Processing for laser radar range ima

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Processing for laser radar range images

Imaging laser radar can give intensity and range images, which provide integrated 3-dimensional (3D)information about objects. However, dropouts and range anomalies exacerbate range images, which makes their background cluttered and target blurred. For background suppression, a new algorithm that combines intensity image and its mean is presented. By using this algorithm to process actual laser radar range images, most background noises are suppressed. According to range anomalies characteristics, multitemplate selection order mean filtering algorithm is presented and used for actual ladar range images where the distance between two targets is 77 m. This algorithm obtains the clear range image in which the interval of two objects is 75 m. The result shows that the processing algorithm is correct and effective.

作 者: 李自勤 李琦 田兆硕 王永珍 孙剑峰 杜伟 王骐   作者单位: National Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology, Institute of Opto-Electronic,Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001  刊 名: 中国光学快报(英文版)  ISTIC EI 英文刊名: CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS  年,卷(期): 2004 2(4)  分类号: O43  关键词:  

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