
时间:2023-04-25 16:20:34 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年12月8日 亲爱的爱玛老师, 在这本书里,约翰想相信电脑游戏只是游戏, 并没有真的发生战争。但外星人的首领认为这是真的,战争是很不好的,如果他们投降的话,就不会有更多外星人或地球人死亡。 约翰学到的道理是:战争是毁灭性的,能伤害很多人。另外,战争不是游戏。 现在我在读《斧头》, 作者:盖瑞-珀森。 这本书讲述一个叫布莱恩的男孩迫降到了加拿大湖泊里后,怎么样独自一人凭着一把斧头在湖边的树林中生存下来。 布莱恩发现了一种浆果,吃了以后肚子会痛,会泻。但如果是我的话,哪怕像他那么饥饿,我还是会把果核吐掉的,而不是像他那样全部吞下去。 我认为布莱恩很聪明。比如他知道怎么生火。 他知道用什么做燃料,怎么吹火。他还做了一根鱼叉,但那根鱼叉不好用。我认为他将做一根更好的鱼叉,或找到一种新方法捕鱼。 现在我在读《布莱恩的冬天》,是《斧头》的续集。讲的是如果在《斧头》的结尾布莱恩没有被救的话他将会怎么样。 您的学生, 冰 *** 2009年12月14日 亲爱的冰, 布莱恩勇敢又聪明。 他也从失败中吸取教训了。他认识到他应该停止自怜,没有任何人能帮助他活下来。他需要完全靠自己。 他经历了哪些失败和挫折?他又赢得了哪些胜利?重新回到社会中后他是怎么适应的? 真诚的, 爱玛老师 *** 12/8/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, In this book, Johnny wants to believe that the computer game is not real, just a game, not war of anything.  But the Captain of the ScreeWee fleet thinks war is very bad and knows that less people would die if they surrendered,  human, or ScreeWee.  A lesson Johnny learned is that war is very destructible and can harm lots of people.  Also, war is not a game. Right now, I am reading Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen.  It is about a boy named Brian who crash-landed in a Canadian lake and tried to survive in the nearby woods, all alone, with his hatchet. Brian found a kind of berry that he called “gut cherries”, because it made his stomach ache and caused him to have diarrhea.  Even if I were as hungry as he was, I think I would still have at least spit out the pit, instead of swallowing them whole like he did. I still think Brian is pretty smart like when he made the fire.  He knew what kind of fuel to make, and how to blow the fire.  He also made a fishing spear, but that didn’t work.  I think he is going to try to make a better one or maybe find a new way to catch fish. Right now I am reading Brian’s Winter, one of the sequels to Hatchet.  It is about what would happen if Brian hadn’t been rescued at the end of Hatchet. Your student, Ben *** 12/14/2009 Dear Ben, Brian is brave and smart; but he certainly learned from his mistakes.  He also learned that he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself and understand that no one can help him survive.  He needs to do that on his own. What were some of his mistakes, or setbacks?  What were some of his triumphs?  How did he handle returning to the real world?   Sincerely,   Ms. Emma










