
时间:2021-07-16 08:36:13 名人名言 我要投稿


年少时的我们未曾料到,匆匆一个错身,就错失了今生。 young time we have not expected, in a hurry a wrong body, on error this life


你一走,带走了我生命里每一抹温暖的色调。剩下尽是晦涩不堪。 as soon as you walked, carry off in my life every one to wipe the warm tone. is left over is unable to withstand obscurely.

我不是不相信你,我不相信的,是我自己。 i am not do not believe you, i did not believe that is i.

爱情只是一个人的事情,冷暖自知。 love is only a person's matter, knows without being told.

这一次,他没有挽留,有些缘分就是需要,到了期限,就抓不住了。 this time, he has not detained, some fates are the needs, to the deadline, could not hold.

我相信。这个世界上有幸福,正如我相信这个世界上有爱情。 i believed. in this world has happiness, just like i believed that in this world has love.

无论如何,这个世界上只有一个你,也只有一个我。这是我们的故事。 in any event, in this world only then you, also has me. this is our story.

我们都对了还是错了,我们都爱了但是忘了。走的.时候你哭了还是怎了,我只是疼了但还是笑了。 we right mistakenly, we have loved, but forgot. walks how have time you cried, i only hurt have but smiled.

这个世上有个词语叫在劫难逃,既然这样,索性不逃。 in this world has words and expressions to call to be doomed, since like this, does not run away simply.

原来,世事都敌不过时间,喜怒哀乐都是他的手下败将。 originally, the humans affair cannot stand off the time, the laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness is his defeated general under

如果我们想不对人事失望,唯一的方法就是不要对它寄予任何希望。 if we thought that is not disappointed to the human affairs, the only method do not need to place any hope to it.

人来人往,若遇见的不是生命里注定的唯一,便只能沦为回忆里的几点唏嘘。 crowded, if meets is not only which in the life is doomed, then can only degenerate into the recollection several spots to sob.

能够说出来的,就不是秘密了。真正的痛苦是扎根在心里不能对人言的,想都不能想。 can say, was not is secret. the true pain is takes root in cannot at heart to criticism, wants not to be able to think.

谁要是忘了我,我就把谁忘掉。就算日子再忙,也要把她忘掉的那种忘掉。 if who has forgotten me, i did forget who. even if the day is again busy, also needs that kind which forgot her to forget.

与众不同的你是幸运的,何必让自己变得与别人一样。 out of the ordinary you are lucky, why becomes by oneself and others is the same.

不知不觉一年时光也如白驹过隙,暮然回首旧城往事也已昨昔今非。 unconscious one year time also like flashes by, the evening however looks back on the old city past events also already yesterday past must.

我见过千万人,像你的发,像你的眼,却都不是你的脸。 i have seen thousands of people, looks like your sending, looks like your eye, is actually not your face.

life is like an ocean. you sit and watch tides of life change, not paying much attention, while time slowly drowns you. 人生像海洋。你坐观其潮涨潮落,不经意间,时间慢慢让你沉没。所以,要珍惜每朵小浪花。

某日上佛学选修课,一方丈给大家讲学,同学们例行问了几个问题: 问:大师,这门课点名么? 答:不点。 问:大师,这门课考试吗? 答:不考。 问:大师,那期末的成绩怎么办? 答:随缘吧~~~~ 全班崩溃。共3页,当前第1页123文章来源:meiwen.anslib.com










