
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Finding a new man to take home for the holidays proved surprisingly easy for Lily Li. He had to be reliable, taciturn – and available for a few hundred yuan.


  "I was not looking for some perfect guy to marry. Just someone tall – my parents like tall guys a lot – honest and not too talkative, so he doesn't say something wrong," explained the 26-year-old.

  “我不是想找个那种可以谈婚论嫁的完美男人。只要高一点就好了,我父母喜欢个子高的。要诚实,而且不要太健谈,不会说错话。” 26岁的她这样说道。

  The coming unar new year is China's biggest festival. It can also be a major headache for those returning home without a potential spouse. Pressure on young adults to settle down goes into overdrive, as gathering family members begin the inquisition and line up possible candidates.


  Taking a boyfriend or girlfriend home is a fast way to curb the speculation, which is why Li, like other twentysomethings, has hired a fake partner through an online agency.


  "My parents want me to get married by 30," the office worker explained. "Bringing a 'boyfriend' back home simply means I get less hassle from relatives and my parents will stop worrying about my romantic life."

  “我父母希望我30岁之前结婚,” 这位办公室职员解释道。“带一个‘男友’回家就意味着我的亲戚不会总烦着我,父母不用担心我的感情问题。”

  One man touting his services on Taobao – a popular online shopping site – said a "basic programme" of meeting parents and visiting relatives would cost 300 yuan a day.


  But, perhaps half-jokingly, he offered optional extras including doing chores (for 70 yuan an hour) and drinking China's lethal baijiu spirit with relatives (at 50 yuan per 100ml). Few "couples" will have to share bedrooms – families tend to be conservative in that regard – but some advertisers spell out the non-sexual nature of the deal, to avoid misunderstanding.


  Hu Xingdou, a social commentator at the Beijing Institute of Technology, suggested that the trend for hiring fake partners had emerged from a clash between old and new ideas.


  Increasing materialism and the pressures of Chinese life made it harder for young people to find a partner, while parents still expected their children to marry young, he said.


  But it may also reflect another enduring Chinese belief: the importance of being filial. Many people are reluctant to upset their parents by confronting them and would rather pretend to conform.
