
时间:2023-04-25 16:22:03 读后感 我要投稿
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2010年2月16日 亲爱的爱玛老师,  是的,她妈妈是编辑。 一开始我和纳塔丽的想法一样,以为出书非常容易,你只要写个故事,给出版社打电话,然后书就印出来了。但事实上,你必须首先找到经纪人,接着找到出版社,然后才能出版。整个过程比想象的困难多了。 我是在班级图书馆里借到《校园故事》的。 我读过《粉灵豆》。我也认为这是安德鲁-克莱门茨最好的一本书。我非常喜欢它。 我现在在读罗尔德-达尔写的《查理和大玻璃电梯》。  这是《查理和巧克力工厂》的续集。它讲述查理一家和旺达先生乘着玻璃电梯历险的故事。 罗尔德-达尔非常幽默,他的写作方法,遣词造句都很有想象力和创造性。 现在我在读詹姆斯-帕特森所著的《马克西姆:天使试验》。这是关于一群实验室变异出来的孩子们试图拯救世界的故事。 这些鸟孩们很酷,他们有翅膀,能飞。如果我能有翅膀, 那就太美了! 我刚读完《MVP》, 作者是道格拉斯-埃文斯。这本书讲述24个队用40天的时间环绕地球。                                          真诚的,                                          冰 *** 2010年2月22日 亲爱的冰, 罗尔德-达尔将被作为二十世纪最伟大的儿童作家之一铭记在人们心间。 他的儿童书籍里常常会出现坏男人或坏女人,他们恨孩子,虐待孩子。但也会出现至少一个“好”的大人。达尔说他小时候在寄宿学校时,经常被老师们和校长们虐待。 所以他必须写出来。 不过他以幽默的方式写了。 给我多讲讲埃文斯的《MVP》。 比赛的规则是什么?你认得出那些地方吗?                                         真诚的,                                         爱玛老师 *** 2/16/2010 Dear Ms. Emma, Yes, her mothr was the editor.  I first thought, as Natalie thought, that it was very easy to get a book published, just write a story, call the company or something, and it can be published.  But actually you first have to find an agent, then an editor in the company,then publish it.  It’s actually way harder than it sounds.  I got The School Story from the class library. I have read Frindle.  I also think it is Andrew Clements’ best book.  I really liked it. I am now reading Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, by Roald Dahl.  It is the sequel to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.  It’s about Charlie’s family and Mr. Wonka having many adventures in Mr. Wonka’s glass elevator. Dahl is funny, and he is very creative with writing and wording. Right now, I am reading Maximum Ride:  the Angel Experiment, by James Patterson.  It is about a group of lab-mutated teenagers and children trying to save the world. The Flock are really cool, they have wings and can fly.  It would be awesome if I could have wings. I just finished MVP, by Douglass Evans.  It is about 24 teams trying to go around the world in 40 days.                                      Sincerely,                                      Ben ***  2/22/2010 Dear Ben, Roald Dahl will be remembered as one of the greatest children’s book authors in the 20th century.  His children’s books typically involve adult villains or villainesses who hate and mistreat children. Usually there’s at least one “good” adult.  Dahl says he was mistreated by teachers and headmasters and headmistresses at boarding school, so he had to write about it in a humorous way. Tell me more about MVP by Evans.  What are the rules of the contest?  Did you recognize any of the places?                                    Sincerely,                                    Ms. Emma



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