
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  The financial services industry is making slow progress in promoting women to executive positions, according to two new reports published on Monday.


  Globally, women make up only one-fifth of boards and 16 per cent of executive committees in financial services, according to management consulting firm Oliver Wyman’s Women in Financial Services report. This is only a slight improvement in both categories on the 2014 figures.

  根据管理咨询公司奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)的报告《金融服务业的妇女》(Women in Financial Services),从全球来说,妇女只占了金融服务业董事会的五分之一和执行委员会的16%。相比2014年的数据,这两个比例都只有微小提升。

  Rebecca Emerson, UK head of Oliver Wyman, said: “There’s been slow progress in getting more women leaders in financial services. At the current rate it will take a further 30 years (by 2048) for executive committees to reach 30 per cent female representation.”

  奥纬咨询英国主管丽贝卡埃默森(Rebecca Emerson)表示:“金融服务业在增加女性领导人方面进展缓慢。按照当前的增长速度,执行委员会还需要30年(到2048年)才能达到女性占30%的程度。”

  In UK financial services companies, only 14 per cent of executive committee members are female, and 23 per cent of board directors, according to a separate report on Monday from think-tank New Financial.

  智库新金融(New Financial)周一发布的另一份报告显示,在英国的金融服务公司,只有14%的执行委员会成员和23%的董事会董事是女性。

  Yasmine Chinwala, partner at New Financial and author of the report, said: “The data clearly shows that without an active focus on improving gender balance in the executive pipeline, it just won’t happen. Companies need to work out for themselves why diversity is strategically important to their business.”

  新金融合伙人、报告作者亚斯明钦瓦勒(Yasmine Chinwala)表示:“数据清晰表明,如果不主动专注于改善高管培养管道中的性别平衡,平等就不会发生。企业必须自己想明白,为什么多元化对它们的业务有战略上的重要性。”

  Research suggests that 30 per cent is the level at which a minority’s voice comes to be heard. The 30% Club, a lobby group, initially focused on achieving a minimum of 30 per cent women on FTSE 100 boards, and has subsequently turned its focus to younger women in a push to improve the pipeline of women progressing to management positions.

  研究似乎显示,30%的比例是能让少数人的声音受到重视的最低水平。游说团体“30%俱乐部”(30% Club)最初关注的是在富时100(FTSE 100)成分股董事会中实现最低30%的妇女比例。后来,该团体将注意力转移至更年轻的妇女身上,试图改善妇女晋升至管理岗位的培养管道。

  According to New Financial, when women do sit on executive committees, they tend to be in support roles such as marketing or human resources, rather than in revenue-generating roles. This puts them at a disadvantage because executive committees tend to be dominated by people in the most senior and revenue-generating roles.


  Ms Chinwala said: “If we want to see more women on executive committees and taking executive directorships, women need to be running business lines, not doing the work behind the scenes that make them run smoothly.”


  Oliver Wyman’s report has several suggestions for improving the number of women at executive level. These range from structural changes such as putting in place strategies to improve the pipeline and making flexible working more available, to cultural ones such as encouraging men to take their share of parental leave and training people about unconscious bias.
