
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  A: Can you tell me why you plan to quit being a assistant to the general manager to work here as my assistant? Don’t you like your present job?


  B: Frankly, some part of it I enjoy very much, but what I prefer is foreign trade, and these years I’ve always been looking for a chance to develop my abilities. It so happens that I have a friend working here in this company. She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant. I felt very excited at this news. That’s why I’m here.

  B:坦率地讲,有些方面我还是很喜欢的,但 是我更喜欢外贸方面的东西。这些年来我一直都在寻找机会发挥所长。碰巧我 有个朋友在贵公司任职。她告诉我说出口部要招聘一名助理。听到这个消息, 我感到非常兴奋。所以我就来了。

  A: All right, Mr. Qian. What do you think is the most important in expanding inter-national market?


  B: So far as your company is concerned, I believe it’s quality. Nowadays, the international market is rather weak, but your company still enjoys outstanding turnover and profit. The only secret for your success is that you never export defective products. Quality is reputation. Ifs quality that is essential to occupying and expanding international market.

  B:就贵公司而言,我相信质量是个关键。 目前,国际市场十分不景气,但贵公司仍然获得了十分突出的销售额和利润。而你们成功的唯一秘诀正是你们从不出口 有廣量问题的产品。质量就是声誉。质量正是占领和扩大国际市场的关键所在。

  A: What did you exactly do in that position?


  B: Well, I assisted the general manager with his work in many ways. Sometimes I presided over meetings or took part in some social activities in his name. I was also in charge of making credit inquires, approving payment terms and things like that. But I was mainly responsible for the feasibility studies of the projects, such as estimating the market potential of a newly developed product, competition in the industry, investment environment, and so forth

  B:嗯,我在很多方面协助总经理工作。有 的时候,我代表他主持会议或参加社交活动。我还要负责进行信用咨询、审批付款等诸如此类的事情。但我主要是负责计划的可行性研究,比如,评估一个新开发产品的市场潜力、行业竞争情况、投资环境等等。

  A: I can see you did a lot of work. Mr. Qiann, you must have done a good job in that corporation. Not many young people at your age can expect to reach a higher position than assistant to the general manager. So I don’t quite understand why you left the post.


  B: I never easily give up something that is valuable. Before I decided to quit that position, I had made a thorough analysis of things like what I would gain and what I would lose here in your company. You know, Shenzhen has always been a fascinating place to me, full of challenges as well as hopes. In addition to this, I have the specialized knowledge and the necessary experience of making a good assistant to the export manager. Of course, opportunities to work a-broad and a higher salary are also important to me. So I believe it’s worthwhile to come here to work.

  B:我从不轻易放弃有价值的东西。我在决定放弃那个职务以前,就对于在贵公司我会得到什么和我会失去什么之类的问题做过全面的分析。您知道,对我来讲, 深圳从来都是一个迷人的地方,既充满了希望,又充满了挑战。另外,我具备当好出口部经理助理的专业知识和必要的经历。当然,有机会出国工作和较高工资对我也很重要。所以,我相信来此工作是值得的。

  A: Mr. Qian, what do you think of working for a female superior?

  A:钱先生,对在女上司的手下工作,你怎么 看?

  B: I made the acquaintance of several successful women in my previous job. My respect for their intelligence is only equaled by my admiration for their affability, carefulness and industrious-ness. I feel it equally good to work for a female superior.










