelled.  It reminded me of the movie series Terminator, where machines built by humans revolted. I am reading The Seal of Solomon, by Rick Yancey.  It is about Alfred Kropp trying to save the world with the Seal of King Solomon.   Sincerely,   Ben ***   3/15/2010 Dear Ben, Your letters are very insightful and reflective.  You have great ideas and you express them at a high level – higher than 5th grader. I absolutely agree with you --- friendship is better than having a lot of money.  Money really doesn’t make you happy, but your friends can.  You only need enough money to meet your needs.  Once your needs are met, more money won’t make you happy. Go to college – go to Clemson – and you will have plenty of $. I read White Mountains when I was in high school because there was very little SF for young people to read.  I didn’t have a teacher making me read SF in 5th grade.  I loved it!  What did Will realize/learn about life? Sincerely, Ms. Emma










