
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Basking in the Land of Smiles


  What do you look for when choosing a travel destination? We all you are looking for, there is a good chance that you will find it in Thailand. It has something for everyone.


  Just 15 years ago, fewer than l million people traveled to Thailand every year. Those travelers liked what they found, and quickly spread the word. Today, the polite and hospitable Thais play host to more than 8.5 million visitors annually, all of whom are eager to experience Thailand's ancient culture and sample its many attractions.

  就在1 5年前,每年去泰国旅游的人数不到100万。那些游客喜欢他们在泰国发现的一切并很快地将其传了出去。如今,礼貌又好客的泰国人每年要接待8500多万游客。这些游客都迫不及待地想要体验泰国的古老文化并且亲临许多引人人胜之处。

  Adding to its many charms, Thailand is also very affordable. Exploring this diverse country can be so inexpensive that many vacationers frnd that a fun -packed day in Thailand is far less expensive than a quiet night out in their own country.


  Perhaps the first delight to seduce even the most discerning traveler in Thailand is its cuisine. Thai food is regularly rated as some of the best in the world. Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty oflime juice, lemon grass, or coriander.These help produce dishes that are spicy, yet deliciously fragrant with a disiinctive tang.

  到了泰国,第一个让人高兴的、连品味一流的旅行家都无法抗拒的就是泰国美食了。泰式料理通常被列为世界上数一数二的美食。大多数的菜肴都是用新鲜的材料烹调而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、柠檬草或芫荽等的辣酱。 这些调料有助于烹制辛辣、浓郁、具有独特香味的菜肴。

  Sampling Thailand's diverse dishes wiU, give you the energy to explore its many sights. The capital, Bangkok, and other older cihes are graced with elegant ruins and beautifully decorated temples. In these places, one can wander at leisure and leam about the country's rich artistic heritage.


  If you are more of a nature lover consider heading north to ChiangMai. There you can find many opportunities to trek into the hills, explore jungles and waterfalls, visit the hill tribes of the area, or experience the once-in-a-lifetime pleasures ofbamboo-rafting or elephant-riding.


  After all that trekking and sightseeing, you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains. Thailand also is a great place for pain and stress relief. Places for massage and reflexology are everywhere , ready to work on your tired body and leave you feeling refreshed. Having a traditional Thai massage can be one ofthe highlights ofyour visit。


  If flying on the beach is your thing, head for one of the many hundreds of beautiful islands that rest along Thailand's lengthy coastline. The beaches in Thailand are some of the best in the world. They range from packed resort spots with plenty of water sports to quiet, idyllic, picture perfect retreats, where only the gentle sound of the ocean can be heard.


  People may leave Thailand and settle back into the hustle and bustle of real life, but the image of Thailand never really leaves them. For this reason, many travelers choose to returnagain and again to the unforgettable "Land of Smiles".
