
时间:2023-04-25 22:19:59 环境保护论文 我要投稿
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摘要: 运用多种方法,对白水1号冰川积累区冰雪剖面的主要阴、阳离子和δ~(18)O的环境意义分析表明.受强烈淋溶作用影响,离子和δ~(18)O的季节变化不明显,剖面离子浓度显著低于雪坑,离子流失量较大.NH_4~+年际变化最为显著,与丽江降水表现出相同的变化趋势,Mg~(2+)和Ca~(2+)浓度与冰雪剖面净积累量呈反向变化.分析表明,阴离子主要是湿沉降产物,阳离子主要是干沉降产物.该剖面所反映的13年δ~(18)O比率变化介于-11.8‰~-14.6‰.冰雪剖面中δ~(18)O与西南季风指教、冰雪剖面积累量、丽江降水和丽江气温呈反向变化,表现出显著的"降水量效应". Abstract: Samples were colleted from the accumulation area, Baishui No. 1 glacier in May, 2004. The method of sea-salt ions tracer, correlation analysis and trend analysis were used in this research in order to confirm the environmental records. It is indicated that the seasonal variation of ions and δ~(18)O is very weak owing to ionic eluviation. The inter-annual variation of NH_4~+concentrations is apparent, and it is similar to the precipitation (from May to October) in Lijiang City. The variation trend is inverse between net accumulation and concentrations of Mg~(2+) and Ca~(2+). The main ionic non-marine source is local dust, and the secondary source is dust from central Asian arid regions carried by westerly circulation and the southeastern plateau bear areas with the Qinghai-Tibet plateau winter monsoon. In addition, the import of pollutants with monsoonal circulation from industrial areas has made some contribution to anions concentration in the study area. The values of δ~(18)O vary from-11.8‰ to -14.6‰, whose precipitation effect is obvious. It is important that the shallow firn profile can record environmental information in China's monsoonal temperate glacier region. 作 者: 李宗省    何元庆    和献中    贾文雄    王世金    常丽    朱国锋    辛惠娟    LI Zong-xing    HE Yuan-qing    HE Xian-zhong    JIA Wen-xiong    WANG Shi-jin    CHANG Li    ZHU Guo-feng    XIN Hui-Juan   作者单位: 李宗省,和献中,贾文雄,王世金,常丽,朱国锋,辛惠娟,LI Zong-xing,HE Xian-zhong,JIA Wen-xiong,WANG Shi-jin,CHANG Li,ZHU Guo-feng,XIN Hui-Juan(中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室/玉龙雪山冰川与环境观测研究站,兰州,730000;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049)

何元庆,HE Yuan-qing(中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室/玉龙雪山冰川与环境观测研究站,兰州,730000) 


期 刊: 地球与环境  ISTICPKU   Journal: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT  年,卷(期): 2009, 37(4)  分类号: X141 P343.6  关键词: 玉龙雪山    白水1号冰川    δ~(18)O    环境记录    Keywords: Mr. Yulong    Baishui glacier No. 1    δ~(18)O    environmental records   










