
时间:2023-04-25 16:19:41 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年11月4日 亲爱的爱玛老师,   帕特里克是自愿参军的。 不过他后来说自己竟然会做这么愚蠢的事,真是个彻头彻尾的傻瓜。 我认为他报名参军时并不知道战争如此残酷。 他到了部队里几个月后,迫使自己不再交新朋友,怕新朋友马上会死掉。我不知道帕特里克怎么看美国帮助南越这件事的。 现在我在读《儿童幽默故事集》。 里边有一些短篇幽默故事,以及摘选自其他书本的一些章节。 在“比格尔夫人的魔法”里,我认为孩子们不应该总是说:“哦,我以为你说的是。。。”。虽然好玩,但很讨厌,父母们听得都快疯掉了。 在“大象的孩子”里,我认为大人不能在每次大象的孩子好奇提问的时候打他。 在“蛾和星星”里,蛾爸爸认为翅膀被烤焦是一件非常荣耀的事。但是小蛾没有听爸爸的话,翅膀从来没被烧灼过。 他因此比他爸爸和兄弟们活得岁数长多了。 在“切尔姆的傻瓜们和鲤鱼”里,我认为切尔姆人都很蠢。故事一开始,倪力进献给切尔姆的首领奥克斯一条活鲤鱼。鲤鱼的尾巴打了奥克斯的脸。 奥克斯生气了,举办了很多次审判会定它的罪,但不知道该拿它怎么办。 最后他决定把鲤鱼扔河里淹死。 所有人都觉得这是个绝妙的主意。 您的学生, 冰 *** 2009年11月9日 亲爱的冰,   “大象的孩子”选自鲁德亚德·吉卜林的名著《原来如此·吉卜林故事集》 。 这类故事被称为pourquoi故事,因为它们讲述各种现象是怎么来的。“大象的孩子”描述了什么现象?   吉卜林也是《森林王子》的作者。   “蛾和星星”是詹姆斯-瑟伯写的一个寓言, 1940年第一次发表在故事集《我们时代的寓言》里。这个故事教给我们一个道理。 小蛾学到了什么道理?   这本书里你已经读完多少个故事了?     真诚的, 爱玛老师 ***     11/4/2009 Dear Ms. Emma,   Patrick volunteered for the army.  He said that he was a complete idiot for doing that.  I think when he enlisted he didn’t know how horrible war actually was.  After he was in the war for a few months, he actually forced himself not to make any new friends, just in case they died.  I don’t really know if Patrick believed the U.S. was right about helping South Vietnam.   Right now, I am reading The Random House Book of HUMOR for Children.  It consists of funny short stories, or chapters or sections of other books.   In Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Magic, I don’t think the children should always say “Oh, I thought you said…” Even though it is funny, it drives the parents crazy, and is annoying. In The Elephant’s Child, I think the adults don’t always have to spank the Elephant’s Child whenever he gets curious, or asks a question.   In The Moth and the Star, the father moth thinks that if your wings get singed, or burned, it is a very big honor.  But the child moth didn’t listen and didn’t get burned at all, which let him live far longer than his father or brothers.   In The Fools of Chelm and the Stupic Carp, I think the people of Chelm are very stupid. It started when Zeinvel Ninny brought a live carp to Gronam Ox, the leader of Chelm.  The carp slapped Ox with its tail, so Ox got angry.  He held lots of trials, but couldn’t decided what to do with it.  Finally, he decided the carp should be drowned.  Everybody thought that was a great idea.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 11/9/2009 Dear Ben,   The Elephant’s Child is originally from Just So Stories for Little Children by Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book.  These types  of stories are called pourquoi stories because they tell accounts of how various phenomena came about. What phenomena does The Elephant’s Child describe?   The Moth and the Star is a fable by James Thurber and was first printed in the story collection Fables for Our Time in 1940. This one teaches a lesson.  What lesson did the young moth learn?   How many stories have you read from the book?   Sincerely,   Ms. Emma










