八年级 (上) 期中测试 (B卷)

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八年级 (上) 期中测试 (B卷)

初二 (上) 期中测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 (10分)

 A) 在下列各组单词中,划线部分的读音有一个与其他三个不同,


 [  ]1. A.matter B. land  C. dangerous D. that

 [  ]2. A.truck B. usually C. must   D. hungry

 [  ]3. A.third B. ninth  C. nothing  D. another

 [  ]4. A.call  B. half  C. walk   D. tall

 [  ]5. A.moon  B. hungry C. land   D. ninth

 B) 将下列各词按其划线部分的读音分别写在相应音标后面的横线上。(5分)

   welcome  more round   monkey cloudy

    elephant sun  delicious fourth minute

  6. [e] _______ _______

  7. [&:] _______ _______

  8. [i] _______ _______

  9. [)] _______ _______

  10.[au] _______ _______

二、词汇知识 (20分)

 A) 以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当


 [  ]11. m __ tter   A. e B. i C. a D. o

 [  ]12. m __ __ l   A. ae B. ea C. oa D. ao

 [  ]13. p __ __ ent  A. ar B. or C. ur D. ir

 [  ]14. r __ __ d   A. au B. eo C. oa D. ao

 [  ]15. p __ p __ lar A. e ... a B. a ... e

              C. u ... o D. o ... u

 B) 根据括号中的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(5分)

  16. one (序数词) ____________________________

  17. foot (复数) ______________________________

  18. careful (副词) ____________________________

  19. swim (现在分词) _________________________

  20. play (名词) ______________________________

 C) 词组英译互译。(10分)

  21. 找出;查明 ____________________________________

  22. 玩得很高兴 ____________________________________

  23. 一直 __________________________________________

  24. 穿上 (衣服);戴上 (帽子等) ______________________

  25. 游泳 __________________________________________

  26. a piece of _______________________________________

  27. be careful _______________________________________

  28. in the open air ____________________________________

  29. come over _______________________________________

  30. be good at _______________________________________

三、单项选择 (20分)


[  ]31. I usually come to school _______ bus.

     A. on  B. at  C. by  D. in

[  ]32. Mr Wang is very busy. He often works _______ night.

     A. on  B. at  C. by  D. in

[  ]33. Children like playing _______ the open air.

     A. on  B. at  C. by  D. in

[  ]34. Look! There are many red apples _______ that tree.

     A. on  B. at  C. in  D. to

[  ]35. It's twelve o'clock now. It's time _______ lunch.

     A. to  B. for  C. with  D. by

[  ]36. The students often work _______ the farm.

     A. on  B. in  C. at  D. with

[  ]37. Look at _______ moon in the sky. It's very bright and

   round tonight.

     A. a  B. an  C. the  D. /

[  ]39. ______ you often late for school?

     A. Do  B. Are  C. Does  D. will

[  ]40. I'd like you _______ me with my lessons.

     A. help  B. helps  C. to help  D. helping

[  ]41. Lily's bag is _______ than Lucy's.

     A. light  B. lighter  C. lightest  D. the lightest

[  ]42. Lin Ping has _______ English books.

     A. many  B. much  C. more  D. most

[  ]43. Our classroom is _______ cleaner than theirs.

     A. very  B. more  C. many  D. much

[  ]44. Students often have _______ homework to do.

     A. many   B. a lot of

     C. a lot   D. lot of

[  ]45. There's a new picture on the wall. Let's go and _______.

     A. look at    B. have a look at

     C. have a look  D. have look

[  ]46. I think the panda is the nicest animal _______.

     A. on land    B. in land

     C. on the land  D. in the land

[  ]47. We are going to play basketball this afternoon. _______ you?

     A. How and  B. What with

     C. How with  D. What about

[  ]48. There's _______ on the desk.

     A. red paper

     B. red papers

     C. a piece of red paper

     D. a red paper

[  ]49. —— ______________?

     —— I'm going to wash my clothes.

     A. Are you going to wash your clothes

     B. Do you often wash your clothes

     C. What are you going to do

     D. What do you often do

[  ]50. —— Where are you going to work tomorrow?

     —— __________________.

     A. On the farm    B. On the factory

     C. Yes, on the farm D. Yes, on the factory

四、句型转换 (10分) 根据括号内的要求,改写句子,


 51. He likes mooncakes with meat. (改为否定句)

   He _______ _______ mooncakes with meat.

 52. What're the women doing? (改为单数句型)

   _______ the _______ doing?

 53. They're going to do some shopping this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)

   _______ are they going to _______ this afternoon?

 54. He is working hard on the farm now. (用often做时间状语改写原句)

   He _______ _______ hard on the farm.

 55. Do you like boating? (做肯定回答)

   _______, I _______.

五、动词填空 (10分) 用各题中所给动词的适当形式填空,使其意思完整与正确。

 56. Zhang Hua _______ (be) very good at basketball.

 57. They _______ (watch) a football game tomorrow afternoon.

 58. _______ we _______ (go) to the park this Sunday?

 59. Everyone in our class _______ (like) English very much.

 60. Would you like _______ (go) for a walk with me?

六、完成句子 (10分) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。

 61. 欢迎您到我们学校来!

   _______ _______ our school!

 62. 格林先生今天下午有空。

   Mr Green ______ ______ this afternoon.

 63. 刘英很擅长滑冰。

   Liu Ying _______ very good _______ skating.

 64. 大象是陆地上最大的动物。

   The elephant is the _______ animal _______ land.

 65. 我们打算这个星期日帮助农民干活。

   We are going to ______ the farmers ______ their work this Sunday.

七、补全对话 (10分)


  A: Hi! Li Ming! Nice to see you!

  B: Hi! Lin Dong! 66 to see you, too! How are you?

  A: Fine, thank you. 67 you?

  B: I'm fine, too. Thanks. We're back at 68 again. How happy!

  A: Yes. We are 69 Grade Two this year. I think I must work 70

    at my lessons than before.

  B: Yes, I think 71 . I hear we are going to work 72 a farm next

    month. We'll 73 the farmers with their work.

  A: Great! I think it's much better than having classes.

  B: I'd like 74 go very much. Oh, it's 7:50. It's 75 to go to the


  A: OK. Let's go.

  66._____ 67._____ 68._____ 69._____

  70._____ 71._____ 72._____ 73._____

  74._____ 75._____

八、阅读理解10分 先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正 (√),误 (×)。

  Sam and Pat are brothers. They are in the same class. Sam works

harder and studies better than Pat. One day the teacher asks the

students to  write a composition (作文). The name of it is"My

Mother". Sam writes a composition and is going to hand it in (上交)

to the teacher, Pat says, "Wait a minute, Sam. Let me have a look."

Pat reads it and copies it.The next day, the teacher asks Pat, "Why

is your composition just the same as Sam's, Pat?""Because (因为) we

have the same mother, haven't we?" says Pat.

 [  ]76. Sam and Pat are students.

 [  ]77. They are in different grades.

 [  ]78. Pat is better at his lessons than Sam.

 [  ]79. Sam works very hard.

 [  ]80. Pat doesn't copy his brother's composition.

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