
时间:2021-11-07 12:47:53 资料 我要投稿





1. Mike is from America. He ________ English.

A. spoke B. will speak C. speaks D. had spoken

2. -Where are you going for your holiday?

--Well, we _______ yet.

A. haven't decided B. hadn't decided C. don't decide D. didn't decide

3 -It's dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign.

-Oh, I _______ notice it. Thanks for telling me.

A. haven't B. won't C. don't D. didn't

4. ---Could I speak to Li Ping, please?


A. That’s very kind of you B. Yes, I am Li Ping.

C. Hold on for a moment, please. D. That’s all right.

5.—Do you mind if I smoke here?

--___. No smoking here.

A. Oh, no please B. Yes, please

C. I’m sorry D. It doesn’t matter

6---I’m sorry I’m late for the party.


A. No, you aren’t B. Yes, you are

C. That’s all right D. Don’t be sorry.

7. ---How do you like the songs sung by Liu Huan?

---They were wonderful, _____ I couldn’t hear his words clearly sometimes.

A. because B. so C. but D. if

8----Who’s that woman with Ann?

---I’m not sure. It _____be her mother..

A. may B can C. will D. must

9. ---I haven’t got a digital camera.

---I think you should buy ___.

A. one B. this C. that D. it

10. - What are you going to do?

- I’m going to ____ my cupboard. I never use the things in it anymore.

A. find out B. clean out C. keep out D. look out

11. –Jenny, can you tell me _______?

-Sorry, I’ve no idea.

A. how mmeiwen.anslib.comany people have been there

B. when is the meeting

C. why did they decide to do it

D. where will it start

12----Jim, I heard that you moved to a new place.

----Right, I now live next to a supermarket. It’s very _______.

A. safe B. lonely C. convenient D. helpless

13. –Your school isn’t far from your house, is it?

-No, it’s not far, just a ____from my house. It takes me only 3 minutes to walk there.

A. step B. road C. way D. ride

14. ----Tom, your homework?

----Sorry, I was in a hurry and_____ it home.

A. missed :B. forgot C. left D. lost

15. ----What will the weather be like today?

----The radio says that it will _____ hot for a few days.

A. stay B. look C. turn D. change


Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to __16 __ his Spanish. When he was speaking to people __17__ , he had no __18 _ understanding what they said. __19__, when he was speaking on the phone, he __20 __ had a problem. Andy __21__ the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o'clock three days from that day. She __22 _ told Andy to be at the airport two hours __23__ in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

Since he was __24__ in three days, Andy didn't __25__ any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could __26__ and spend a year in Spain.

Too __27__, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to __28__. He went to the clerk to __29__ his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with astonishment. "Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o'clock in the morning, and __30__ it is eight in the evening." "But I confirmed my flight," insisted Andy. "Will I have to pay for another ticket?" 新课标第一网

"No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now."

16. A. prepare B. improve C. enjoy D. learn 第一学习网

17. A. slowly B. in public C. in person D. carefully

18. A. difficulty B. idea C. mistake D. interest

19. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. However

20. A. even B. just C. still D. seldom

21. A. called B. liked C. trusted D. asked 第一学习网

22. A. again B. also C. only D. once 第一学习网

23. A. before B. earlier C. later D. after

24. A. moving B. returning C. staying D. leaving

本25. A. take B. have C. lose D. find

26. A. wait B. go home C. stop D. come back

27. A. shortly B. quickly C. badly D. early 本文来自第一

28. A. speak B. go C. rush D. delay 本文

29. A. buy B. show C. order D. provide

30. A. maybe B. so C. here D. now



I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare (兔子) and the tortoise (乌龟). At the end I said.

“Son, remember: Slow and steady (稳固的) wins the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise?”

Sonny opened his eyes wide, ―Do you mean next time when I’m participating in the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy and Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?‖

I was shocked, ―But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep on the way!‖

“He must have wished that,‖ Sonny said. ―Otherwise how could he be so stupid as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.‖

“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted, “He won the race by perseverance(坚持), by pushing on steadily.”

Sonny thought a while. ―That’s a lie,‖ he said. ―He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadn’t happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never have won the race. That’s for sure.‖

I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to be. They’re just hopeless.

31. The writer disagreed with his son because ________.

A. They disagreed about whether the tortoise was stupid

B. He liked tortoises while his son liked hares

C. He liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didn’t

D. He tried to teach his son the moral(道德的) lesson of the story but the son rejected it

32. Sonny believed that the tortoise ________.

A. was not given a fair chance in the race

B. in fact can’t win the race

C. took a risk by agreeing to race

D. won the race by his own effort

33.The writer thinks that his generation (代) ________.

A. had different ideas about life from Sonny’s generation

B. were more clever than Sonny’s generation

C. had the same ideas about life as Sonny’s generation

D. were more hopeful than Sonny’s generation

34. When the writer says‖ I gave up‖ at the end, he means________.

A. he gave up Sonny as a hopeless child

B. he gave up arguing with Sonny

C. he gave up trying to keep up with the new generation

D. he gave up his belief in the moral ideal of the hare and tortoise story

35. According to the passage, who do you think learnt a lesson?

A. Sonny B. The tortoise C. The hare D. Sonny’s father


The Guinness(吉尼斯) World Records Museum address:329 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205

Open Hours: From September to May

10 am to 7 pm Sunday through Thursday

10 am to 10 pm Friday and Saturday

From June to August

10 am to 10 pm Sunday through Thursday

10 am to Midnight Friday and Saturday

Adult single: $ 14.95 for 2 attractions, $18.95 for any 4 attractions, $22.95 for all attractions

Child(4~12)Single: $8.95 for 2 attractions , $11.95 for any 4 attractions, $11.95 for any 4 attraction, $14.95 for all attractions

In the museum you can enter the different exhibition halls you see below. In each of these halls you can see the world records of different kinds . Sometimes you may get a chance to do something so that you can know better how a record was set

36. On a Sunday in October, you may stay in the museum until _____.

A. 7:00 pm B. 8:00 pm

C. 9:00 pm D. 10:00 pm

37. From the advertisement we can learn that there are _______ visitors to the museum on Fridays and Saturdays in summer.

A. no B. some C. fewer D. more

38. A 10 -year-old girl and her mother will visit two attractions. How much will they pay ?

A. $14.95. B. $17.90. C. $23.90. D. $29.90.

39. If you want to see the smallest picture in the world, which exhibition hall will you visit ?

A. Society & Money.

B. Arts & Entertainment.

C. World Matters.

D. Material World.

40. According to (根据) the advertisement, sometimes visitors to the museum _______.

A. will surely meet one who set a record

B. may set a world record of their own

C. can experience how a record was set


It was just three degrees above zero. “That’s cold,” thought Jane as she got ready to deliver(送) her morning papers. Jane has 50 customers, and on cold mornings when she couldn’t ride her bike, it took her more than an hour to make her rounds.

As she collected her papers and put them into a big canvas bag, Jane regretted that she hadn’t finished her math homework the night before. There was still time. She’d hurry with the papers and finish the math before breakfast.

Less than an hour later, Jane was nearly finished. She had only five customers to go. She could then head for home to complete her math while her mom fixed breakfast. As she rounded the corner, she saw a car in the middle of the street. It was Mr. Zimmerman, the elderly man who walked with a walking stick. His car was out of gas(汽油).

“I’d like to help Mr. Zimmerman,‖ thought Jane. ―but if I do, I won’t have time to do my homework.‖ She hated to think what Mr. Roberts would say if she hadn’t completed her papers. “It’s his own fault for running out of gas,‖ Jane talked to herself, ―the station is only a half mile down the street. Surely Mr. Zimmerman can walk that far, even on a cold morning like this… can’t he?‖ As she walked down the street, Jane wondered what to do.

41. Jane delivers her papers _____.

A. before she goes to school

B. on cold mornings

C. with the help of Mr. Zimmerman’s car

D. on the way to school

42. Mr. Zimmerman was old and ______.xkb1.com

A. couldn’t drive well

B. would have nobody to help him

C. was not rich enough to buy gas

D. was not able to walk a long way

43. We know from the reading that_______

A. Jane couldn’t find any time to finish her homework

B. it took about an hour for Jane to send the papers

C. Jane would have her breakfast in the school

D. Jane likes to deliver papers on cold mornings

44. The reading doesn’t say but we can infer that_____

A. Jane bought the gas for Mr. Zimmerman

B. usually Jane delivers papers by bike

C. Mr. Robert doesn’t like Jane at school

D. Mr. Zimmerman had to leave the car for Jane

45. The best title for this reading should be ______

A. Fifth Customers B. There’s no Easy Answer

C. No Time to Finish Homework D. A Cold Morning for Jane


When I was a little girl,I was always the quiet one. I was picked on(作弄) all the time b__46____ I had never protected myself. I paid attention to school work and I dreamed I would one day be more s___47___ than my classmates.

I remember sitting in class, working hard on my h___48__, while the other kids at my table laughed at me. Then if I ever did talk, they would say, ―She speaks!‖ as if I w__49__ some kind of aliens.

As I grew older my shyness problem w_50___ on, but at least students became less cruel(冷酷). In middle school, I didn’t have to deal with taunts(嘲弄) from my classmates, i___51___ it was as if I didn’t exist(存在). But I also wanted to have the happy school e___52____ such as going to dance, just like outgoing girls.

I pretended I wasn’t interested in all because I really wanted to work hard to get into a good college, but the t__53___ is that I wanted to be popular.

I was so shy that I couldn’t even make friends with the other band members. When went to football games, I would sit in the groups with my flute(长笛), c____54__ the minutes until I could go home, which is the only place where I could truly be m__55___.



1. 我们6月28号将到sunshine农场游玩。

2. 我们早上8点在学校操场集合。

3. 我们乘坐校车到那里。

4. 我们将在那里野餐,摘西红柿,草莓?

5. 天气很热,很容易中暑,请带好帽子和足够的水。

6. 旅途中要注意安全,不要到合理游泳,不要单独行动。



1-5 CADCC 6-10 CCAAB 11-15 ACACA



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