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…………………………… 2010-2011学年度下学期 五年级英语阶段性水平测试卷 Listening听力部分30% 一、Listen and number .听读单词,标出单词及词组的先后顺序。10%@1%



















come from anything blow away chicken chocolate ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) last week vacation in the air question beautiful ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and circle the right answer .听读单词,把所读单词的序号写在前面的括号里。12%@2% ( )1、A. dog B. jog C . top ( )2、A. tall B. wall C . call ( )3、A. cat B. nap C. mad ( )4、A. ship B. big C. trip ( )5、A. doll B. draw C. work ( )6、A.http://www.wenKu1.com good B. book C. food 三、Listen ,choose and write .听读短文,填充单词。8%@2% This is my plan for next week . On Monday , I am going to practice the piano . On Tuesday , I’m going to write a (letter\letters)to my friend . I’m going to shop (for\a)some new clothes . And (next\last)Friday , I’m going to have a party with my family and friends . Why ? Oh , next Friday is my birthday ! I’m going to have a (good\bad)time .

Reading & Writing 70%

四、Read and circle .选出画线部分发音不同的单词。8%@2%

1、( )A.tea B.peach C.great D.beach

2、( )A.trick B.ship C.five D.six

3、( )A.cap B.cake C.fat D.sad

4、( )A.dog B.no C.shop D.clock 五、Look ,read and write . 根据图片及句意提示,填入正确的单词每


1、What happened ?

A typhoon last week .

2、What did you do yesterday ?


basketball .

3、What ____ she going to do tomorrow?

She’s going to surf the ______ .

4、What are they going to do on Friday ?

They’re going to a party .

六、Choose the best answer .选择最佳答案。18%@2%

( )1、I didn’t a Chinese book . I read an English book .

A. see B. read C. reading

( )2、Did you drink this morning ?

A. anything B. something C. any

( )3、Your bedroom messy this morning , but it tidy now .

A . is … is B . was … was C . was … is

( )4、 are you going to do on vacation?

A. Where B. What C. How

( )5、I wrote a letter my friend this afternoon .

A . in B . on C . to

( )6、A: were you last month ? B: I was in Canada .

A. What B. Where C. When

( )7、Gogo is .

A. bore B. bored C. boring

( )8、We didn’t a test yesterday . We are going to

have a test tomorrow .

A. take B. took C. takes

( )9、I’m going to take photos next week .

A、any B、a C、some

七、Read and write .仿照所给例子,写出下列动词的正确形式。7%@1% 例:go went

1、eat 2、ride 3、read 4、make

5、drink 、is 7、fall 八、Read and match.在B组句子中找出与A组相对应的句子。12%@2% ( )1.Where were you last week? A. Yes , I can .

( )2.What time is it ? B. I’m going to help my mom . ( )3.Did you study this morning ? C. I was in Canada last week . ( )4.What are you going to do ? D. It’s ten past twelve . ( )5. Can you do tai chi ? E. No , I didn’t .

( )6.Is the Great Wall in China ? F. Yes,it is .

九、Reading. 阅读短文判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。10%@2%

Hi ! I’m Tony .Tomorrow is Saturday . It's my family day . We are going to go to Zhuhai for vacation . We are going to go to the beach . My father is going to play volleyball with his friends . My mother and I are going to watch . After that , we are going to go shopping . We are going to shop for some tasty food in Zhuhai . Then we are going to come back to Zhongshan .

( ) 1. Saturday is Tony’s family day .

( ) 2. Tony’s family is going to go Zhongshan for vacation .

( ) 3. They are going to go to the swimming pool .

( ) 4. Tony is going to play volleyball with his friends .

( ) 5. Tony and his mother are going to shop for some tasty food in

Zhuhai .

十、Writing.书面表达。5% (任选一题,不少于5个句子)

( )1. 你上个周末是怎么度过的?请以“Last Week”为题写一篇作文。

( ) 2. 五一劳动节快到了,你打算怎样度过?请以“My vacation plan(我的假期计划)”为题写一篇作文。[May Day is coming. I’m going to……]

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