
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】









  1. 简要描述这些数据

  2. 分析该原因


  Recently a survey has beenconducted as an assignment of our investigativestudy program in Zhonghua High Schoolto find out whether parents and children feel proud ofeach other. Theresult, as is shown in the chartbelow, indicates that parents more often take pride in children' performance,and the proportion reaches 60%, whichis 20% higher than that of children.

  This gap results from anumber of factors. First and foremost, bothadults and children parents in China take it for granted that parents devote all they have totheirchildren. Kids today are over-spoiled since early age so they are accustomed toeverything their parents do for them.Adults regardtheir devotion asan investment, so they are proud of their "reward" if they see theirkids performwell in school or in job. DIFFERENCESin values are also responsible for this result. Yong people today are alwaysencouraged and praised for their independence and endeavor, so that most of them owe their successmore to themselves. On the other hand, parents keep to the traditional ideas ofguang-zong-yao-zu, which means it is off-springs'responsibility to bringglory to their big family.

  Whatever conclusion isdrawn, solong as our society still judge success by fame and money-earning ability,these differences will be around until someday parents feel proud oftheir kids' genuineinterest and talent.