
九年级 (上) 14单元测试 (B卷)

时间:2021-10-06 12:40:16 英语试题 我要投稿

九年级 (上) 14单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 14单元测试 (B卷)

Ⅰ. 辨音:辨认单词划线部分的读音,在四个选项中有一个


 [ ]1. computer

    A. blue   B. news   C. drew   D. put

 [ ]2. motor

    A. wall               B. today

    C. operate             D. tomorrow

 [ ]3. own

    A. hold   B. how   C. flower  D. town

 [ ]4. become

    A. together B. second C. other   D. hope

 [ ]5. sure

    A. during  B. poor  C. pear   D. return

 [ ]6. top

    A. cover              B. broken

    C. lose               D. possible

 [ ]7. seat

    A. agree  B. break  C. heavy   D. sweater

 [ ]8. noise

    A. know   B. boy   C. sorry   D. born

 [ ]9. radio

    A. half   B. stand  C. wash   D. great

 [ ]10. horse

    A. world  B. house  C. before  D. doctor

Ⅱ. 词形转换:用所给单词的适当形式填空。10%

  1. They are talking very______in the next room. (noise)

  2. Yesterday I______an Englishman on my way to school. (meet)

  3. Be______, or you'll be late. (quickly)

  4. Allan was the last______in the relay race. (run)

  5. How time flies!______a week has already passed. (near)

  6. She looks______, doesn't she? (worry)

  7. You can______this dictionary when you do reading. (useful)

  8. I have______down the instructions for the journey on a piece

    of paper. (write)

  9. The Greens enjoy______by train. (travel)

  10. The line is bad. Will you please speak more______? (loud)

Ⅲ. 词语释义:从右栏中找出左栏词语的正确解释,将其标号填入前面括号中。5%

  [ ]1. can           A. certainly

  [ ]2. large          B. not like at all

  [ ]3. of course        C. father or mother

  [ ]4. vegetables       D. make or become different

  [ ]5. go by plane       E. be able to

  [ ]6. hate          F. travel by air

  [ ]7. weak          G. cabbage, carrot, pea, etc.

  [ ]8. now           H. at the moment

  [ ]9. change         I. not strong

  [ ]10. parent         J. very big

Ⅳ. 选择填空:将正确答案的标号填入前面括号中。10%

  [ ]1. Please say Happy New Year to all my friends, _____?

      A. don't you          B. aren't you

      C. will you          D. do you

  [ ]2. Don't drive too fast, ______?

      A. do you            B. don't you

      C. aren't you         D. will you

  [ ]3. David woke up early, got______and went out without breakfast.

      A. dress            B. dressed

      C. dressing          D. dresses

  [ ]4. Mr Shute______Australia since 1990.

      A. went to           B. has gone to

      C. has been to         D. has been in

  [ ]5. ______you ever______U. S. A, Mr Turner?

      A. Have. . . gone to      B. Have. . . been to

      C. Have. . . been in      D. Did. . . go to

  [ ]6. Dick won't have family get-together for Christmas. He ___ France.

      A. has gone to         B. went to

      C. has been to         D. has been in

  [ ]7. You can't use the telephone. It______.

      A. is a bad line        B. was broken down

      C. has broken down       D. is wrong

  [ ]8. Do you mind______the TV down?

      A. to turn           B. turning

      C. turn            D. will turn

  [ ]9. Can you do this for me, please? ______.

      A. No. Sorry

      B. No. Excuse me

      C. I think I can't, sorry

      D. No, thanks

  [ ]10. We won't go to the party tonight. We______.

      A. don't mind         B. have changed our mind

      C. keep it in mind       D. mind it

  [ ]11. ______beautiful Christmas tree!

      A. How   B. How a   C. What   D. What a

  [ ]12 Don't you think something is wrong with the fridge?


      A. No, I think so       B. Yes, I don't think so

      C. No, I do          D. Yes, I do

  [ ]13. Where would you like to go to spend your holiday?

       Britain, ______possible.

      A. if   B. as    C. for   D. by

  [ ]14. When and where______the accident______?

       A. has. . . happened     B. did. . . happen

       C. does. . . happen     D. is. . . happening

  [ ]15. It was nine o'clock when we______the cinema.

       A. got            B. reached to

       C. arrived in        D. arrived at

Ⅴ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。20%

  1. It's half past eight. Mike_____ (have) breakfast and____ (listen) to the music.

  2. Li Ping ______ (join) the League (共青团) when he____ (be) fifteen.

  3. I_____ (not hear) from Tom since he went back to Australia.

  4. Where ______ (be) your mother?

    She____ (go) to Shanghai. She_____ (leave) last Friday and _____ (be)

   back in a month.

  5. She______ (visit) China twice.

  6. What_____ you______ (do) at seven yesterday evening?

  7. Mr Li______ (go) to Tianjin yesterday morning.

  8. The teacher told us that light______ (travel) much faster than sound.

  9. The teacher told Bob______ (not look) out of the window in class.

  10. Robert asked me which one I______ (like) best.

Ⅵ. 阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容判断所给句子的正误,符合短文内容的,在前面括号中填A,否则填B。20%

  Jenner was very troubled because so many people caught smallpox (天花). Some of them recovered (痊愈) with scars (疤痕) on their faces, more people died. Jenner wanted to find a way of saving people. He thought about it a lot and tried to find out all he could

know about it.

  After a time he found something very interesting. He found that the girls who milked cows never caught smallpox and he began to think why. Many of them caught a disease (疾病) from the cow called cowpox (牛痘). It was not serious (严重的) and they recovered from

it quickly. Once they had had cowpox, they were safe from catching smallpox.

  One day a girl came to see him. She had cowpox. Jenner took some of the germs (病菌) of the cowpox from her hand. He then found a little boy of eight called Jimmy. He made a small scratch (刮破) on his arm. Into the scratch he put some of the germs of the cowpox. Jimmy caught cowpox and soon got better, but later, when he came near people who had smallpox he did not catch it, while other people did.

   Jenner was very happy about what he had found. He wrote a paper for other doctors to read. At first they would not believe (相信) what he had written was true.

  Jenner became a great hero (英雄), but he still worked as a village doctor. He visited London quite often, but he always went back to his village home as soon as he could. After his wife died when he was sixty-six years old, he never left home again, but he still worked hard as a doctor until he died quite suddenly at the age (年龄) of seventy-four.

 [ ]1. Jenner was a great English doctor.

 [ ]2. Jenner lived in London.

 [ ]3. Smallpox was a serious disease at that time.

 [ ]4. Some people recovered from cowpox with scars on their faces.

 [ ]5. Girls recovered from cowpox quickly.

 [ ]6. A man would not catch smallpox if he had cowpox.

 [ ]7. Jenner saved a little boy's life by putting some germs

   of the cowpox into the scratch on his arm.

 [ ]8. At first people didn't believe what Jenner had found was true.

 [ ]9. Jenner's wife died at the age of sixty-six.

 [ ]10. Jenner died quite suddenly at his home.

Ⅶ. 完形填空:阅读短文,选择最佳答案填空,将所选答案的标号填入前面括号中。10%

  Mrs Jones was waiting 1 an important telephone call, but shefound there 2 no bread in the house, so she 3 the baby at home and said to her son, "I'm going to the shops, Jimmy, and I'll be back 4 a few minutes. "

  While she was out, the telephone rang, and Jimmy 5 .

  "Hello," said a man. "is your mother 6 ?"

  "No," said Jimmy.

  "Well, when she 7 back, 8 that Mr Baker telephoned. "


  "Mr Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R. "

  "How do you make a B?"

  "How do you make a B?"

  "How do I make?. . . Listen, little boy, is there anyone else (别的) with you? Any brother or sister?"

  "My brother Billy is here. "

  "Good, I want to talk to him, please. "

  "All right. " Jimmy 9 the telephone to the baby's bed and gave it to Billy.

  When their mother came back, she asked, "Did 10 telephone?"

  "Yes," said Jimmy, "but he only wanted to talk to Billy. "

 [ ]1. A. about   B. for   C. at    D. with

 [ ]2. A. are    B. is   C. were   D. was

 [ ]3. A. put    B. lost  C. left   D. took

 [ ]4. A. after   B. later  C. in    D. for

 [ ]5. A. answered B. called C. spoke  D. listened

 [ ]6. A. out    B. here  C. at    D. in

 [ ]7. A. is    B. will  C. will be D. come

 [ ]8. A. talk to her            B. speak to her

     C. say her             D. tell her

 [ ]9. A. put    B. passed C. sent   D. took

 [ ]10.A. some   B. anyone C. one   D. any

Ⅷ. 补全对话:根据对话的需要,在空白处填入适当的词语。10%

  Bruce and Mary are going to Moscow. They are at the airport. Here is their dialogue.

M: Come on, Bruce. They've just announced (通告) our 1 . It's

  boarding (登机) at gate 23.

B: Take it easy. I've got time to buy a newspaper. It'll only 2 aminute.

M: Well, hurry up! We'd better not 3 the plane.

B: OK. We've still got enough time.

M: Have you got the boarding passes (登机牌) ?

B: Oh, here 4 are in my pocket. Our 5 are in the middle of the plane,

Row 5, on the left. Mary, would you like the 6 seat or the aisle

(通道) seat?

M: I don't really care. Why don't you 7 by the window? Iwould be 8 to

  get up and walk around.

B: How about a drink?

M: Sure. I'd like some orange juice (汁) .

B: And I feel like tea.

M: By the way, this is a direct (直接的) flight, isn't it?

B: No, I'm afraid there is a 9 on the way. But we'll be in 10 in time.