
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】


  1. a top banana 首领,掌权者

  top banana主要用于美国俚语中,指“主要演员(尤指喜剧中),最重要的人物”。

  A: The top banana asked you to fax this to the US office. 头儿让你把这个传真到美国的办事处。

  B: Is this urgent? 急件吗?

  A: Yes. 没错。

  2. a rule of thumb 单靠经验实践的方法;粗略而简便的方法


  A: Do you think it’s a good idea to buy sometraveler’s checks? 你认为买旅行支票是个好办法吗?

  B: Definitely! Don’t carry large amounts of cashwith you when you’re traveling. We have a rule ofthumb: never carry around any more cash than you can afford to have stolen. To be on thesafe side, you’d better ask for smaller denominations: $20 or $50. 没错。旅行时不要随身带大额现金。我们有个经验之法:随身携带的钱要适量,丢了不要紧。为了稳妥起见,你最好要小面额的:20或者元。

  A: I was told that if you use traveler’s checks, you don’t countersign the check until theclerk in the store is watching you. 我听说在使用旅行支票时,要当着商店售货员的面签字。

  B: Yes, you’ve got it. 你说得对。

  3. across the board 全面地

  该习语的意思是“包括一切的,全面的”。例如:We’re aiming to increase productivity across theboard.(我们旨在全面提高产量。)该习语还可以用来指“(赛马、赛狗等打赌时)押前三名”。

  A: Do you know the last news? 你知道最新消息吗?

  B: No, what? 不知道,什么呀?

  A: We asked for a pay increase of 5% across the board yesterday. 昨天我们要求全部加薪5%。

  B: Did the boss agree with you? 老板同意了?

  A: No. He said they’d discuss it at the board meeting. 没有。他说要在董事会上讨论。

  B: That’s just an alibi. 那是他的借口。

  4. agree to differ 求同存异

  agree to differ指的是“各自保留不同意见(不再说服对方)”,意即“求同存异”。

  A: What do you mean? 你是什么意思?

  B: Considering the major contracts they might give us, I overlooked the small loss. 考虑到他们可能与我们签订大宗合同,小小的损失我就忽略不计了。

  A: So you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存异?

  B: That’s right. 没错。

  5. add up to 合计达;总括起来意味着

  此语本义指“合计为”,在日常生活中多用喻义,即“总括起来意味着”。有时为了进一步强调,亦作all addup to。在使用中应注意与“add up”一词的区别。“add up”本指“把 … 加起来”,如:add up a column offigures(把一栏数字加起来);其喻义为“言之有理,说得通”,如:The facts just don’t add up.(这些事情合计起来不对头。)

  A: The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. 出纳说他走时把保险柜锁上了。

  B: But how did the money disappear from it if it was locked? 如果锁上了那钱怎么没的?

  A: I just wonder … 我只是奇怪 …

  B: What do you think it all adds up to? 你想这一切意味着什么?

  A: It adds up to the fact that we have been cheated. 意味着我们被骗了。