
时间:2022-04-18 14:50:45 学人智库 我要投稿



  企业文化的重要性英文 篇1

  Corporate culture is a kind of mass consciousness and group behavior norms, which is formed by the common values of the members of the enterprise, as well as the corresponding management system and the spiritual environment and cultural atmosphere. The essence of corporate culture is a kind of enterprise management thought, which takes human as the center and takes culture as a means to stimulate the employees conscious behavior. In todays economic globalization, enterprises must become the core competitiveness of enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition in the international market. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to cultivate the enterprise culture with individual core values under the new situation.

  Corporate culture is a powerful driving force for the development of enterprises and endless source

  The fundamental purpose of the enterprise culture construction is to realize the healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise, and the enterprise culture construction is more close to the enterprise production management. Specific and realistic business goals, can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, so that employees feel that only the value of the enterprise to achieve their own value. This kind of value orientation is the purpose of the enterprise culture construction. The spirit of enterprise business philosophy, advocating the construction of enterprise culture and become the staff once the formation of group consciousness, will be transformed into consciousness, initiative and creativity of staff, formed to promote the development of the enterprise power and endless source.

  The construction of enterprise culture has distinct characteristics of the times

  At present, because China is in the social transition period, the East and west culture collide with each other, the traditional culture and the new idea are mixed, the idea and the value orientation of the enterprise staff appear the diversification trend. Therefore, the construction of enterprise culture has distinct characteristics of the times. Learning - Digestion - absorption - innovation is the inevitable process of the development of the enterprise culture, the enterprise can not stick to a fixed form of cultural expression, while keeping the essence of enterprise culture change, form and innovation of enterprise culture, increase cultural content, it is necessary to consolidate and develop the enterprise culture construction. The enterprise should not only inherit and carry forward the excellent part of traditional culture, and combined with the current socialist market economy, to learn from other advanced enterprise culture and management mode, to lay a solid foundation for the innovation of enterprise culture. The Xinjiang spirit of "love and love, unity and dedication, hard work and mutual cooperation, pioneering and enterprising" is the national spirit of the Chinese nation with patriotism as its core and the regional embodiment of the spirit of reform and innovation in Xinjiang.

  People oriented is the important content of enterprise culture

  Human is the main body of enterprise management activities, and the positive and initiative of human being is the guarantee of enterprise management activities. Therefore, the enterprise management should be to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, to do the work of the people as the fundamental. Therefore, the construction of enterprise culture should be based on the fundamental problem of human being. The construction of enterprise culture only firmly establish the guiding ideology of people-oriented, adhere to the dedication, love the industry, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, carry out education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism, to discover enterprise, enterprise, enterprise Xing my glorious failure I shame the corporate culture to motivate employees, respect and understanding, harmony the atmosphere of caring for people, inspire people in the formation of enterprise, to provide a strong spiritual power and ideological guarantee for the development of enterprises.

  Excellent corporate culture is the core competitiveness of enterprises

  What is the core competitiveness of enterprises? Different periods have different understanding. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, "advanced science and technology", "staff quality", "talent", "technical strength" is more and more valued by enterprises. With the continuous progress of human society and civilization, people have found that these elements of the enterprise is not necessarily the development of advanced science and technology, will be left behind, the technology will be eliminated, people flow, the advantage of the enterprise can eventually lose. There are many advantages of the objective of an enterprise, but it is difficult to play out, and ultimately can not avoid the fate of being eliminated. Excellent corporate culture overcomes the difficulties and shortcomings of the enterprise, so that enterprises have their own advantages to play a role. Enterprises to meet the challenges of economic globalization, to gain the initiative in the fierce international competition, we must strengthen the basic hardware construction, strengthen the enterprises "software" - the construction of enterprise culture, change old ideas, old model and method, the specific content of the enterprise through the understanding of enterprise near and long-term planning enterprises are facing the situation, and the staff concerned about the hot focus of difficult problems, will guide the staff personal gain and enterprise development together, forming a cooperative situation in unison, to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

  To sum up, cultivate the enterprise culture core values are the effective ways and means to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, enterprise culture construction is excellent development in adapting the changes of historical conditions in, is advancing in the dialectical unity of inheritance and innovation in the traditional, only respect, face reality and innovation, explore the new road. The enterprise can be in an invincible position in the fierce competition in the market.


  企业文化是以企业成员共有的价值观为核心而形成的一种群众意识和群体行为规范,以及与之相适应的管理体制和物化的精神环境、文化氛围。企业文化的实质, 是以人为中心,以文化引导为手段,以激发员工的自觉行为为目的的一种企业经营管理思想。在经济全球化的今天,企业要在日趋激烈的国际市场竞争中有所作为,必须提升企业的核心竞争力。因此,新形势下培育拥有个性化的核心价值观的企业文化对提升企业核心竞争力十分重要和必要。








  什么才是企业的核心竞争力?不同的时期有着不同的认识。科学技术是第一生产力,“先进科技”、“员工素质”、“人才”、“技术力量”越来越被企业所重视、认可。随着人类社会的不断进步和文明程度的提升,人们发现拥有这些要素的企业却不一定发展起来,先进的科技也会落伍,技术会被淘汰,人才会流动,企业的优势最终可以会失去。一个企业的客观存在优势再多,却难以发挥出来,最终还是避免不了被淘汰的命运。优秀的企业文化克服了企业存在的困难与不足,使企业自身具备的优势发挥作用。企业要迎接经济全球化的挑战,在激烈的国际竞争中赢得主动,就必须在加强“硬件”建设的基础上,大力加强企业的“软件”—企业文化建设,改变旧观念、旧模式、旧方法, 通过了解企业近期和长期的工作规划、企业面临的形势和员工关心的热点焦点难点问题等企业的具体内容,引导员工将个人的得失与企业发展联系在一起,形成上下同心协力的局面,才能全面提升企业核心竞争力。

  综上所述, 培育企业文化核心价值观是提升企业核心竞争力的有效途径和手段,优秀的企业文化建设就是在不断适应历史条件的变化中发展起来的,是在继承和创新的辨证统一中前进的,只有尊重传统、面对现实、改进创新、探索新路,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。

  企业文化的重要性英文 篇2

  The necessity and importance of the cultural construction of small and medium sized enterprises

  The necessity of 1, small and medium-sized enterprise culture construction

  Large enterprises need to corporate culture, small and medium enterprises actually need to pay attention to the construction of enterprise culture. Small and medium-sized enterprises due to small size, short development time, enterprise management level is generally low, a considerable part of the business is not standardized. For the development of small and medium enterprises, it seems that the more talked about is to scientific management, improve the management level, but few people will promote small and medium enterprises should pay attention to the construction of culture. Many small business owners think that we are small and medium enterprises, the enterprise is the key to survival, not to mention the problem of corporate culture construction, and even some experts in management circles also think so, so that the cultural construction of small and medium enterprises more lag.

  Any enterprise, regardless of the cultural construction work, in the development process will form their own business style or is the atmosphere. This kind of atmosphere, may be the health upward, also may be the dregs destroys the human. If it is a bad atmosphere, started early in the enterprise, perhaps to enterprise does not constitute a bad influence, but if not controlled, its development, make the enterprise atmosphere slowly accumulated into the bad enterprise culture, it is very difficult to change again. Therefore, it is necessary for enterprises to establish a correct and healthy corporate culture orientation and attach importance to the development of corporate culture.

  Enterprise culture is generally defined as: in the formation of long-term operating time in enterprises owned by the staff for the values, norms and ethical standards. Small and medium-sized enterprises are generally shorter than large enterprises, staff size is also small, so the problem is not taken seriously. But in fact, the impact of corporate culture on small and medium enterprises is far greater than the impact of large enterprises, but not for the attention of the community did not cause enough attention.

  Every enterprise in the process of development, must have its unique cultural form, in the course of time, gradually formed its own unique corporate values, moral values, thus forming a kind of cohesion, to promote the rapid development of enterprises, achieve the real meaning of enterprise culture. Therefore, the enterprise culture is a common way of behavior and values formed in the process of work, it is the way enterprises do things, regardless of the size of the enterprise, all companies have corporate culture. Therefore, the small and medium-sized enterprises also exist the problem of the enterprise culture, but because of the different scale and development stage of the enterprise, the strength and the angle of the enterprise culture are also different.

  The importance of corporate culture, 2

  John Harvard University. Professor Kurt and James. Study on 11 years of Professor Heskett: pay attention to the total income of the enterprise culture, the average growth of 68.2%, do not pay attention to the corporate culture of the company amounted to only 16.6% growth; attention to the corporate culture of the company stock price is 90.1%, do not pay attention to the corporate culture of the company is 74%; pay attention to the corporate culture of the company net income growth of 75.6%, do not pay attention to the corporate culture of the company is only 1%.

  In fact, any entrepreneur subconsciously attaches great importance to corporate culture. As a boss, need to consider how to make employees willing to own, and pull together in times of trouble how to make employees to improve work efficiency, how to make the development goal of enterprises and employees agree to fight for? This is the enterprise culture to solve the problem. So the small and medium-sized enterprises also need to pay attention to enterprise culture, small and medium enterprises, may have more than 100 employees, information communication more smooth, do not need too much form or system of things, it should focus on how to make the core concept of popular work. A business, if you want to develop into a large enterprise, now we must do large enterprises to do; to become a great company, and now we must do great companies should do things, so that it may become a big company or company of excellence."

  This case to some extent that the development of corporate culture of small and medium enterprises is very important. Two good friends at the same time, a few years later, one of the companys small reputation, while the other is still difficult. So after the company boss asked his friend said: "we are also business conditions and opportunities we almost, why are you developing so fast, but it is so hard to me now?" his friend did not directly answer, but asked him three questions: "you have no to make people excited and willing to development goals aligned with you? You have no idea of your values and will share with your staff? Do you often deliberately to create a passionate working atmosphere for employees?" after listening to a friend, the boss in a meditation.

  Two, small and medium-sized enterprise culture construction present situation

  1, lack of understanding

  According to the staff analysis, now the small and medium-sized private enterprises have 70 percent did not form the concept of market and customer concept, there is no clear understanding of essence of corporate culture. They just understand from the slogan, the concept is not clear.

  Gathered in small and medium-sized private enterprises in Wenzhou, 60% of the leading enterprises are not fully aware of the necessity of enterprise culture. Some companies are specialized institutions, but also exist in name only. Business operators do not intervene, not paying attention, not to the enterprise culture development strategy into the overall enterprise strategy, enterprise management efforts provisions involving enterprise mission, goals and objectives, content is not enough.

  2, the lack of features

  As the enterprises core values























  据中国社会科学院社会学所,全国工商联研究室共同组织的对21个省市自治区的250个市县区的1947家中小民营企业进行的抽样调查显示, 有近80%的企业是家族式或泛家族式企业。受企业主自身素质的限制,家长制集权管理导致企业在发展中缺乏科学论证和民主决策,家族力量对企业领导权的垄断,导致企业成为一个相对封闭的团体。



  (1) 将企业文化等同于企业外在形象设计。很多中小型企业的领导者在这方面存在对企业文化理解上的误区。他们认为所谓的企业文化就是企业的外在表现形象,所以就把更多的'精力放在了企业标语口号的斟酌、企业标识的设计上。例如,有些企业从办公楼到生产园区,从厂部到班组,到处都张贴或悬挂着诸如“开拓创新”、“拼搏进取”之类的标语口号;还有很多企业设计了精致的厂徽、统一的厂服、嘹亮的厂歌、鲜艳的厂旗,企业的外在形象可谓被设计得淋漓尽致,但他们只简单地将企业文化等同于形象设计,并没有采取有力的措施把企业文化的核心——企业精神体现在企业的经营活动中,也没有把企业精神渗透到企业员工的思维方式、工作、行为习惯中。

  (2) 将企业文化等同于企业文体活动。很多企业认为企业文化建设就是丰富多彩的文体活动,寄希望于通过举办几场球类比赛,搞几次文艺演出,放几场电影,组织几个职工俱乐部来达到塑造企业精神的目的。事实上,文体活动的开展只是企业文化建设的一个表层活动,在一定程度上可以增进员工之间的相互了解和员工对企业的归属感,但如果仅仅依靠这些表层活动,而不进行企业文化的渗透,不用企业精神塑造员工,企业文化建设是不会得到持续协调发展的,也就更不可能为企业的持续发展提供文化支持。

  (3) 将企业文化等同于政治思想工作。有些企业把企业文化建设和我国传统的政治思想工作混淆起来,认为企业文化建设就是一种思想灌输、说服教育,是宣传部门、工会的事情,这种观点在国有中小企业中尤其普遍。另外,由于中小型企业规模不大,机构设置较少,经常将思想政治工作和文化建设归属于同一部门管理,但是由于许多管理者对企业文化内涵理解不深刻,经常将二者混为一谈,这对企业文化建设非常不利。

  (4) 将企业文化等同于规章制度。有些中小企业的管理者认为企业文化就是企业规章制度,只要制定出企业的规章制度,组织员工学习、了解并严格实施,企业的文化建设就可大功告成,企业精神也就可以培育起来了,企业的文化氛围也会逐步地形成。尽管企业规章制度的制定是企业文化建设的一个重要方面,是企业文化建设的制度保障,但规章制度的制定并不是文化建设的全部,绝不能将二者等同。



  3、 企业文化建设雷同
















  企业文化的重要性英文 篇3

  Corporate culture is the process of enterprise development, which is gradually formed through production, construction, operation and management practice, and then dominates and adheres to a common identity, values and code of conduct to all employees. Its core corporate values are based on corporate philosophy, and its external entrepreneurial form, business management skills and corporate image are the main contents of corporate spirit, That is to say, the essence of entrepreneurship is an enterprise's positive, healthy, positive mentality, values and leadership consciousness. It is the fundamental power source for the existence and survival of an enterprise.

  The traffic management center has always been called "air police" in the industry. It is particularly important to ensure flight safety, maintain flight speed, maintain air flow order and organization, and improve the quality of corporate cultural work We have the humanistic spirit of air traffic control, which reflects the significance of this aspect. Enterprise management is the foundation of corporate culture construction, reflects the connotation of corporate spirit, and the cultural structure that acts on corporate image is the road of enterprise system and enterprise management.

  An important position and role is the working goal of "let the sky fly easily" It is a more general and abstract abstraction, which needs to form a specific goal. In order to guide the behavior of enterprise employees specifically, as the saying goes, "good for bad is the best policy". The corporate image refers to the public's understanding and evaluation of the enterprise as a whole, and also refers to the public's overall impression of the enterprise.

  The management should pay more attention to the design and construction of the corporate image and improve the number of air traffic controllers The enterprise with human attribute is human, and culture is the soul. Corporate culture has the functions of guidance, cohesion, motivation, restraint, coordination and auxiliary functions. For example, Haier Group, which is well-known in the world, is the most successful enterprise.












