Monte Carlo simulation of the proper

时间:2023-04-28 20:13:08 数理化学论文 我要投稿
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Monte Carlo simulation of the property of a scintillation bar in the multi-neutron correlation spectrometer

To perform a kinematically complete measurement of the dissociation reaction for neutron-rich nuclei, a multi-neutron correlation spectrometer is proposed at Peking University.A Monte Carlo simulation code based on GEANT4 is developed for a single scintillation bar which processes not only the energy deposition but also the light propagation in the scintillator and the light collection and conversion to signal at the end of the bar in a realistic way. The simulating method is described in detail in this paper, and the timing and position resolutions and detector efficiency are studied based on the simulation and compared with the experimental results.A new method of crosstalk rejection has been demonstrated to be important for the design of the whole spectrometer.

作 者: SONG Yu-Shou YE Yan-Lin GE Yu-Cheng L(U) Lin-Hui Faisal Q. JIANG Dong-Xing HUA Hui ZHENG Wao LI Zhi-Huan LI Xiang-Qing LOU Jian-Ling LU Fei FAN Feng-Ying CAO Zhong-Xin LI Qi-Te XIAO Jun   作者单位: School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China  刊 名: 中国物理C(英文版)  ISTIC 英文刊名: CHINESE PHYSICS C  年,卷(期): 2009 33(10)  分类号: O4  关键词: neutron wall   Monte Carlo simulation   neutron halo  

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