
时间:2023-04-25 16:18:18 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年10月13日  亲爱的爱玛老师, 我现在读到萨提姆斯, 杰娜和毕托到了佛里克斯庄园, 那是“所有时间的会聚点”。 他们希望能在那里找到尼可和斯诺。佛里克斯庄园的神奇之处在于:任何进入庄园的人就不在时间里了。只有靠别人从庄园外边打开门,里边的人才能出去, 然后只能进入开门那个人所在的时间点。萨提姆斯, 杰娜和毕托希望尼可和斯诺还没有离开庄园, 否则将很难再找到他们。 我喜欢这本书的结尾:超级大巫师马夏把他们三人以及尼可和斯诺都从佛里克斯庄园救了出来, 他们回到家, 莎拉-希普见到了尼可。 他们都快乐无比。 书里还有其他有趣的人物,比如马林。 别人以前一直以为他就是萨提姆斯-希普, 但他现在什么都不是了。 马林进入黑色魔术圈,从他师傅多姆-丹尼尔那里偷走了双面戒指。 谁拥有这枚戒指将永生不死。但尽管人家不可能杀了他,马林却胆子很小,害怕很多事情。 现在我在读杰夫-斯通写的《蛇》。 这本书讲蛇,虎,蟒(蛇的父亲),山虎(虎的父亲),以及其他和尚和他们的父母们一起, 同鹰以及鹰的盟友战斗。 螳螂背叛了鹰,骗皇帝说是鹰害死了岳(皇帝的侄子)。 于是鹰失去了兵权(螳螂取代了鹰),被关在监狱里一直到死。我认为鹰罪有应得。 我现在在读安伦-祖罗写的《救难英雄》。 这本书记录的全都是真实发生过的,人们甘冒生命危险抢救别人的英勇事迹。 在“洪水和暴雨”这一章,彼得把他全家人从卡特里娜飓风中救了出来。 这件事让我想起2008年在中国四川发生的大地震。 一个小男孩跳进正在到塌的楼房,把他的朋友们拉了出来。 他们全都活下来了。 中国人民给了他无尚的荣誉,让他参加了2008年奥运会开幕式。 我现在刚开始读《帕特里克的日记》,这是一本关于越南战争的书。                                   您的学生,                                   冰 ***   2009年10月26日 亲爱的冰, 你的信写得很有趣,信息量很大! 你把你的想法准确表达出来了! 安伦-祖罗的《救难英雄》听上去是一本很鼓舞人心的书, 讲述了英勇的人们为救别人不惜牺牲自己的生命。我记得这个中国小男孩和他的英勇事迹。 我在奥运开幕式上看到他了。 安伦-祖罗写了很多令人难以置信的真实故事。 很多甚至是真实的鬼故事。你喜欢他的写作方式吗?你怎么描述他的写作方式?                                    真诚的,                                   爱玛老师 *** 10/13/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, I already read to the part about when Septimus, Jenna, and Beetle reach The House of Foryx, where All Time Do Meet, also where they hope Nicko and Snorri are.  The way The House of Foryx works, is that anybody who enters it, is in no time at all.  The only way out is when somebody else opens the door from outside.  Then, you go out.  But when you go out you enter the time the person who is opening the door is in.  Septimus, Jenna, and Beetle hope Nicko, and Snorri didn’t go out already, otherwise it would be hard to find them. I like the ending where Marcia Overstrand, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard rescue them from The House of Forys along with Nicko, and Snorri.  Then they go home and Sarah Heap sees Hicko and they’re all very happy. There are other interesting characters too, like Merrin Meredith.  People used to think he was Septimus Heap, but now he was nobody.  Merrin was into Darke Magyk and he stole the two-faced ring from DomDaniel, his old master.  Whoever has this ring will never die.  But even though he is un-destructible, he isn’t brave and is scared of a lot of things. Right now I am reading Snake, by Jeff Stone.  It is about She, Fu, and the other monks joining with some of their parents, including Mong (She’s dad), Sanfu (Fu’s dad), and others, facing Ying and his allies together. Tonglong had betrayed Ying and tricked the Emperor into thinking it was Ying’s fault that Yue, the Emperor’s nephew, died.  His punishment was to be stripped of his army (Tonglong would take his place), and sit in jail until his flesh rots. I think Ying deserves his fate. I am reading The Rescuers, by Allan Zullo.  It is real people in real situations risking their lives to save others. In “The Flood and the Fury”, how Peter saved his family and survived Hurricane Katrina, reminded me of a big earthquake in Si Chuan, China, in 2008.  A small boy had jumped into an already collapsing building and pulled his friends out.  They all survived.  Chinese honored the boy and he appeared in the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Olympics. I just started The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, which is about Patrick in the Vietnam War. Your student, Ben *** 10/26/2009 Dear Ben, Your letter was interesting to read and very informative!  You really explained your thinking! The Rescuers by Allan Zullo sounds like an inspiring book recounting the stories of those who risked their lives for others.  I remember the boy from China and his story.  I did see him honored at the Olympics. Allan Zullo has written many books about unbelievable true stories.  Many of these books are about true ghost stories.  Do you like his style of writing?  How would you describe it?   Sincerely,                                   Ms. Emma










