
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】




  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Uncivilized Tourists. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Uncivilized Tourists

  Recently, there is a popular saying: the world is so large that I want to have a look! As more and more people travel around during their holidays, tourists have brought large sum of money to the local people.

  However, too many tourists also bring some problems to the local life. The most serious problem is the pollution caused by the uncivilized tourists. It’s reported that there were thousands of tons of rubbish left after the flag-raising ceremony on Oct. 1st. The uncivilized tourists left their rubbish wherever they go, polluting the local environment. Another problem is the traffic jam caused by so many tourists.

  Tourist can promote the economic development of the local areas, but the pollution caused by those uncivilized tourists has brought severe problems. The local tourist authority should set up relative laws to protect the environment of the local areas, and every tourist obey the laws and help to make the places of tourist more beautiful!



  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the following question. Suppose you are the environment minister of your country. What are you going to do to solve the air pollution in   recent years? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  My plan to solve the air pollution

  The air pollution has become a serious problem in recent years. If not solved, it will cause many health problems to our citizens. As the environment minister, I do feel obliged to take some measures to tackle this problem. Here’s my plan.

  In the first place, I urge that cars be restricted based on the odd and even number rule. It can be seen that the air condition at weekends is much better than that on weekdays, one of the reasons for which is the decreasing number of cars on the road. Therefore, to limit the cars during the weekdays is a good solution.

  Second, I would like to abandon the barbecue stalls. Actually, it’s not healthy. Besides, the barbecue smoke also pollutes the air, so it’s better to abandon the barbecue stalls.

  Last but not least, I strongly recommend that relative laws be made to inspect those factories which produce excessive smoke, especially those steel plants, organic chemical plants, and coking plants.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Children’s participation in reality shows. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Children’s participation in reality shows

  Nowadays, it has become a trend for children to participate in reality shows. However, is it really good for them?

  There are two sides for each coin. On one hand, participating in reality shows is good for children. First, it can make children more courageous and more confident. Second, some shows such as outdoor shows can make children more independent. For example, in some shows, children are required to accomplish some tasks without their parents accompanying them. That is a good way to train the children.

  On the other hand, children’s participation in reality shows may cause some disadvantages to them. For instance, children may become vainglorious if they win some fame from the shows. They may tend to pay more attention to undeserved reputation instead of studying hard. They may overlook the importance of working hard.

  As a result, you really need to think carefully before you take your children to reality shows. I personally feel that these shows make the children grow up too fast. Why not just let them be children?








