Progress of the Seasonal Evolution o

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Progress of the Seasonal Evolution of East Asian Summer Circulation during July-August and Its Linkages with the Subseas

Based on the NCAR/NCEP monthly and pentad reanalysis dataset of 1961-2003, the progress of seasonal evolution of the summer atmospheric circulation in the East Asia in July to August, including the advanced and delayed cases, and their relationships with the subseasonal processes over the western North Pacific are analyzed and compared with that of climatology. The results show that the progress of seasonal cycle is advanced about a month ahead of the climatological time when the convection during 20-29 July is active in the region of the subtropical West Pacific (15°-25°N, 150°-165°E), while it is delayed about one month when weaker convections appear in the same region. Instead, the relative active convection for the latter occurs in Pentad 46 (14-18 August). It is proved that the convective activities in the early July in the equatorial central and east Pacific, and then the convective anomalies in the subtropical western North Pacific can excite the formation of the acceleration and delay of the seasonal circulation evolution in the East Asia in the late summer. The preceding subseasonal processes over the western North Pacific, including the time-lag interactions among the active convection in the late June and early July, the Northwest Pacific anticyclone,the underlying sea surface temperature and low-level winds anomalies, and their relationships with the anomalous seasonal evolution of the summer atmospheric circulation in the East Asia in late July are also investigated. However, further study, especially the numerical experiments, is needed on the mechanism of the anomaly summer seasonal cycle in the East Asia and the Northwest Pacific.

Progress of the Seasonal Evolution of East Asian Summer Circulation during July-August and Its Linkages with the Subseas

作 者: LIAO Qinghai TAO Shiyan LIN Yonghui   作者单位: LIAO Qinghai,TAO Shiyan(Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029)

LIN Yonghui(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081) 

刊 名: 气象学报(英文版)  SCI 英文刊名: ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA  年,卷(期): 2005 19(2)  分类号: P4  关键词: seasonal cycle   convection   subseasonal anomalies  

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