
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Scream at the boss? Snap at a colleague? Throw your cell phone into your computer monitor?


  In most cases anger isnt an illness but a normal human emotion that causes problems when it flares too hot, too often. People can learn to manage their anger with practical skills.


  Psychologists believe that individual talk therapy is the most effective for anger problems. Anger doesnt occur by itself. Its nested and embedded with a lot of other emotions -- sadness, grief, shame. Angry people want to talk, given the opportunity.


  Tips to Help Keep A Temper in Check


  --Calculate what your anger is costing you. Many people with anger problems think anger gives them an edge, and establishes superiority. Instead, you just look like an idiot.计算愤怒的成本。许多患有愤怒问题的人都会认为愤怒给予他们一定的优势,让他们具有优越感。其实恰恰相反,你看起来就像个白痴。

  --Be aware of how you talk to yourself. If you keep saying how awful this is and making yourself feel alike a victim, you will get more angry.小心自言自语的方式。如果你总是在说这件事情是多么糟糕,让你自己感觉十足是个受害者的话,你就会变得更加愤怒。

  --If you feel a blowup coming on, give yourself a time-out before acting on it. Wait 15 minutes before you say something, or an hour before you send an email. Keep your options open. If its not going to be important in an hour, then let it go. Its not worth getting angry about.


  --Keep an "anger log" to monitor what makes you angry. Learn to identify and avoid your triggers.


  --Dont ruminate on past affronts or injustices.


  --Get physical, without fists. When your primitive brain senses a threat, it sets off the fight or flight cascade of hormones. Opt for flight instead of fight and burn off the extra adrenaline and cortisol with exercise. Even a brisk walk will help calm you down.


  --Reframe the situation. Instead of seeing every inconvenience or frustration as a personal affront, imagine a benign explanation.


  --Find a constructive solution to the issue at hand. Ask yourself: What do I need to be okay right now? That shifts the focus from how the other person needs to be punished to how I need to respond in a healthy way.

