
时间:2023-04-25 16:15:54 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年9月17日   亲爱的爱玛老师,   现在我正在读罗尔德-达尔写的《单独行动》。 这是一本自传, 讲罗尔德在第二次世界大战中加入皇家空军的事。   我刚读完这本书。我很想知道为什么罗尔德想参加皇家空军。 像他那样驾驶着战机飞翔应该很酷,但我不想死,所以我不想像他那样做。   书的中间部分,罗尔德被迫紧急着陆在佛卡,他因此遭受了脑损伤。 迫降对于他来说应该是一件幸运的事,因为后来由于持续不断剧烈的头痛他不得不退伍回家。如果他没回家的话,在战争的最后三年,他的飞机可能会被击中,他也会死。   我很喜欢结尾的描述: 罗丹回到家“从汽车的阶梯上飞下来,冲进久等了的母亲的怀抱。”我很喜欢这个结尾,因为这是个幸福的结尾。   我也刚读完《虎》。这本书讲述五个年轻的和尚每人精通一种动物的功夫。这个系列里的每本书以每个主角的动物功夫命名,比如这本书就叫《虎》。   在这本书里有个人物我很不喜欢。 他的名字叫鹰大师。当他还是五个和尚的兄弟的时候,他是一头老鹰。他长得丑陋又可怕:又尖又卷的舌头,长长的鹰爪,鳞片脸。 他曾出卖了和尚们,现在想要找到他们, 把他们都害死。 他非常坏, 不能被信任.     您的学生, 冰   *** 2009年9月21日 亲爱的冰,   我非常喜欢读你的信。皇家空军是世界上最早的独立空军!皇家空军在支持英国军队中起了至关重要的作用!   你写了驾驶飞机应该很酷,但你不想失去生命。你会想要开民用飞机吗?   《单独行动》的结尾确实很快乐。 在战争中参加了空军以后还能活着回家永远是一件该感恩的事。   在杰夫-斯通写的《虎》中,你提到有个人物你很不喜欢:鹰大师。听上去他真的是个坏人。那其他的四个年轻和尚如何? 他们中有好人吗?     真诚的,   爱玛老师   注:老师用红色笔写的问题学生下封信一定要回答的。   *** 英文原文: 9/17/2009   Dear Ms. Emma,     Right now, I am reading Going Solo by Roald Dahl.  It is an auto-biography, and is about when Roald Dahl served the RAF in World War II.     I just finished Going Solo.  I wonder why Roald Dahl wanted to sign up for the RAF.  It would be cool flying around in a fighter plane like him but I don’t want to die or anything, so I wouldn’t.     In the middle of the book, Roald crash-landed in Fouka, which gave him a brain fracture.  I would say that he was lucky he crash-landed because later on he had to go home because of all the big headaches he was having.  If he didn’t go home, he could have been shot down and killed, during the last three years of the war.     I like the ending when Roald Dahl went back home and “flew down the steps of the bus straight into the arms of the awaiting mother.”  I liked it because it was a very happy ending.     I also just finished a book called Tiger.  It is about five young monks who have each mastered a different animal’s kung fu style.  Each book in the series is named after the main character’s fighting style, like Tiger.     There is a character in the book that I really dislike.  His name is Major Ying, who used to be Eagle, when he was the monks’ brother.  He is very ugly and hideous with his forked tongue, long claw-like fingernails, and scaly face.  And he betrayed the monks and now wants to find them and destroy them.  He is very untrustworthy.     Your student,   Ben ***   9/21/2009   Dear Ben,   I really enjoyed your letter.  The RAF is the oldest independent air force in the world!  The RAF has a significant role in supporting the British military.   You wrote that it would be cool to fly a plane, but you wouldn’t want to die.  Would you fly a commercial plane?   The ending to Going Solo by Roald Dahl does sound happy.  It’s always a blessing to make it home alive after fighting in a war!    In Tiger by Jeff Stone, you mentioned a character you really dislike: Major Ying.  He sounds evil!  What about the other 4 young monks?  Are any of them of good character?     Sincerely, Ms. Emma  










