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Unit11 How was your school trip?

一 . 战前大练兵:

A.时态大考验,单词变变变 ((写出下列动词的过去式))

1. am____________ 2.is_______________ 3. are_______________

4. do ____________ 5.go ___________ 6. see ______________

7. feed ___________ 8. ride ____________ 9. say_______________

10. talk __________ 11.take_____________ 12. have______________

1. visit____________ 2.climb_______________ 3. pick_______________

4. grow ___________ 5.draw ____________ 6. ask _______________

7. study ___________ 8.learn ______________ 9. can_______________

10. buy ___________ 11.teach______________ 12. eat_______________

B. 异曲同工之妙。( 翻译下列表达)

1. school trip_______________2. 散步______________________3. milk a cow ________________

4. 骑马____________________5. 喂鸡_____________________6. 照相______________________

7.与农夫交谈_______________8. quite a lot __________________ 9. 种苹果_____________________

10.摘草莓 ____________________ 11 show around _________________ 12. 钓鱼 _______________

13. 在乡下_____________________ 14. Lucky you.______________ 15. 参观博物馆 ______________

16. fire station ______________ 17. exciting__________________18. 慢的 _____________________

19. 昂贵的?_____________ 20. 坐火车 _____________________ 21. model robot _______________

22. 对…感兴趣 _______________23.总的说来__________________ 24. not…at all ___________


1.---How was your school trip?

---It`s great.

2.---Did you go to the zoo?

---No, I didn`t. I went to a farm.

3.---Did you see any cows?

---Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

4.---Did Carol ride a horse?

---No, she didn`t. But she milked a cow.

5.---Were the strawberries good?

---Yes, they were./No, they weren`t.

二. 养兵千日,用兵一时:

A 疯狂译句子



2. 他上个月爬山了。


3. 他一小时前喂了小鸡


4. 你昨天去了动物园吗?没有,我去了农场。




B 闯关进行时:

1.I watch TV every evening.(用过去时改写)

I ____________ TV yesterday evening. 对划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ the ____________ yesterday?

3.He did his homework last night.(改为否定句)

He ____________ ____________ his homework last night. 对划线部分提问)

____________ ____________ you yesterday afternoon?

5.I saw some seals(海豹).(改为一般疑问句)

____________ you ____________ ____________ seals?

C. 万变不离其宗。 (用括号里的单词填空)

1.I usually ___(get) up at 6:30 in the morning. Today I ______ (get) up at 7:20, I ______ (be) late for class. Mr. Yang ______(tell) me not _______(be) late again.

2. --______you ______ (have) a good time last Sunday?

--No, I _____ (do not). I _____ (go) camping with my friends, but it __________(rain).

3. –Where ______(be) you last night? I ______ (call) you, but you ________(be) not in.

–Oh, I _________(be) in my uncle’s house. I ______ (have) supper there.

三 对答如流(用适当的词句完成对话) A: 1. _______________, Peter! B: Good morning, Alice!

A: Alice, 2._________________ B: Oh. It was great.

A: 3. ____________________ B: I went to the zoo with my friends.

A: 4. ___________________

B: We saw monkeys, pandas, tigers and so on. Then we went to the park and played games.

A: 5.___________________ B: Yes, we had a good time.

A: Luck you.


( ) 1. --__________.-- It was pretty good.

A. How did you do it? B. How was your trip? C. What did you do?

( ) 2. _____ you _____ to Lucy’s birthday party yesterday?

A. Do, go B. Does, go C. Did, go

( ) 3. Cathy and Ruth ________ the classroom every day.

A. clean B .cleans C. cleaned

( ) 4. --____ you at home last night?-- Yes. But my brother ____ not at home.

A. Were, was B. Were, is C. Are, was

( ) 5.What ____________ did you do?

A. other B. else C. others

( ) 6. — Did they take any photos?

—____________. A. No, they didn't B. No, they大学网 did C. No, they aren't

( ) 7.My mother ____________ some cakes for us last night.

A. makes B. maked C. made

( )8.. I went out and ________ in the river.

A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim

( )9. The music sounds _______, I like it very much.

A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully

( )10. -When did you go to bed last night?

--About 11 o’clock. I _______.

A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. get up early

( )11. What _______he do on his last school trip?

A. does B. did C. is D. was

( )12.Did you buy________ in the supermarket?

A. something B. everything C. anything D. something

( )13. -How did you like your last day off?

-I it very much.

A. like B. liked C. likes D. will like


Today I went on a school trip. We visited the science museum and it was interesting. We got there so fast by train. We saw some farms and villages along the way. At the ,I . It was so cool.! Then to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. They weren`t expensive. All in all, exciting day.

But my friend Jim thought the trip terrible. The train was The museum and he was not interested in it. He didn`t take 八. 天天爱阅读:

Today we had _ __1 _ exciting trip. My father, my mother and I _ __2 _ to summer camp. We went to the mountains. First, we ___ 3_ to the foot(脚) of the mountain___ 4__ bus. In the middle of the mountain, there was a river. The water was clean. I washed my face with the ___ 5 _. I t was warm. There __ _6 __ some fishes in the river. And there were a lot of __ _7 __ flowers in the mountain. At 12 o’clock, many people got together, and they were very _ __8_ _ . We made our lunch in the mountain. The food was very ___ 9___ , and we liked it very much. After lunch, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top(顶部) of

the mountain. We were very ___10 ___. All in all, we enjoyed the trip very much.

( ) 1. A. a B. an C. the

( ) 2. A. go B. goes C. went

( ) 3. A. get B. got C. gets

( ) 4. A. by B. take C. in

( ) 5. A. water B. food C. trip

( ) 6. A. is B. were

( ) 7. A. ugly

( ) 8. A. friendly B. difficult C. was C. beautiful B. boring C. expensive

( ) 9. A. terrible B. delicious C. exciting

( ) 10. A. happy B. unhappy C. lovely

Mike’s summer vacation

On July 18th,, Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a city in Shandong for summer vacation. Qingdao is a beautiful city with sea.

It was about 12:00 when they arrived there on the first day. They found a hotel and had a short rest. It was really hot and they decided to go to the beach. At about 3:30 pm, they got to the beach. There were many people there. Some were lying on the beach and many children were playing in the water. Mike was playing with them and he was very happy. His parents also felt relaxed. About two hours later, they went back to the hotel.

On the second day, it rained all day. Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went shopping.

On July 20th, they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon. They were tired but happy.

( ) 1. Where did Mike’s family go on vacation??

A. To Shanghai. B. To Tianjin. C. To Qingdao.

( ) 2. What did Mike’s father do on July 19th?

A. He swam in the sea. B. He visited the history museum.

C. He went shopping with Mike’s mother.

( ) 3.How long was their vacation?

A. One day. B. Two days. C. Three days.?

( ) 4. How did they go back home?

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane.

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. It rained on July 19th.

B. They went shopping on July 20th.

C. Mike didn’t play in the water on the first day.





2.Time: Tuesday, July 21st.

Weather: hot and fine

Place: the beach




1、弟子规 圣人训 首孝悌 次谨信


2、泛爱众 而亲仁 有余力 则学文

【解释】博爱大众,亲近有仁德的人。 有多余的时间和精力,学习有益的学问。

3、父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒


4、父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承


5、冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定


6、出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变


7、事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏


8、物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤


9、亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去

【解释】父母喜欢的事情,应该全力去做; 父母厌恶的事情,要小心谨慎不要去做(包括自己的坏习惯);

10、身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞

【解释】自己的身体受到伤害,父母就会忧虑; 做出伤风败德的事,父母亲就会蒙受羞辱;


新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit11 What do you think of game shows? 教案04-25








