
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  Respect leadership:

  How do you do!

  Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance hang the cover letter read my personal!!!! Thank you!

  I was guangdong medical school graduates professional level the XXX, dreaming of medical careers of incomparable looking forward to, through three years of study and practice system, I have laid a solid foundation of professional theory, developed strong ability of self-study and excellent teamwork spirit and practical work style. Simple, stable, development and innovation are my character.

  Three years of college life, make me in the good study atmosphere, and continuously learn knowledge of medicine, and actively participate in the social practice, enrich and perfect oneself, not only have a clinical doctors the necessary quality, and through a one-time national college English test band 4, computer level 2 test, several times won the school, second-class a scholarship, and was awarded "three good student" and the excellent member. During the internship, I can apply the theory of knowledge and clinical practice, positive thinking, positive practice, deepen the understanding and the understanding of disease, cultivate good clinical thinking method, which I am familiar with the clinical diagnosis and treatment of all hospitals basic technology, the department is a common and frequent disease can make the correct diagnosis and treatment. Strong study interest, strong sense of responsibility and accept ability and practical ability, makes me get the praise of superior doctors, more let me confidence in the future of the one hundred times to jobs.

  Based on this, I also pays attention to the quality of education and the comprehensive their own specialty training. From freshman start, I will spare time to study hard in computer, to Windows / 2000 / xp operating system master, to Word, Excel, Office and other Office software application freely, make full use of network resources, in order to study the frontier medical knowledge to create the good condition, I also mastered Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, web pages related software, and independent making their own personal homepage (). Animation, I have a very LAN build familiar with, I believe I for the expensive unit of the construction of the digital information service platform to make their contribution.

  Knowledge in the unceasing renewal, the pursuit of knowledge is always my life creed. I believe that your units need of, it is complex, creative talents, and I, is unswervingly to this direction diligently.

  The unit of choose and employ persons respect leadership, I set out to do into society, to meet the challenges of the full preparation. Believe in your support, I and your leadership as well as units of dahua group the sea, brave the wind and waves will sometimes!




  当你走进熙熙攘攘的招聘会,好容易找到家中意的单位,一个适合你的“空缺”,摊前却堆满了人,你费力挤进去,可工作人员忙得焦头烂额,根本无暇听你的“唠叨”,你只好毕恭毕敬地将求职简历递上,怀着一颗期待的心离去,这时候求职信就显得尤为重要。下岗人员为了争取再就业的成功率,应该写一份让人一看就明了的“求职书”。 那么,待岗者如何写求职信呢?

  下划线与字迹相连容易造成误会。如,franklin 被看作eranklin。所以,使用横线时,注意与邻近行的字拉开距离。












  写一下工作态度,如“自己吃苦耐劳,能胜任各种工种、不会过于计较工资多少”,或者写些“不妨试用我一下”、“愿意服从组织分配”等。 “求职书”最后不要忘了要实事求是,要写清楚你的地址和联系电话。
