
时间:2023-04-25 16:16:08 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年10月6日 亲爱的爱玛老师,   我是从图书馆借到《黑圈》的。(我忘了是哪个图书馆了,好像是圣荷西图书馆。)我妈妈帮我找这本书的时候,图书馆还没买到书,她不得不申请并等候。我是第一个读这本书的。   马德里人是卡哈尔家族中最强大,最让人害怕的一支。我很奇怪为什么他们竟然不在卡哈尔家族的族谱上。每个人都害怕马德里人,想避开他们。 但是在《超越坟墓》这本书里,,爱卡塔在埃及开罗的大本营被马德里人抢劫了。丹和艾米认为那个从一开始就跟踪他们的黑衣人也是马德里人。   丹和艾米的父母死于一场大火。   我现在在读杰夫-斯通写的《猴》。它是《虎》的续集, 《虎》是系列中的第一本。《猴》的故事和《虎》差不多,只是从不同的角度来写。   在这本书里,虎发现村里的那个醉汉,就是第一本书里救了他的那个人,可能是他的父亲。马骝(猴)发现蛇非常像螳螂,蛇可能是螳螂的儿子。   在书的末尾,僧和鹰一直在打,直到螳螂(鹰的大元帅)阻止了他们。僧和鹰都晕过去了。 螳螂趁此机会夺取了鹰的军队。我认为螳螂在帮助五个和尚,他等了很久才等到这个机会夺取鹰的统治。   我现在在读《追寻》,作者:安吉-塞奇。这本书讲述一个叫萨提姆斯-希普的男孩被派去寻找一件宝物,但他却想方设法去寻找几百年前消失在时间隧道里的尼可和斯诺。   书里有一个人物,叫埃非尼尔-戈里布,被魔咒变成了半人半鼠, 而且永远没办法改变。 对于他来说,生活一定非常艰难,尤其是他不能说话,而且每个人见到他都会尖叫。     您的学生,   冰   ***   2009年10月13日 亲爱的冰,   我很喜欢你对于《超越坟墓》和《猴》的观察。 可以看出你读书时深入思考了。   安吉-塞奇讲了她写书的灵感是从哪里来的。你了解了她和她生长的地方,应该能更深入地理解《追寻》这本书了吧?   萨提姆斯-希普在找寻他的哥哥尼克的过程中发生了什么?尼克的世界是怎样的?   安吉-塞奇描写人物特传神。你提到了埃非尼尔-戈里布的命运。还有其他特殊的人物吗?   真诚的, 爱玛老师     译者 注1:《追寻》的作者安吉-塞奇是英国人,当时在美国为她的新书做宣传,被学校请来和全体五年级学生面谈。 注2:冰儿知道老师想看《黑圈》,这本在图书馆借的书还有两个星期才到期,他就把书带到学校借给老师看了。 *** 10/6/2009 Dear Ms. Emma,   I got The Black Circle at library (I forgot which one. I think it was San Jose Public Library).  My mom had to request it since it wasn’t there yet. I think I was the first person to read that copy of the book.   The Madrigals are the most powerful and most feared branch of Cahills. I wonder why they aren’t shown on the Cahill Coat of Arms.  Everybody fears the Madrigals and tries to steer clear of them, but in Cairo, Egypt, in Beyond the Grave, the Ekat’s stronghold gets robbed by Madrigals.  Dan and Amy also think The Man in black, who has been following them since the beginning, is a Madrigal.  Dan and Amy’s parents died in a fire.   I am reading Monkey, by Jeff Stone, right now.  It is a sequel to Tiger, the first book.  It’s actually the same story, just from different points of view.   In this book, Fu finds out that the drunkard from the village, who had rescued him in the first book, might be his father.  Malao also finds out that Seh looks a lot like Tonglong, and Seh might be Tonglong’s son.   At the end of the book, Tsung and Ying fight each other until Tonglong, Ying’s Number-One-in-Command tells them to stop.  Both Ying and Tsung fall into unconsciousness, and Tonglong seizes his chance to take over Ying’s army.  I think Tonglong is helping the five monks, and he has waited a long time to have an opportunity to take over Ying’s command.   I am now reading Queste, by Angie Sage.  It is about a boy named Septimus Heap who gets sent on a Queste, but tries to find Nicko and Snorri, who were lost in time, hundreds of years ago, instead.   There is a character in the book, Ephaniah Grebe, who gets cursed and is, and will be forever, half-man-half-rat.  It must be very hard for him to live like that.  Especially since he can’t talk, and everybody screams when they see him.     Your Student,   Ben *** 10/13/2009 Dear Ben,   I enjoyed reading your observations of Beyond the Grave and Monkey.  I can tell you think deeply about your books!   I loved hearing how Angie Sage gets her ideas.  It must really help you better understand Queste knowing a little about her and where she grew up.   What is happening with Septimus’ quest to find his brother Nicko?  What is Nicko’s world like?   Angie Sage really gets into her character.  You mentioned the fate of Ephaniah Grebe.  Any other interesting ones?     Sincerely,   Ms. Emma  










