
时间:2021-11-04 18:03:00 资料 我要投稿


From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-31/230354.html


A: Excuse me. Is this tax-free? 请问这是免税的吗?

B: Yes, but you need to show me your passport.是的,但是你必须出示护照。

A: Here you are.给你。

A: Can I buy it duty-free? 这个我能免税买吗?

B: Yes, you can. Show me your passport, please.是的,请出示护照。

From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-31/230353.html

A: Can anyone buy goods in duty-free shops? 任何人都可以在免税商店购物吗?

B: No, You have to show your passport and visa to the shop assistant.



A: Excuse me; can I buy cosmetics in duty-free stores? 请问我能在免税商店买化妆品吗? B: Sure, it's very cheap.当然,很便宜的。

A: Two lip sticks, please.请给我拿2支口红。 B: OK.好的。


From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-28/230030.html

A: May I know the procedure of tax-refund, please? 我想了解一下退税的程序,可以吗? B:There is a detailed introduction on that board. Please have a look at it.


A: Can you tell me how to draw back the duties, please?请问你能告诉我如何办理退税吗? B: Sorry, I don't know. 很抱歉,我不知道。


From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-26/229796.html

A: By the way, Where can we draw back the duties paid?顺便问一下,我们在哪可以取回税款? B: At any customs of the European Union Countries.在欧盟国家的任意一个海关都行。 --------------------

A: Excuse me, Is this the place where I can draw back the duties?请问可以在这里办理退税吗? B: Your tax-refund form, please.请出示你的退税单。

A: Here you are.给你。

B: Wait a moment... Here's the 20 dollars you've paid for the duties.


如何索要退税票 From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-26/229795.html

A: Can I have a tax-refund form, please? I'm from China.请给我一张退税单好吗?我来自中国。 B: Sure.当然可以。

A: By the way, I'm not a European Union resident. I'm told we can draw back when duties paid at the customs. 顺便说一下,我不是欧盟国家的居民。我听说可以在海关取回所付税款。 B: Yes. Here is the receipt. It's required when you draw back the duty.


A: May I have a tax-refund, please? 请给我一张退税单好吗?

B: Sure, here you are. 好的,给您。

From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-24/229635.html

A: How much is the tie?领带多少钱?

B: 15 dollars.15美元。

A: I'll take it. Please wrap it up for me.我买了,请给我包起来。

B: OK, wait a moment, please.好的,请稍等。

A: Wow, it's a nice doll. How much is it?哇噢,那个布娃娃好漂亮啊。多少钱?

B: 15 dollars.15美元。

A: I'll decide to buy it.我决定买它。

From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-21/229343.html

A: I'd like to return this.我想退货。

B: What's wrong with it?有什么问题吗?

A: It's too large for me.我穿太大了。

B: Would you like to exchange for a smaller size?给您换件小一点的好吗?

A: I'm afraid there is none in my size for this color.恐怕这种颜色没我的尺寸。

B: Then I'll do the refund for you.那我就给你你退钱。

A: Excuse me, I'd like to exchange this blouse.对不起,我想换这件衬衫。

B: What's the reason?什么原因?

A: It's the wrong size.尺寸不对。

B: Do you have the receipt?你有收据吗?

A: Yes, I have.是的,我有。

From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-08-19/229128.html

A: May I help you? 您想要什么?

B: I'd like to see some jackets.我想看一下夹克衫。

A: What size, please?请问多大号的?

B: Size 40.40号。

A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?先生,早上好。您需要什么?

B: I'm looking for a pair of shoes.我想看一双鞋。

A: How do you like those displayed in the window?您觉得橱窗里摆的那些如何?

B: Oh, yes. Let me have a look.啊,好。我看看。

From: http://www.hxen.com/oralenglish/lykouyu/2013-09-02/230508.html

A: Excuse me. Where are you going? 打扰下,请问您要去哪里?

B: Oh. I'm a tourist. May I go inside and have a look? 哦,我是游客。我可以进去参观吗? A: It's a holiday today. The museum is closed. 今天是假日,博物馆闭馆。


A: Excuse me. Is Hemingway's house open to the public? 请问海明威住所对公众开放吗? B: Yes. It's open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.










