
中考英语模拟试题 (十)

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中考英语模拟试题 (十)

中考英语模拟试题 (十)

一、语音 (6分)

中考英语模拟试题 (十)



 [ ]1.A.chance   B.chemist   C.search    D.chest

 [ ]2.A.played   B.learned   C.looked    D.renewed

 [ ]3.A.forget   B.worse    C.worth    D.world

 [ ]4.A.usually  B.rubbish   C.university  D.use

 [ ]5.A.great   B.breakfast  C.bread    D.breath

 [ ]6.A.waves   B.hopes    C.saves    D.clothes

二、解释词语 (8分)


 [ ]1.hear from     A.fix

 [ ]2.have a good time B.not clean

 [ ]3.repair      C.say "no" to

 [ ]4.dirty       D.be afraid of

 [ ]5.fear       E.perhaps

 [ ]6.refuse      F.enjoy oneself

 [ ]7.maybe       G.100 years

 [ ]8.century      H.get a letter from

三、选择正确的翻译答案 (5分)

  1.Can you come here on time?

   A.按时    B.及时    C.随时

  2.He picked up the wallet when he saw it.

   A.捡起    B.举起    C.立起

  3.He made up his mind to go.

   A.制造    B.决定    C.抬起头

  4.You should give up smoking.

   A.给     B.投降    C.放弃

  5.I'll live with you forever.

   A.永远    B.从现在起  C.从来

四、选择填空 (20分)


 [ ]1.Please tell me ______.

     A.how many days are there in a week.

     B.what novel is that

     C.how old you are

     D.what's your name

 [ ]2.I've told you ______ fire.

     A.don't play      B.don't play with

     C.not to play     D.not to play with

 [ ]3.The pyramid was built five ______ ago.

     A.thousands of years  B.thousand years

     C.thousand-year    D.thousand year

 [ ]4.The monument is now eight meters ______, but it was

     once ______.

    A.taller, tall     B.high, higher

    C.high, high      D.tall, tall

 [ ]5.Don't leave until he ______ back.

    A.have come   B.comes   C.will come   D.came

 [ ]6.I really don't know ______.

     A.what means it    B.it what means

     C.what does it mean  D.what it means

 [ ]7.We must study ______ for the people.

     A.good     B.well   C.fine     D.hardly

 [ ]8.You never go to the movies, ______?

     A.don't you      B.do you

     C.won't you      D.can't you

 [ ]9.Peter is ______ honest boy. He studies at ______


     A.a ... an      B.an ... an

     C.an ... a      D.a ... a

 [ ]10.Would you like to ______ us a story?

     A.say    B.speak   C.tell     D.talk

 [ ]11.Nathan Hale ______ by the British guards.

     A.hanged       B.was hung

     C.hung        D.was hanged

 [ ]12.There is nothing in the box, ______?

     A.isn't there    B.is it

     C.isn't it      D.is there

 [ ]13.Chemistry is ______ than physics for me.

     A.easy        B.easier

     C.more easy     D.more easier

 [ ]14.Drink ______ water, then you'll be better before long.

     A.many       B.little

     C.few        D.plenty of

 [ ]15.The table is made of ______.

     A.a wood      B.these wood

     C.woods       D.wood

 [ ]16.English is spoken by ______ people.

     A.a lot       B.much many

     C.a large number of D.a great deal of

 [ ]17.She draws ______ of the three.

     A.good   B.well    C.better   D.the best

 [ ]18.I heard him ______ so.

     A.said   B.says    C.say    D.to say

 [ ]19.He became a famous writer when he was ______.

     A.in his fifty     B.in his fifties

     C.in fifty years old  D.in fifties

 [ ]20.How many tons ______ the elephant ______?

     A.is ... weigh   B.does ... weigh

     C.are ... weigh   D./ ... weigh

五、阅读理解 (10分)

  It is a thousand kilometres across that desert. The road is good nearly all the way. Sometimes there is deep sand across it. A driver must then put his foot down hard and drive through. There are three small towns along the way.

  Vick reached the first place at ten o'clock. He had supper in the little restaurant there. It was a warm night in August. Vick wanted to drive through the night. For the days were very, very hot.

  He left the restaurant at 11:30 and drove on. There wasn't a moon, but the stars were beautiful. There was nothing else on the road. Vick thought, "It's an empty(无人烟的)desert, not a tree, not a house, not a man." He could see endless white road in the car's head lamps. A million stars looked down on him.

  It was two o'clock in the morning. Vick stopped the car. He was two hundred kilometers from the next town. "I'll light the cooker (点燃炉子)," he thought, "and make some tea." He got out of the car.

  He heard songs, ten or fifteen meters away. He could not see anything in the darkness.A man said, "Good morning, It's a lovely evening, isn't it?" The man came up, out of the night, out of the desert. Vick didn't move.

  Then the man said, "You are going to make some tea, aren't you? I often get a cup of tea at this time. It's two o'clock. Cars always stop near here at this time. Sometimes I get a meal. Now listen, and I'll tell you a story. Then you'll give ..."


 [ ]1.Vick drove in the darkness. He didn't want to ______.

     A.stop the car       B.drive in the hot daytime

     C.go across the desert   D.talk to the man

 [ ]2.Vick could ______.

     A.see only the road and the stars

     B.not stop the car

     C.see the stones and sand of the desert

     D.not understand the man

 [ ]3.Vick stayed at the first place ______.

     A.to spend the night

     B.to wait for the man

     C.for ninety minutes

     D.for ten hours

 [ ]4.Vick stopped his car two hundred kilometers from the

     next town after he had driven for ______.

     A.sixty minutes

     B.ninety minutes

     C.one hundred and twenty minutes

     D.one hundred and fifty minutes

 [ ]5.Vick met the man ______.

     A.at supper time

     B.at the second town

     C.at the restaurant

     D.at two o'clock in the morning

 [ ]6.The man wanted ______.

     A.a cup of tea

     B.to go to the next town

     C.to talk about the desert

     D.Vick to go to the next town with him

 [ ]7.The road is good nearly all the way. This means ______.

     A.the road is not good but very bad

     B.some parts are good, others are bad

     C.only a few stretches (片) are not good

     D.very few parts are good

 [ ]8.A driver put his foot down hard. Then his car ______.

     A.goes very fast    B.stops at once

     C.will not go well   D.will not move

 [ ]9.A car's head lamps are ______.

     A.something necessary in the desert at night

     B.not important in crossing the desert

     C.big and bright

     D.small but heavy

 [ ]10.An endless road ______.

     A.has no end

     B.is a short road

     C.has an end, but the end is far away

     D.is a very long road

六、完形填空 (10分)


  A good dictionary is 1 important tool (工具). It will tell you 2 only what a word means but 3 how it 4 . A dictionary needs to be printed again about every ten years. Language develop (发展) and a good dictionary must 5 these new changes.A new English dictionary will only tell you 6 most people use the language today. It will not tell you what is right 7 wrong. It may tell you the right time to use a word. If only 8 people use a word, a dictionary will 9 tell you this or not list (编列)it.

   10 dictionary will tell you many interesting facts. If you type (用打字机打)a word and the word is too long, 11 in your dictionary. All dictionaries show you 12 to break (拆开) a word. And they also show you how a word 13 .

  Every dictionary, of course, tells you what a word means. But some words, like "get" or "take", may have dozens of meanings (几十种意思). In some dictionaries, the main meanings are often listed first. In 14 , the newest meanings are listed last. So before you use your dictionary, you should always 15 the front part. This part explains 16 .

  Some dictionaries also show you where a word comes 17 . Do you know that the word "brand" (标记) comes from an old word? This old word means "to burn". This is because 18 years ago, people burned their names on tables or boats to show who 19 them. They also burned their own names on their farm animals 20 they would not be stolen.

  Your dictionary also has a lot of other interesting facts in it. After you have learned to use a dictionary, it can become your best useful book.

 [ ]1.A.a     B.an     C.the    D.very

 [ ]2.A.no    B.that    C.not    D.if

 [ ]3.A.too    B.either   C.yet    D.also

 [ ]4.A.uses   B.is using  C.is used  D.used

 [ ]5.A.to show  B.show    C.shows   D.be shown

 [ ]6.A.how    B.what    C.why    D.if

 [ ]7.A.and    B.or     C.but    D.not

 [ ]8.A.a little B.many    C.a few   D.a lot of

 [ ]9.A.neither  B.nor    C.both   D.either

 [ ]10.A.Every  B.Some    C.All    D.Many

 [ ]11.A.look up it    B.look for it

     C.look it up    D.look it out

 [ ]12.A.when   B.where   C.why    D.which

 [ ]13.A.speaks  B.is spoke  C.be spoken D.is spoken

 [ ]14.A.another B.the other C.others  D.other

 [ ]15.A.see   B.look    C.watch   D.read

 [ ]16.A.how use it    B.to how use it

     C.how to use it  D.to how to use it

 [ ]17.A.into   B.up C.by D.from

 [ ]18.A.hundreds of   B.hundred of

     C.a hundred of   D.hundred

 [ ]19.A.builds  B.makes   C.build   D.made

 [ ]20.A.when   B.in order to  C.so that   D.before

七、词汇 (14分)


  1.answer(同义词)______     2.steal(过去分词)______

  3.wife(复数)______       4.sit(现在分词)______

  5.well(比较级)______      6.bad(最高级)______

  7.liberate(名词)______     8.brave(副词)______

  9.they(名词性物主代词)______  10.up(反义词)______


  1.She came to Beijing in ______ ['dN$nju+ri]

  2.Did you take your ______ ['tikit]

  3.Mr. Brown has a ______ [fa:m]

  4.I'm so hungry. I want to have some bread and __ ['vedNit+bl]

八、句型转换 (8分)


  1.This is our teacher's office.(改成一般问句)

   ______ ______ ______ teacher's office?

  2.Do you want to go with me?(作肯定回答)

   ______, I ______.

  3.She can swim.(改成否定句)

   She ______ ______.

  4.It's going to rain, ______ ______?(完成反意疑问句)

  5.They are working hard.(改成感叹句)

   ______ hard they are working!

  6.My friend came here last year.(就划线部分提问)

   ______ ______ your friend ______ here?

  7."Would you like a cup of tea?" Mary asked me.(改成间接引语)

   Mary asked me ______ ______ ______ like a cup of tea.

  8.We'll clean our classroom after school.(改成被动语态)

   Our classroom ______ ______ ______ after school.


  1.My grandpa ______ (do) morning exercises every day.

  2.We ______ (have) a class meeting yesterday.

  3.They ______ (take) 20 pictures till now.

  4.When I got to the cinema, the film ______ (be on) for five minutes.

  5.Mary ______ (read) a novel when I came in.

  6.We ______ (visit) the Summer Palace next week.

  7.I ______ (spend) three hours on the problem yesterday.

  8.You had better ______ (not read) in the poor light.

  9.He ______ (not go) to bed until he finished the work.


  A: 1 me! 2 I borrow your bike, 3 ? Mine is 4 .

  B:OK! But Tom has just 5 from me.

  A: 6 luck!

  B:Don't 7 . He will 8 back soon.

  A:When will he be 9 ?

  B:Only a few minutes I think. Please wait 10 a while.

  A:OK. I will wait.